Looking for a script that clearly teaches Bible
Looking for
scripts for special holidays?
We were too and
that's why we put together this script book!
Hands 2 Grow now
offers a pair of script books to help you and your group share Bible
messages with your audiences.
God's Truth in Love (Volume 1) contains ten original scripts that average 4-5
minutes in length and teach the truths of the Bible in entertaining
ways. We have used them often in our presentations and found them to
be real audience pleasers that clearly carry the Gospel message of Jesus
Script topics
include Jesus and the Little Children, Jesus and the Woman at the Well,
Jesus and Zaccheus, as well as thematic skits on Easter (2), Christian
friendship, music choices, and more.
God's Truth in Love (Volume 2) contains another ten original scripts that average 4-5
minutes in length and teach the truths of the Bible in entertaining
ways. We hope the new script book will help fill some gaps and special
events not covered in our first script book.
Script topics
include The Great Commission, A Goliath Problem, It's What's on the Inside
that Counts, The Jonah Game as well as thematic skits on Christmas (2),
Halloween, Reformation Day, friendship, and more.
Cost for a
single volume of Speaking
God's Truth in Love is only $5 plus a shipping/handling fee of
$2.50. You may order both volumes for $13.50 and save a bit on
shipping/handling. Please make your check for payable to Hands 2 Grow and
mail it (along with your address & the specific volume you are ordering)
to . . .
Hands 2 Grow
ATTN: Cassie Payne
524 E. Taft Avenue
Appleton, WI 54915
Be sure to include your name and
address so we know where to send it!