The Weapons of Our Warfare

There have been great men of war who have devised great plans of strategy in bringing forth victory after victory or for winning decisive battles. Each of these men trusted that their strategies were planned better than their adversaries. But devising strategies and tactics is futile undertaking unless you have manpower to execute those strategies and those executions would be impossible without weapons. Weapons and strategies coupled together is like having money in the bank while writing a check, one secures the other and one is impossible without the other. Therefore strategies and tactics must be devised with the utilization and feasibility of various kinds of weapons in mind.

The location and strength of enemy forces constitute the decision of which weapon to employ in a particular campaign. These weapons must either cripple and halt the enemy's advance or insure his defeat or surrender. In any event, weapons is a determining factor as to whether strategies and tactics will work or not. A weapon is defined as an instrument or device used for fighting any kind of warfare, therefore anything employed against opposition can be termed as a weapon. There is chemical and biological warfare, psychological warfare, thermo-nuclear warfare: warfare in which we use chemicals, propaganda, high-intensity heat, silence, water, printing, etc. All of these things are used to meet a specific objective and bring about the destruction of any opposition which might be in the way of that objective. One form of warfare not very commonly mentioned or observed is spiritual warfare. As in any warfare so as in spiritual warfare, weapons must be employed to secure the success of strategies and tactics devised to destroy the works of the enemy (Satan) and insure the freedom of individuals.

God being the ultimate strategist and military genius knew that sending His son to die on the cross was not enough in itself to insure the liberation of man and open back up a realm of deliverance and power over sin. He gave us weapons to ensure the success of this strategy. He gave us the blood of Jesus, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness, the gosel, the spear of prayers, His true love, praise, etc. All these weapons are employed against Satan and his army to bring about his destruction and to gain God's objective. When Jesus sent the twelve forth to make and train disciples, he did not send them out without weapons or the knowledge of how to use those weapons. This started the concept of what we know as spiritual warfare. And today that war is still raging on in the spirit realm. It has not died down but has rather intensified. Civilization has changed, people's way of thinking has changed, Satan's mode of killing, stealing, and destroying has changed, but God's objective has NOT changed. As man's mind expands, carnal weapon become more sophisticated and as a result those weapons which beforehand were deemed as advanced weaponry, became obsolete.

Praise God our weapons are not carnal but Mighty, Spiritual, and Eternal. They do not become obsolete as do carnal weapons therefore the way we utilize them must be ever broadened so as to keep up with time and circumstance. God desires His people to know what their weapons are and how to use them because we have an unfinished task to accomplish. When we are born again, weapons and a commission are placed in our hands. We are to take stock of what this commission is and learn how to use our weapons so that we can take part in God's objective, to fight against Satan and sin, to conquer, to take prisoners, to establish and govern territories for Jesus Christ, to make way for His kingdom to come upon this earth.

The Belt of Truth

Part of the ancient Roman soldier's uniform was a thick leather belt which holstered his sheath and sword. On this belt hanged an apron also made of leather. This leather apron was cut into strips and studded with one-inch to two-inch iron plates. This apron was designed as part of the solider's belt to protect the groin area from injuries which might occur during battle. Paul observed this in his captivity while under guard by Roman soldiers. Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:14 that just as the Roman soldiers were girt about with their leather belts, we should be girt about with the truth. Protection against injury was not the only thing in mind when the leather belt was invented. After 25 years of service any soldier in the Roman army was granted tax-free citizenship. Both the soldier and that which proceeded from his loins benefited from the implementations of this belt, not only the soldier's immediate family, but the generations to come.

In the same way, truth is not only for us, but also for those which preceed from our spiritual loins. This is the whole point of Christians being girt about with truth. Our loins must be girt about with truth so that we do not bring forth souls in error, which would lead Christians to stray into a backslidden condition where they loose out with God. So being girt about with truth is not an optional command, it is an absolute one. God desires for us to reproduce in sincerity and truth, not in falsehood, frivolity, and worldliness, for a seed can only reproduce after its own kind. A good tree cannot produce evil fruit and a corrupt tree cannot produce good fruit (Matt. 7:17-19) If we inherit defective genes from our parents we will be born with some sort of handicap or disability. If we then bring forth life into this world they will also be born with defective genes. Some live normal lives while others are not so fortunate. They have to go through life crippled, blind, deaf, dumb and some eventually die. I have met "Christians" with purple hair, who watch hours of worldly television, who wear worldly fashions and hairstyles which they have seen in worldly beauty magazines, who listen to rock music, and exhibit many other worldly traits. They are the victims of defective genes. If these Christians had been born of someone having their loins girt about with truth they would be living sincere lives obeying the truth in deed and, not just in tongue. Churches today are reproducing a generation of crippled, deaf, dumb, blind and retarded Christians. God desires children born of pure uncorrupted seed. (1 Peter 1:23)

One might be asking, "how can the seed of life which Christians sow in people's hearts be defiled when that seed is of Christ?" The same way that the traditions of men make the Word of God of none effect. When we are unprotected by truth, we start to listen to that which is easy or pleasing to our flesh, and our loins (our source of protection) will be exposed and infected by Satan's lies and as a result we will live lives of falsehood and deceit; then what will we reproduce, bastards or sons of God? wheat or tares? obedient sons and daughters or rebellious lawless brats? Many know the truth, but are they wearing it? 1 Corinthians 9:27 tells us, "but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." This scripture is indicative of the many who have preached the Word of God which is truth, but did not obey it. Had they been obeying it (the truth) it would have given them an assured place in the Kingdom of God, but because they chose to preach it only and not wear it they live a life of hypocrisy, falsehood, and lies. Let us remember that we are in a war against Satan, and his offensive weaponry is mostly made up of lies and deceit. The only way that the belt of truth is going to protect us is if we are obeying the truth.

The Breastplate of Righteousness

For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head, and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke. Isaiah 59:17

Imagine if you can, a soldier with full armor on advancing towards the enemy under the command of his captain. As he is attempting to lift his shield and go forward, arrows shot out from the enemy rain hard upon his breastplate. Even though the arrows burst into splinters upon contact the soldier undoubtedly felt the concussions of the arrows force! Therefore because he did not depend soley upon his shield for protection but wore a breastplate as a backup, he survived the enemy's arrows.

Let us compare this circumstance to spiritual warfare, and by so doing we will get a clearer picture of what the breastplate of righteousness really is. The breastplate is donned upon salvation and its resiliency to withstand the force of Satan's darts (arrows) is tempered with obedience. This obedience will bring forth righteousness which works as a fortification for our hearts against evil. (Acts 5:3-4, Acts 8:21-22, John 13:2). This breastplate is a backup for our shields during those times when our faith/shields are not at a protective level, in other words, when our faith needs lifting. It is crucial during these times that our breastplate be tempered because many times the Lord will require us to attain higher level in Him and Satan will be there to hinder or prevent this from happening. It takes more faith to walk at a higher level of maturity with the Lord. This is why I say that our faith/shields are not at a protective level yet during these times. But because we are advancing in obedience under the command of our Captain we are seemingly vulnerable to Satan's arrows, our faith being lower than where we are attempting to walk. Satan will seize the opportunity to fire arrows at our hearts thinking that they will do harm to us because our shields are not up yet. But if we are advancing in obedience in the direction that He commands us to go, Satan's arrows will be nullified. Therefore obedience to His commands is imputed to us for righteousness which serves as our breastplates (James 2:23) It takes more faith to advance in spritual warfare (James 2:17-20)

We must realize that no matter how hard we try we cannot muster up any righteousness of our own. All of our righteousness is as filthy rags, and since when do filthy rags stop arrows from penetrating anyone's heart. (Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:10) Fine suits, fine smiles, fine works, fine speech, and fine churches: these are our foolish attempts to portray righteousness, but, the truth is that the only way that we are going to possess righteousness as a breastplate is by obeying God's commands. Deuteronomy 6:23-25 says, "he brought us out from thence, that He might bring us in, to give us the land which He sword unto our fathers. And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that He might preserve us alive; as it is at this day. And is shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as He hath commanded us". Again in Deuteronomy 9:4-6 we read, "speak not in thine heart, after that the Lord thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying, For my righteousness the Lord hath brought me in to possess this land... Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprighteness of thine heart... the Lord thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness." How much clearer can it be?

Many times I see my own wretchedness and when I see it I do things to improve MYSELF, and when I do this I am walking contrary to the way He is wanting me to walk. Because I am attempting to establish my own righteousness, I am forsaking His standard of righteousness ( which is His provision to be used as a breastplate ). I leave my heart exposed to Satan's arrows. All this happens because we fail to realilze the reason why He is commanding us forth , is that we may possess the prize of the high calling. Phil. 3:14 and bring froth that hundredfold fruit. Matt. 13:23 While we are constantly being obedient to His commands, Satan's weaponry has no power on us to bring forth the fruits of the flesh but they start to wither and decay and the only things left of them are the seeds which are potential fruits of the flesh that are watered by our disobedience if we stop obeying Him. We are commanded to put this breastplate on because opposition comes by moving forward. If you are a lukewarm, passive, stagnant Christian, then you are not wearing a brestplate, you are clothed with filthy rags and filled with arrows. You are spiritually dead. Salvation is where we start to walk, not where we start to sit. How can we hope to obtain the righteousness/breastplate of God if we are not moving out from our starting points under His command. We can't because His commands and our obedience are our righteousness/breastplates.

In conclusion the bible tells us that blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they sahll be filled Matt 5:6 Hunger and thirst for righteousness come as a result of our seeing our own wretched selves in the sight of God. We want this righteousness to possess holiness and to be free of sin. This is where the hunger comes in. God will fill that hunger by giving us a command to obey. As we obey this command, His righteousness will abide about us as a breastplate and we will be impervious to Satan's arrows, so making a way for us to obtain holiness.

Feet shod with the Gospel

Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:15, to have our feet show with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Shod means to put on like a shoe. We are to put the gospel on our feet and be prepared to move out against the falsehoods and lies of the devil. We are to tread down everything that opposes the truth. Paul told Timothy, "be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:2 This scripture shows us that the gospel is meant to be a combative force upon the earth, not a passive sermon to be preached to pew-warming backslidden "Christians" every Sunday. We are to move out and subdue the enemy. 1 Cor. 15:25 declares that He (Jesus) must reign until he hath put all enemies under His feet. And again in Romans 16:20 we read "the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." There seems to be somewhat of a contradiction here. But there are no contradictions in the Word of God. So then the feet which Paul is referring to in both of these portions of scripture are His people. He is the head, (Col 1:18) and we are the body (1 Cor. 12:1-31), therefore God is going to subdue and put enemies under using our feet which are shod with the gospel of peace. Some ignorant pacifist will say, "I thought it was a gospel of peace; why then is there all this talk of treading down, and combating, and putting under?" Just in case you have not noticed, peace in many instances is a result of war. That is why Jesus' Gospel is called the gospel of peace. Peace is the end result of the preaching of the gospel, because the gospel was given to man to bring him peace by teaching him to war against that which seeks to slay his soul. Although the gospel is not an antagonist in war, it will oftentimes take the offensive and engage any opposition (such as false religions, heresies, compromise, lukewarmness, lies, etc) that is against the work of the cross. It automatically attacks anything that is false because it is truth. This is why Paul wrote that we should have our feet shod in preparation to move out against opposition.

Many "Christians" in this hour can see how Satan's works are prevailing against man as man tries to reform society through psychiatry, correctional institutions, medicines, and military might. All these things are useless. As these "Christians" observe all of these things they grow more selfish, fearful, and apathetic, taking the turbulence of our times as a sign that the pre-tribulation rapture is about to occur at any moment. As they put all of their hopes in the rapture, all of their motivation to do anything concerning the prevalent evils of our time dies out since the Lord could take us out at any moment.) This mentality is Satan's strategy of the hour against Christians, a very successful strategy called, "contain and pacify" which keeps Chrisitans contained within the four walls of their churches and homes and pacifying them with the pre-tribulation rapture theory, while the devils from hell drive the world into deeper darkness. What an absurd and ludicrous mentality Satan has put over those in the church in this hour that they would ever think that God would cause His people to live their own lives in passivity and apathy while the souls that He sent His Son to die for slip into hell. It is time to move out and subdue the enemy. The gospel was delivered to us as Christians that we with it might subdue kingdoms, shake nations, bring mighty men to their knees and march against the kingdom of the devil, not so we could say "my feet are shod with the gospel" and plop them up on our footstools. Don't think that your feet are shod with the gospel just because you read about it. If you are not going against that which is false then you are barefoot and deceived.

Shield of Faith

Have you ever considered the beating and blows that a shield used in battle must absorb? Arrows, battle axes, and the constant pounding of swords would seem to destroy the shield. Actually, it depends on the type of metal that the shield is made out of as to whether it is destroyed or not. Believe it or not, there are some types of metals that get tempered or hardened by usage and strain. So a shield made of this type of metal would become stronger with use. Just think, if this shield wasn't used very much it could actually become undependable. So a shield made of this type of metal would have to be used much to become stronger. Keeping this in mind, lets talk about the shield of faith. This shield is not made of the same kind of material as other shields, for it is a spiritual substance. Like the shield that we mentioned before gets strengthened through much use, so the shield of faith, becomes stronger the more we use it.

In spiritual warfare the attacks of the enemy are swift, violent, and fierce, and everyday the enemy beats against our shield with lies, doubts, deceits, lusts, etc, but the more that we use our shield to gain ground in the spirit, invading enemy territory, the stronger it becomes. It has to be this way, for as we press forwared towards the mark of the high calling, our warfare will demand greater strength to come forth from our shields of faith. The beating that our shields take now is nothing compared with the beating that they will go through in the future, if we continue to press into and through enemy territory. This brings me to a vital point in this article, which is that the shield of faith is called a shield because it is used in war, and it is a battle to resist the Devil and his temptations and keep our hearts right with God. In essence the shield of faith was given to us that we might war a good warfare. With this in mind we can really see the fallacy of the prosperity by faith message. Tell me, is there any warfare involved in believing God for a new house, car, or a bigger bank account? Absolutely not! It takes no warfare at all, in fact, the only warfare that the prosperity Christian knows about is the warfare against the Holy Spirit as the Spirit convicts their greedy hearts. So what does a shield of war have to do with getting rich and prosperous? Nothing at all! Instead the Bible says that we are to take up the shield of faith in order that we might quench the fiery darts of the Devil; not to get rich. Can you imagine taking a large shield to a bank and expecting the bank teller to give you several thousand dollars just because you have a huge shield? You'd be left standing there while the teller went to help a real customer. Yet many Christians approach God like this. However, nowhere in the Bible do you read that men used faith as a means to get rich. They instead used faith to conquer enemies whether they were inside or outside of themselves. So it all boils down to this: God gives us a shield for war while Satan deludes us into thinking that this shield is to be used to get material gain. Satan is the god of this world and he has all the materialistic baubles that a greedy heart could ask for, but the Lord of hosts, our Captain and supreme Commander, Jesus Christ has sounded the charge (Matt. 28:18-20) to advance in this war and the shield that He gives us is for this purpose only.

"...taking the shield of faith..."
(Eph. 6:16)

In taking the shield of faith we meet the devil as a militant. Paul could have been thinking here of the Parthians. They were great horse-archers who came against the Roman armies. He knew how the Roman soldier fought. The soldier would peer over the shield

These attacks come with such suddenness and abruptness. Now Peter says, "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you." Peter is reminding us that his is an attack of the enemy. "Get up the shield of faith!" "Be sober, be viligant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour; whom resist steadfast in the faith." (1 Peter 5:8,9) In the faith! That is how we resist the devil, "...This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (1 John 5:4). "Genuine FAITH in God and His Word is something more than moving out upon that Word of promise no farther than we can see with our natural eyes, and believing only as far as we can SEE, and as Providence performs in our SIGHT. It means a decisive net of belief against all opposing elements and mountains of difficulties that may seemingly bar the way to an answer to our prayer.

The Helmet of Salvation

Paul likened salvation to a helmet. Why? Because salvation is also a protective covering. Just as a natural soldier must abide under his helmet to stay protected, we in like manner must stay under the Helmet of Salvation. The Helmet of Salvation is God's provsions to man to protect his mind from being influenced by all the elemental forces of sin which Satan sends at our thought-life. The helmet which Paul admonishes the Christian to wear is in all actuality the Lord Jesus Christ, for He becomes our protective covering as long as we abide in Him, which means that as long as He is fully in charge of our lives and we are abiding under His headship we shall be preserved both soul and spirit at His coming.

We can't go out into the world and partake of it and say that we are abiding under Christ. When we live for the world and self we are no longer covered by the Helmet of Salvation. The Bible says, "put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh." Romans 13:14. What too many christians fail to realize is that we can have Jesus in our hearts but still not have Him at the head of our lives. When we make a way for the flesh to flourish we are no longer protected against the evil influence of Satan which is prevalent among the world's peoples. As a result our thinking will be infiltrated and pretty soon we will start living and thinking as the world does. If we do this we might as well join the world's crowd because we will suffer the wrath of God just like they will. 2 Cor. 6:17,18 I know that this is contrary to Baptist belief but nonetheless it cannot be refuted. What the Baptists fail to realize is that Jesus will never forsake us (Heb. 13:5) but we can forsake Him. Hebrews 3:12 warns us, "Take heed brethren lest there be in any of YOU an evil heart of unbelief in DEPARTING from the living God." The children of Israel are prime examples of those who forsook God and incurred the wrath of God upon themselves.

Christianity is a warfare from beginning to end. Along the way the unskillful are destroyed in the faith and follow Jesus no more. Likewise, there is a vast majority who even though they don't claim to have forsaken Jesus have done just that, they are walking according to the course of this world and not under Him. Their minds are full of the filth of this world because they have stopped abiding under the Christian's only source of protection to the thought life. The Helmet of Salvation will see us through this war and He will assure us a sober and a spiritual mind on the battle field. Remember Jesus Christ is the Helmet of salvation and as long as we stay under Him we will survive the war and see His kingdom established upon the earth.

The Sword of the Spirit

Jesus said, "they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" When Jesus made this statement, he was not advocating peace as some think because before He made this statement, He told Peter, "put up again thy sword into His place." (Matt. 26:52) Why was Peter carrying around a sword when Jesus knew that swords were instruments of war? When Jesus made this statement He was simply giving reference to life as a carnal soldier. Any soldier enlisted in an army lived by the sword and eventually died by the sword in battle.

The only reason why Jesus told Peter to put up the sword was because it was not ordained that Peter should die fighting with a carnal weapon in his hand. If Jesus had not told Peter to put up his sword unto its sheath, a fight would have ensued between Peter and the crowd who came to apprehend Jesus. Peter, being unskilled in carnal weapons would have possibly died at the hands of the crowd. However, the statment still holds true in the Spirit: "they that take the sword (of the Spirit) shall perish by it, which is to say, if you live your life as a Christian soldier you will live by what is written in the word of God, and you will die by what is written in the word of God, be it natural or spiritual. Many Christians have given their natural lives wielding the Sword of the Spirit. And if we live by the Sword of the Spirit we will die by it, (to ourselves, that is). The Sword of the Spirit will slay us and our self-lives also. When Jesus was taken into the temple to be consecrated to God, Simeon told Mary, "yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed" (Luke 2:25), which is to say that no one is exempt from the operation of the Sword. Just because we wield the Sword does not mean that we do not get cut by it. The Sword has two edges on it and one of them is for us. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the Heart. That is what Simeon told Mary. We will not get very far at all in God unless we let the Sword pierce asunder and expose our own wickedness. We must let the Sword operate in a reciprocal manner, As we are wielding it away from us we must receive it back again unto ourselves. This is the greatest task of the Sword. The greatest battle to be fought with the Sword of the Spirit is when Jesus fights against our wills to rule and reign in our hearts because many of us will not surrender willingly.

The Sword is the Word of God and is absolutely essential in the Christian walk. The word 'sword' as used in the New Testament refers to judicial punishment, a battle, a war, controversy, or dispute. In the Gospel of Matthew the 10th chapter, Jesus says, "Think not that I come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword, For I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." In these verses the Lord was giving us the first example of the Sword of His Truth as one that would cause separation, dispute, or controversy. The first division that often comes as Christians is with those of our own household. As we share the discovery of the love and joy in JESUS with our loved ones, many of us have had a sad awakening as the sword has brought instead of approval, disputes and controversy. Then comes the test as the New Christian is forced to choose between following after the Lord or following after the opinions of unregenerate loved ones. Many stumble, some turn back and follow Him no more, but there are those who will persist in following the ONE WHO HAS GIVEN THEM A GREATER LOVE than the one cut away by the Sword. In Ephesians 6:17, we are told, "... take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." This admonition is for the spiritual battle that we fight with the demonic forces that are constantly harassing and opposing the Christian who is advancing in the Lord. We are pressed into using the Sword as a weapon as we are engaged in war with the dark forces of the evil one. In Hebrews 4:12, there is another us of the sword: "For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing assunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." In this place we become intimately acquainted with the sword, to a place of either loving or hating its work in our lives. If we yield ourselves to His sword, we will be divided asunder, and He will separate the precious from the vile, the corrupt and the incorrupt. And, we grow to appreciate the ministry of the sword as our lives are brought into the subjection of Jesus Christ, and with His sword He does battle to become the King of kings and Lord of lords of our

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