Should we as soldiers, as Christians, cease fire? Absolutely not, never do we cease fire on the front lines of battle. Only those whose fire has gone out have reason to cease fire and retreat. Fire on fire -- the enemy throws fire at you, you fire back. It is God who makes... "his ministers as a flame of fire." (Hebrews 1:7). As long as we continue steadfast in our fire as directed by God, He gives us the power to press forward invincible, He annoints us with a fire not of ourselves, with a strength that only comes through the supernatural realms of His Spirit and Glory. Soldier of Christ, stay on the firing line until your last enemy is stubble at your feet. God wants His Soldiers, His ministers to become human flame throwers, burning, purifying, purging, and destroying. "A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a fire burneth... like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array." (Joel 2:3,5)

Cease fire? No, not for an instant. We fire, keep on firing, rapid firing--fire on fire. As soldiers, let us look as we have only commenced our fight--with the sword that cuts and the fire that burns. Surrender? Never will we give up, although th enemy may batter us, beat us, and seek to destroy us, we will never surrender the banner of Christ to the unrighteous. When we cease fire, we sanction the sin of the sinner and the backsliding of the backslider. Never will we stop war against sin--and allow sin, rebellion, iniquity to be left unabated. Never will we make peace with the destroyer or compromise with his filthiness and bow down to his images of strength and power. Never will we bow down to the unrighteous idols who demand our obedience, but we will only bow to the only Living God who reigns supreme. We will keep on fighting for those who come into true repentance, heart confessions or forsaking sin. We will keep on firing on the citadels of unrighteousness, at the monuments of dishonesty and corruption, and we will see the captives set free. "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which have a most vehement flame." (Song of Solomon 8:6)

Those who are rebellious, now is the time to cease fighting against God. Drop your weapons of pride, arrogance and deceit and bow down before our Captain in the War, Jesus Christ. Put away all your unfruitful works of darkness. Two sides cannot walk together except they be agreed. What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion hath God with darkness? None, absolutely none. Reach out to the winning side and lay apart all works of darkness(rebellion) in your life, join your fire with the fire that cometh from above--let Him burn for you that you may burn for Him.

Should we as soldiers cease fire and make agreements with wicked men or devils and take on their compromise and their desire to destroy the truth of God in this earth? Never, for when we should do such a thing, we would become the enemies of God Himself, and we would be empty shells only haunted by what we could have been and what we could have done for Christ had we remained faithful to fight until the end. Those who settle for less than the completion of the course will pay a heavy price in eternity, for their cowardly behavior will torment them throughout eternity, and the fire of God they could have carried to set others free will be their burning torture throughout the eons spent in the caverns of the unrighteousness. The fire which was sent from God, when refused, becomes the brimstone which will burn with unquenchable heat against those who have chosen against God. The compromising Christian will not have an easy time in hell... but they will burn, for the fearful will not enter in, nor be welcomed into the presence of the righteous. So many who are claiming themselves to be Christians are indeed hypocrites who refuse to stand up for Christ because they fear it might cause them their reputatioin--they are more concerned with the opinions of men than the opinion of God. But, those who will carry the fire are those who will let the fire burn everything in them which seperates them from the true purity of God, and when the fire burns through the vessel, those around are touched by the flames and the heat thereof. "Who will rise up for me against the evil doers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" saith the Lord. Who will, keep on firing, keep on marching, keep on praying--who will stand in the place of truth for the true God of heaven and be His weapon of war?

Shall we cease our fire and settle for peace, a false peace which offers serenity and harmony but if full of iniquity, perversion, and degradation? So many have ceased their fire and fallen prey to peace--now they are spineless whiners who are trying to get everyone else to join their compromising filth. Those who are ceasing fire are actually like filth eaters--they eat their degrading substances hey they have the audacity to grin, wipe their mouths, and say they have done no evil. But, when we start eating of the world and it's sinfulness, we have become filthy in the eyes of God, and have lost our integrity with Him. The fire will continue to burn in those who will be burned in the purity of the glowing flames of life which come from the Master of Love. God's love is a consuming fire, it is not a compromising soft cushion with no bumps or hurts along the way. Those who are the sheep of the Lord are going to burn with His righteousness and they are going to call sin for what is , not try to psychologize it away as though it were permissible to God. Sin is not permissible to God and He will not accept a stench in His nostrils from a strange fire. So many of the ceasers have actually turned into greasers, thinking they can rub themselves with the oil of unrighteousness and that they will appear shining. They will shine alright with the fatness of their own indulgence and their own attempts to save their lives. We are either going to keep on fire and gain His fire or we are going to cease fire and be burned with His fire throughout eternity. Many today try to dismiss the concept of Hell--Hell will not be dismissed--but it will be enlarged by the compromising "Christians" who are living in the web of deceit and corruption.

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