The god called Law

The law, it is feared by some and revered by others. The Law, it has become an entity, a god to the masses. The "LAW" has life and power to those who obey and keep its rules and commandments, and unwittingly bow to it's directives and control. In essence, they are good citizens of the state. The people have become the sheep, and the LAW is their Shepard.
The police or law enforcement have no power in themselves, their source of strength is derived from the law. Without the Law, they have nothing to enforce. These are the temple guards. The High Priests of the temple are now called Judges. Their seat is in the synagogue where they rule judgement in accordance with their gods written commandments and punish those who disobey the Law. These are labeled criminals or transgressors of the Law: The sinners of the State.
The disciples of Law are the law-yers, and it is they who rule from the Legislative and Executive branches of government. They have written the Law into their hearts and minds.
This Law-god also has a commandment, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' Can you not see how the disciples of the Law use the media, as a podium and a voice, to preach their propaganda and hatred for those who follow Jesus? They are called radical right-winged extremists or religious fanatics and have been categorized with Communists, Neo-Nazis, and Muslim terrorists. This is brain-washing in its finest degree, and still they continue to vomit their lies while they religiously attend 'church' every Sunday, and then have the audacity to utter, "God bless America."
Just as a dumb beast would follow its Masters commands, so also man has become as a beast, dumb and stupid, never challenging or questioning his god called Law. What will you do when this Beast called Law forbids all forms of public prayer and worship, then what will you do? Will you be as Daniel who refused and was tried by fire? Or will you bow down to the image of the Beast called Man. For it is man who has created the Law. It is the image of man in all his wickedness and twisted glory.
Will you listen to the Modern-day Pharisees who stand in the pulpits? They have committed adultery against God and have become as whores and prostitutes for they recognize mans law equal and above Gods. The Sadducess proclaim, "Jesus is the Christ", yet encourage you to follow Caesar and always plea for your vote for their next Caesar. He's their man, therefore making him "your" man. Do you believe Jesus would register and vote if He walked the earth today?
The Law or God, whom will you obey? Will you be like Peter who stated, "We should obey the commandments of God rather than the commandments of men."? Or will you be afraid of disobeying the Beast with its temple guards and High Priests? Will you allow the Law to dictate your thoughts, opinions, or ideas? Will you, who call yourself 'christian', swear or pledge your allegiance and obedience (with your right hand covering your heart) to the state, when your Lord prohibits your from swearing at all, and most certainly to anything other than the Creator?
How long shall we give undo power to an unelected official, a man called a judge? The Constitution, which they are sworn to uphold, restricts their power; for only the elected representatives of the people are given the authority to create and establish laws. Judges can make no law pertaining to abortion or school prayer, they only rule on individual cases. Article I of the Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." There is no mention of a 'seperation of church and state.' And yet, we now come full circle; for the constitution is only a man made document and masses have put it on a pedestal and idolize it. These are the Zealots, and like Judas they betray their Lord with a kiss; for their god is named Patriotism.
"Then the presidents and princes sought to bring accusations against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could find no fault; for he was faithul. Then said these men, 'We shall not find any ground of accusation against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God." Daniel 6:4,5

He who has ears to hear, let him understand.

Eric T. Shortridge
