Righteousness of God

I speak unto thee this day and I say I desire that you would believe me, I say I desire that you would believe me, for I say when you will believe me, it is imputed for righteousness. I say there are many promises that I give unto my people, but I say because my people are full and because they are dull, thick, and hard of hearing, and I say because they refuse to fight the good fight of faith and to hold to the promises, I say they grow in unbelief and they grow in doubt and they grow in mistrust. Then I say they murmur and complain all the day long. But I would say unto thee that I do not desire thee in that condition, but I say that I desire thee in the condition of believing me. For I say when you will believe the words that I speak unto thee and the promises that I give thee, I say you will see them come to pass. For when I gave the promise to Abraham, I say he was a dead man when it came to be fulfilled, and I say likewise his wife was dead, I say they were dead but yet I kept my promise unto them. It did not come of their own ability nor of their own power, nor of their mind, but I say it came of my Spirit. I say when the child was given, he was a child of my Spirit and I say that my seed was called to him. I say so it is with thee, when you will hold to the promises that I give thee, and I say remain steadfast even though you may feel as though you are dead, and even though you may feel as though there is no hope, I say that if you will hold steadfastly to the promises that I have spoken unto thee, I say that you will see my power and my glory revealed. For I would say to thee that I do not lie, but I bring forth and I bring forth and I bring forth that which I declare unto my beloved.

Believe me regardless of the war that the enemy would fight against your mind, I say hold to me steadfastly, I say cling to me and know that I shall fulfill that which I declare unto thee. For I say that I desire a people who will believe me, I desire a people who will fight the fight of faith and believe me regardless of obstacles, regardless of circumstances, regardless of situations. I say I desire a people who will tenaciously hold to the truth that I give unto them. I say if you believe that you may receive the promise and there will be no battle, I say you are deceived, for the wicked one is a thief and he will roam about, seeking to steak that which I have given unto thee. Seeking to take away from thee the precious hope, the precious belief, the precious desire that I have put within thee. I say unto thee do not let him steal the precious things that I the Living God do give unto thee, but I say fight the good fight against him. I say do not be deceived by his wiles, do not be overtaken by his tricks, but I say be a people who will believe me regardless of the waves of oppression, of the waves of unbelief, of the waves of mistrust that the wicked one would unleash against you. For I say unto thee that you do not need to give in to those things but I say you may cling steadfastly to me and declare him to be the liar that he is and delcare my truth with boldness and declare the promises that I give thee. Hold ye steadfast within the depths of thee, hold on to me, hold on to the hope that I give thee. Be as the cedar trees whose roots grown down and tenaciously cling unto the earth, I say be as those who are made strong. Be as those who will remain, despite the winds of adversity, despite the turmoil that will come against them, despite all of the negative things that will seek to devour and to destroy. I say be as those who will continue standing. Be as those who will continue believing, for I say such a people I desire and such a people receive my glory.

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