The Soldier of the Cross


The need for a dedicated and fearless army of deliverers grows more apparant as we move further into the all-out warfare with the demonic legions of Satan. We have a "power of authority" in the right to use the Name of Jesus Christ and the position His shed blood and resurrection victory have given us.

Away with laziness, ignorance, and superficial remedies which do not correct the critical situation. We must gird ourselves for battle and come to grips with the unbelievably strong inroads evil spirits have made. Their sneering, proud boasts must be stopped by real and smashing victories won by triumphant Christians armed with the truth. We must have as much determination and persistence as the enemies have shown in their campain to overrun and establish their claims to the 'land'.

God has always planned for His people to win, and theirs is to be an active, not merely passive, participation in the battle. Defensive tactics will never win. We must pray that God will raise up fearless leaders, men and women, young people, who will encourage and lead a wholesale onslaught against the satanic hosts. The prison walls must be breached, the doors flung open and the glad news released that there is a way of freedom and victory for the prisoners of demonic bondage.

Believers armed witih knowledge and authority must no longer crouch in the trenches and pillboxes, paralyzed by fear, but must abandon their defensive position, fix bayonets and charge the enemy. We must hit him hard, pulling down strongholds in body, mind and soul and throw the armies of the evil one back in utter confusion and defeat before the Name of Jesus Christ.

This fight is not for the fainthearted but for those who are committed to follow the Lord Jesus even unto death if need be. (Revelation 12:11) The call to all-out sacrifice for the sake of God's will and purpose has been all but lost today. So much which is spoken and written today might lead one to believe that God is some sort of supermarket and that the Holy Spirit is a glorified errand boy whose main job is to gratify our every whim, flooding us with material blessing.

Our Pattern, the Lord Jesus was the most misunderstood person who ever walked the earth. Those who were his closest associates continually misunderstood and misinterpreted what He was doing and why, although He repeatedly explained it to them. Because He paid such a tremendous price, you and I need never walk alone as He did.

Our Lord is a God of war and has made provision for all of us to become warriors. Unfortunately, we live in a day where the slogan of most churches is, "For we wrestle not." Period! We need those who will continue the verse and wrestle with principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, world rulers, kings and princes of darkness, defeating them in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (ephesians 6:12)

Our armor is designed to stand up under the most savagely fierce attacks of the enemy and our weaponry to counterattack is infinitely superior to that of the foe. We must enter basic and advanced training to learn how to defeat the enemy in the all-out war raging in the heavenlies. We are not alone, beleaguered saint, for multiplied millions of God's warrior angels are already engaging the enemy here and in the heavenlies. Huge reserves are awaiting the call into battle in the Name of Jesus (Matt 18:18; Heb 1:7,14). God also still has His own 7,000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal, although we may not know where they are. (1 Kings 19:18)

Satan and his forces are neither invincible nor unbeatable and we need to become careful students of God's Word to learn what the Spirit is saying to the Body of Christ in this end-time windup of the battle, both in the heavenlies and on the earth. It is a vicious war with no quarter given or asked and the stakes are tremendous. The souls and very lives of millions of people hang on the outcome of this fierce raging conflict.

Deliverance (the casting out of demons) wil increasingly assume critical importance in the days ahead as God moves to purge and cleanse the Church. Believers will never be able to function to full capacity in witnessing, holy living, warfare, or the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit so long as the devil has this stranglehold through the demons residing within them.

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