
Oh Father, once again I come to You
I've fallen again Lord, so many times
Do not forget me Lord, hear my cries
This evil has darkened my eyes
Dwell in me, help me to do what is right
I have lost my way, be my guiding Light
Father of eternity, I call upon your name this night
Carry me, for I can no longer walk this path
My soul longs for You
I need Your peace,
my God Look upon this wretched soul
Lead me to the still waters I long for
I hunger for Your sweet fellowship
Satan has come to destroy me
Change me forever, let this evil flee
You are my Refuge, lead me to the path of Righteousness
Break me, Oh Lord Jesus
I have strayed so far away
I've become the forever prodigal son
Shine Your Love upon this evil one
Oh God, I have fallen so far
Forgive me Lord, You know my heart
Dwell in me and change my life, Oh Lord
Shine Your face upon this child
Show me the way, for I am only a baby
Let me see you Oh Lord, speak to me
for I am empty
Oh Lord, show me Your mercy and grace
I have shielded my eyes from Your holy face
This world swept upon me like a flood
Redeem me once again with a drop of Your holy blood
You called, yet I turned away
Let Your love pour upon me as the rain
For I can no longer bear this pain
You walked after me, yet I ran from You
This night, Oh Lord, I give myself to You
My soul cries out, hear my prayers
Stretch out Your hand once again oh Lord
Let me not be shaken, strengthen my faith
Oh Lord, maker and keeper of my life
I run to You, annoint me with Your spirit
To please You Lord, that is my quest
Help me to stand through all the tests
Destroy this flesh and let the spirit rule
I will not back down, for Your word is true
To live by the Spirit is what I will do
My trust, my heart, my soul, I put in YOU.

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