Who I am

Invisible to the eye, yet they are plain to see
They are not an illusion or a nightmarish dream
They are real, and they torment your mind
Your hear the voices, but yet are still blind
Confusion sets in, and paranoia takes hold
Your strength grows weary, while your heart grows cold
In bondage to fear, you feel helpless and lost
But you have been ransomed by Jesus, Who paid the cost
The truth shall set you free, is what He has said
Yet you cannot rest, even while lying in bed
The enemy has come in and makes you feel defeated
But Jesus said in heaven, is where we are seated
The lack of knowledge of who you really are
May be why God feels so distant and far
We are His children, He promised never to leave
This is the truth, and what we must believe
I am a temple of God, His Spirit and Life dwells in me
I am the salt of the earth, a member of Christ's body
I am Christ's friend, part of the true Vine
He has renewed by spirit, and freed my mind
I am a new creation, a saint, righteous and holy
I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me
I am hidden with Christ, in this will I trust
My sins are nailed to the cross, because He loved me so much
Put on your full armor and draw close to Him
Before you drown, unable to swim
God has provided us with everything we need
But the enemy is a liar, and will try to plant a seed
He'll speak in your mind, and tempt you with lust
Be on your guard, for this is a must
He'll accuse you with accusations you know are not true
But speak the Word, this is what you must do
You have been given power and authority, do not fear
Because GOD IS WITH YOU, and it is you the demons really fear.

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