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Brian's Review

  • Six Flags Ohio Review!!! Yeehaww!!!

    Well, I might as well start at the very beginning of the day: woke up at 10am and took a shower and got everything I needed packed...Left home at 12:30pm...Arrived at 1:15pm or so...Walked into Six Flags and found the amphitheater (very easy to find)...And then I began the long, but not bothersome wait knowing who's there :)

    They had blocked the entrance with benches so I sat down and watched the band and then Amanda, Tyler, and Steve do soundcheck...In soundcheck they did "One Of Us Is In Love" and "Fly", boy they sounded GREAT even though it was soundcheck...When they were done with "Fly", everyone clapped and Amanda said, "Thanks ya'll, it's only soundcheck" :)I did take some pictures (of course) of them doing soundcheck...

    20 minutes before showtime they took the benches off the entrance and let us in...I sprinted for a good spot and got in the 3rd row (I guess)...No seats! That didn't bother me at all! LoL! :)


    The Wilkinsons opened with "Can't Do A Thing With My Heart"...I was so excited I thought I was going to cry! LoL! Now from my perfect vantage point, I had the most PERFECT view of Amanda!!! :) Tyler and Steve were kind of hidden by some people but I could get pictures of them. But if it's no surprise to ya'll, most of my pictures had Amanda in them! :D I was oh, so close to Amanda, I could look 2 feet from me and there she was! :D I took a roll and a half of the concert pictures...

    Other songs performed were "Fly", "26 Cents", "One Of Us Is In Love", "Boy Oh Boy", "Shame On Me", "Jimmy's Got A Girlfriend", "Till You Let Go", "Hypothetically", "I'll Know Love", "1999" and a couple others that I don't know the titles to, but they were awesome songs! I was bouncing to every song that they played and feeling every note too, that's how into the music I get. When they did "26 Cents" the crowd got to sing the chorus and I was singin' at the top of my lungs! :) I was so elated just to be there!! I can't wait to see how my pictures come out!!!!

    Fan Club Meet and Greet

    We all got to meet them in front of their bus, which wasn't too far from the amphitheater. When I got up there, Steve remembered me!! Oh, how special that was!

    I made a ceramic plaque for Amanda, on it was Amanda, Voice of an Angel :) She loved it!! I could tell she was happy, just by looking at the way she looked at it, she was smiling and talking in that voice of her's :)Amanda then gave it to DT to put it onto the bus...

    Picture Time!

    Before I got a picture with them, I told them all how inspired I was by them to write lyrics and Steve said "That's great man!" I tried giving it to them so they could read them, but they couldn't take them on the bus, I guess for copyright reasons. I then told them that 15 of them were about Amanda and Steve said "A little inspiration there, huh?" LoL! Amanda again had a smile and the twinkle in her eyes on her face and I had a bright smile on my face too :)

    I had them sign my "H&N" cover and when Amanda gave it back to me, I believe she called me "Sweetie"...ohhhhhhhhhhh :) :D :D

    For the picture, Steve said, "Why don't you go stand next to your inspiration." I, without any hesitation did and we put our arms around each other...Now just imagine the smile I had on my face! :D As I was getting ready to leave to head over toward the public signing I told Amanda, "I'll be over there." And she said, "Cool, alright, we'll see you there." I left feeling very elated :D

    Public Meeting

    Bought one of the new Wilkinsons shirts and had them sign it. When I got to Amanda, I said, "I have one last request, can I have a hug?" She said, "Sure" and we hugged!! :D :D :D

    When I got to Steve, I said, "Will you send me a reply back about my lyrics?, I know you guys are very busy." He said, "We'll try." I have to send my lyrics to their management company, so we'll see what happens!!!

    After Everything

    I had kind of expected this b/c they said, they would ride some rides and while walking around, I walked over toward the Superman ride and watched for a while and you girls are going to love this: I saw Tyler coming off the ride and I got a picture of him. Then he walked over toward another roller coaster and rode that one too. He, of course was follwed by some security. No sight of Amanda or Steve...drats! LoL!

    Closing Thoughts

    I LOVE this close, intimate settings that I have seen The Wilkinsons in...This is by far, the BEST Wilkinsons concert that I have been too :D :D :D

    Well, I think I've covered everything...If there is something I remember I'll post it...Hope it's not too long, Lots of great stuff when on today! :D

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