Characteristics: silvery sides with a horizontal red to pink band that varies in intensity in different populations. The back is blueish to green. The tail has radiating rows of black spots.
Age and growth: A typical stream-dwelling rainbow grows about 1 pound in 4 years. In large lakes with food plentiful, a rainbow can reach 15 pounds in the same 4 years. They live 4 to 6 years ave. They can live up to 11 years. World record landlocked rainbow 27 pounds, 3 ounces caught in 1984 in Ontario.
Spawning habits: most varieties of rainbow trout are spring spawners. Spawning takes place in a small tributary of a larger stream or lake, normally at a water temperature from 50 to 60 degrees F.
Food habits: Their diet consists mainly of immature and adult insects, plankton, crustaceans, fish eggs, and small fish. Rainbows consume far fewer fish than brown's.
Thats all for now more trout soon...