My Awards and Honors

My Awards

My 14th Feis: The Florida Suncoast Feis

I placed in...
  • Under 14 Prelims, 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Traditional Set, 3rd palce
  • 2 hand Reel, 3rd place
  • 4 hand Reel, 1st place
  • Under 14 Music, 1st place!!!!!
  • Under 14 Art, 3rd place I competed in...
  • Under 14 Treble Reel

    My 13th Feis: The Southern Teir Feis

    I placed in...

  • Under 15 Celtic Art and Design 1st place!!!!

    I competed in...

  • Under 14 Prelims Well, I didn't place, But i ranked 19th out of 20 something!! yeah!

    My 12th Feis: The Lockport Fies

    I competed in...
  • Under 14 Prelims
  • Under 14 Prelim Set Dances
  • Treble Reel

    My 11th Feis: The Greater Boston Teachers Feis

    I competed in...
  • Under 14 Prelims Well folks, I didn't palce, but then again I was sick with a 102 degree feever! LOL

    My 10th Feis: The South Florida Fies (The Tir Na Greine School)

    I placed in...
  • Two Hand Reel, 1st place!!!!
  • Four Hand Reel, 2nd Place

    I competed In...

  • Under 14 Preliminary Championships
  • Under 14 Treble Reel

    Well, being in PRELIMS for the first time was a blast! It was kind of nerve racking, but I loved it!

    My 9th Feis: The Florida Sunshine State Feis (the Rondeau School)

    I placed in...
  • Prizewinner Light Jig, 1st place!!!!
  • Prizewinner Single Jig, 1st place!!!!
  • Novice Slip Jig, 1st place!!!!
  • 4-Hand Reel, 1st Place!!!!
  • 2-Hand Reel, 1st Place!!!!
  • Prizewinner Hornpipe, 2nd Place
  • Prizewinner Reel, 3rd Place
  • Non-Traditional Set, 3rd Place!

    I competed in...

  • Prizewinner Treble Jig
  • Traditional Set


    My 8th Feis: The 2000 New Orleans Feis

    I placed in...
  • Prizewinner Hornpipe, 1st place!!!!
  • Novice Single Jig, 1st Place!!!!
  • Prizewinner Treble Jig, 2nd Place
  • Traditional Set, 2nd Place
  • Prizewinner Reel, 3rd place

    I competed in...

  • Non- Cahmpionship Treble Reel
  • Novice Slip Jig
  • Prizewinner Light Jig

    My 7th Feis: The Ocala Scottish Games and Irish Feis

    I placed in...
  • Prizewinner Reel, 1st place!!!!
  • Novice Hornpipe, 1st place!!!!
  • Beginner Slip Jig, 1st Place!!!!
  • Prizewinner Light Jig, 2nd place
  • Novice Single Jig, 2nd place
  • Novice Traditional Set, 2nd place
  • Prizewinner Treble Jig, 3rd place

    I competed in...

  • 12 and Under 2 hand Reel

    My 6th Feis: The Florida Suncoast Feis

    I placed in...
  • Novice Reel, 1st Place!!!!
  • Novice Light Jig, 1st place!!!!
  • Novice Single Jig, 2nd place
  • Novice Hornpipe, 2nd place
  • Prizewinner Treble Jig, 2nd place
  • 8 Hand Reel, 2nd place
  • 4 hand Reel, 2nd place
  • Beginner Slip Jig, 4th place
  • Under 12 Music Competition, 1st place!!!!
  • Under 12 Art Competition, 1st place!!!!

    I competed in...

  • Under 12 Traditional Set
  • 2 hand reel
  • Under 14 Treble Reel

    My 5th Feis: The Lockport Feis (Lockport, NY)

    I placed in...
  • Advanced Beginner Light Jig, 2nd place
  • Advanced Beginner Slip Jig, 4th place
  • Novice Reel, 2nd place

    I competed in...

  • Novice Hornpipe
  • Open** Treble Jig

    **Don't Get Confused: I'm NOT Compeating in Open Championship. In some states they call Prizewinner, Open.

    My 4th Feis: The Greater Boston Teachers Feis Feis (Malden, MA)

    I placed in...

  • Novice Reel, 3rd place
  • Novice Treble Jig, 1st place!!!!

    I compeated in...

  • Advanced Beginner Slip Jig
  • Novice Hornpipe

    My 3rd Feis: The South Florida Feis (Tir na Greene School Feis):

    I placed in...

  • Beginner Reel: 3rd place
  • Beginner Light Jig: 4th place
  • Beginner Slip Jig: 6th place
  • Novice Single Jig: 3rd place
  • Novice Hornpipe: 3rd place
  • 2 Hand Reel: 2nd place
  • 4 Hand Reel: 3rd place
  • 8 Hand Reel: 1st place!!!*

    I competed in...

  • Prizewinner Traditional Set

    *We did a great job: Jess, Rayna, Theresa, Erin P., Erin M., Paul, Tommy, and me!

    This is me and Rayna at the South Florida Feis with all of our medals!!!!

    My 2nd Feis: Southern Regional Oireachtas

    I placed in...

  • Beginner Reel: 4th Place
  • Single Jig: 2nd Place

    I competed in.....

  • Beginner Jig
  • Beginner Slip Jig
  • Novice Hornpipe

    My First Feis, The Florida Suncoast Feis (Butler School):

    I placed in....

  • 4 Hand Reel: 2nd Place
  • Beginner Light Jig: 4th Place

    I competed in.....
  • Beginner Reel
  • Beginner Slip Jig
  • Novice Hornpipe

    My Honors

    Rayna and I were asked to dance with the 12th Grade Orchestra at my school. They are playing "Lord of the Dance." We were awesome!!!!!! We did 2 slow hornpipes, and a lot of reels, and 2 treble reels.

    I was in the Talent Show and my school doing Treble reels and a 2 Hand Reel with Rayna.

    This is Rayna and I after the Talent Show. I'm on the left


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