General Deborah Green

"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is at enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."
James 4:4

How guilty are Christians of trying to be friends with the world? This is the generation when the church has gone to bed with the world and she is producing "strange" children. Children who know not God as their Father, yet are naming the name of the Lord. God never intended for His people to lust after the world or the things that are in the world. Yet we see a generation whereby Christians have taken on the coverings of the world to an unbelievable extent. Promoted by the glamour of television Christianity, believers no longer see the need to be separate and clean unto the Lord but because they are drunken with the wine of worldliness, they are staggering daily down the pathway to destruction. Over and over, God's people are exhorted to remain separate from the world and not to give themselves over to the heathen standards round about. In this generation, the Christians have become so blind, that they are the first to condemn and crucify the consecrated and separated people of God. The Christians of the modern church are guilty of crucifying Christ afresh when they desire to murder those who have heard the call of God and have come out to be a separated people. Could it be the condemners are actually convicted by those who are obedient in their lifestyles and therefore they attempt to do away with those peculiar people who convict them of their own sinfulness and worldliness?

This is the generation when many false prophets and ungodly ministers have filled the churches, who walk as brute beasts, after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, despising governments. These ones are presumptuous, and self-willed, not afraid to speak evil of dignities. According to God's word (see II Peter 2) they are made to be taken and destroyed and they speak evil of things they understand not. It says that these shall utterly perish in their own corruption, and receive the reward of unrighteousness. Whilst they sport themselves about with their eyes full of adultery, they cannot cease from sin, and yell as they will against the righteous, they, are actually the ones who are condemned. God's word tells us that they are CURSED CHILDREN WHO HAVE FORSAKEN THE RIGHT WAY AND ARE GONE ASTRAY AND HAVE LOVED THE WAGES OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS AND ARE SLAVES WHILE THEY PROMISE LIBERTY. How foolish and stupid are these ones who see themselves as so free when they are indeed slaves of sin and whilst they are promising an 'easy way to serve God' to those who would listen to them, they are actually messengers of Satan, bringing the dupes into condemnation and judgement for their sins. This is the hour when truly God's people must separate or be destroyed for the pollution, the ungodliness, the filthiness is so great that only those who are separated enough to hear what God is saying will be able to stand in the righteousness of God and proclaim His name with boldness. Do not be deceived, for God is not mocked and if ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM. So many are deceived by the lusts of their own hearts, preferring darkness to light because their deeds are evil. Preferring a harlot's lies to the truth spoken because the truth reproves them of their sins and they would rather continue in their sins because it gives them license to promote ungodliness in the name of 'Christianity". From the top to the bottom, the modern church is full of filth, corruption, sin, and devastation. While the ministers think that they are being 'liberal' minded and paving the way for more people to 'acknowledge' Christ, what they are actually doing is providing a way for more people to become 'two fold' children of hell. They are through their promises of freedom, bringing men into everlasting chains of darkness, for if we do not reprove the unfruitful works of darkness, we provide a man with the very slave chains of hell. God does not want His people to be servants of sin, nor has He asked them to become followers of the world, but He desires them to be HIS AND HIS ALONE.

In first John, God's word tells us that all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are all not of the Father, but of the world and that the world will pass away, but it is God who will abide forever and him that doeth the will of God will abide forever. How many Christians are wasting their lives on worldliness, on vanity, on nonsense which will pass away and they will have nothing before God? Oh, blind guides, leading the blind and realizing not that these things will bring forth nothing in the end but destruction and separation from God, these are the leaders of today's church... fools who are bringing God's people into death for eternity through their false promises of liberality. If only men would open their eyes and unstop their ears, they would hear what the Spirit of God is saying, and God's spirit is calling for a people holy and true who will belong to Him and Him only, who will shun the works of darkness, who will reprove the sins of the body of Christ, who will be willing to bear reproach and come out from among the corrupted filth and come into the glorious truth of the living God. In this hour, those who are walking uprightly will have to suffer scoffing from those who have left the truth and preferred darkness because of the evilness of their deeds. There are those who have come into the light and have rejected the light because they did not want to pay the price of separation from the world, and so, because they are as the dog who has returned to it's vomit, they eat as the whorish woman, wiping their mouths and saying they have done no evil. Then at the same time, they will mock, scoff, and ridicule those who are still walking in righteousness and will join with the world in trying to degrade those who have chosen to walk in the holy standard of God. As the word exposes them plainly, "They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt continued with us, but they went out, that they might manifest that they were not all of us." In this, they are revealed for the dogs that they are, for they have not allowed God to circumcise their hearts and consequently, they run after the world and it's trappings, showing of a reality that their hearts were never really with God and His righteousness, but with Satan. God's word is sharp, and it will divide asunder the precious from the vile and it will expose those who are walking in darkness. When the word of God calls someone an adulterer or an adulteress for their friendship with the world, that is exactly what it means. God does not desire His people to fornicate with the world and then to act as though what they produce is acceptable to God. God does not need the product of spiritual adultery but He will have a pure seed who are not mingled with the world. God desires a people who will adhere themselves to His holy standard and not be deviated from it, who will stand boldly, despite the opposition, despite the ridicule, despite the many voices which murmur and complain against the truth. He is calling forth a people who will bear His image, His likeness and His glory in this dark and sin cursed earth. So many professors of Christianity are missing the light of it and are settling instead for a bowl of rotted pottage, they are as Esau, they are selling their inheritance for the things of this world. How cheap are those things compared to the inheritance which is promised to us in the Lord Jesus. A doulbe minded man is unstable in all his ways, and a man who is trying to please the world and please God will end up pleasing neither, for God will not be brought into the standard of the world to gain popularity with man, but if man does not come to the standard of God then he will lose out with God. God is bringing forth a people who will say, "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."

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