God's Revolution

When Christians live under the delusion that they may go their own way and follow their own understandings they are basically in captivity to carnality. Christ did not die to lead us into captivity to carnality, but He died to lead us forth into the realm of freedom from enslavement, bondage and oppression of the beastly, carnal state common to all men. At their very best state, men are altogether vain. What this means is that irrespective of cultural attainment, education, or career, that those pursuits which pertain to the uplifing of the carnal man are in God's sight vain and vexation of spirit.

When a man or woman's own lusts lead them, through the temptation fo the wicked one, into a dimension aside from obedience to the Father, they literally are led again into the transgression of Adam and the fall of Eve. We are living in a time when many christians are living in the dimension of transgressors and all the time deluding themselves that they are pleasing God. This delusion brings on a drunken state of being, whereby the Christian increases in his or her transgressions and disobediences, thereby bringing upon their lives and the lives of their children, the curses of God's wrath, which He stores for the children of disobedience.

Those who declare that they are following the Lord, whilst they pursue lives of self-indulgence, greed, lust for power and recognition are as drunken men, reeling about in their own intoxicated state, attempting to justify their disobedience through lies, pretensions, and hypocrisies. The Word of God tells us that the way of transgressors is hard. (Prov. 13:15) Therefore when God's people transgress God, then does their way become hard. That is to say, they are banished from the realm of Eden and taken on the pathway of thorns and thistles. Too many in these times have transgressed the Lord, not in obvious sins like adultery, murder or theivery, but in the very subtle sin of self-love. Self-love is a category of sin whereby the Adamic nature manifests itself in peculiarities of indulgence and self-glorification.

The perfect state that Adam was in before the fall was a state, a condition of communtion, communication with the Father. Whey they, Adam and Eve, were deceived and led into sin, the temptation was that... thou shalt be as gods. Does not that same temptation evidence itself today in the selfish driving ambition which motivates so many "Christian" works and workers? There are literally multitudes who claim they are working and living for God yet nothing could be farther from the truth, for they are dead in spiritual stagnation. They are the ones who have been strangulated by their own lusts, their own greed, their own religious ambitions to be God. The results are insignificant in the sense of spiritual transformation and those they seek to influence are only led into the same destitution of spiritual isolation from the presence of the Living God.

When any man or woman sets out to establish their own code, their own way, their own righteousness, they literally set their course on the highway to Hell. Even though the self-willed may put on great shows to be seen of men, and even though they may receive recogntion of men, the course of the self will can only be death. How absurd, how mad it is, in these times when men and women through the determinate madness of religion have gone off in the error of Adam and the delusion of Eve. There is no way that leads to life that begins in self. Yet so many, if not all, activites of religion are nothing more than the manifest glorification of man, cloaked in religious garb, activity, good works and deceitful schemes. The end result? Man is glorified, deified, and the sin of Adam remains. No wonder that God hates, despises and detests religioin and it is an abomination and a stench in His nostrils.

God the Father did not give His Son that the redeemed would turn religious and die again, that is turn from sinful death to religious death. Jesus was given as the complete sacrifice to bring men into the real of dominion over the wicked realm of their own carnality. When men return to death through the guise of religion, they have basically discounted the sacrifice which takes us into life and have settled for death. (2 Thess. 2:11)

Many are turned over by God to religous delusion because they do not love the truth nor do they desire the indwelling presence of the infinite Son of God. Instead, they are literally satisfied to abide in the deluded realm of idolatry, the idolatry of self. God's Word explicitly tells us that when He, Jesus, is lifted up that all men are drawn unto Him. Yet, so many busy themselves in lifting up themselves, drawing attention to their own names, their own works, their own ministries, all manifestations of the love of self and the idolatry of self worship. And in the end they bring forth nothing but the wind.

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