Feis Forget Me Nots

It's in the Bag: Make sure you have this!


  • Socks or stockings
  • Hardshoes- neatly polished
  • Softshoes
  • Elastics
  • Band-Aids, athletic tape, and other first aid goodies
  • Duct tape
  • Permanent black marker- I know that black tape looks good on shoes but it is more slippery so I just color the duct tape
  • Bobby pins
  • Safety Pins or ribbon to keep your number on with
  • Napkins or better yet..."Shout wipes"- you never know when you'll spill something on your dress
  • Hairspray
  • Other hair necessities---tiarra, soft crown, wig, scrunchies, ect.


  • Hardshoes- nice and polished
  • Softshoes
  • Elastics
  • Black Permanent Marker
  • Duct Tape
  • Safety Pins- to keep your number on with
  • Napkins or "Shout Wipes"- you wouldn’t want to have to dance with a stain on you kilt...
  • Band-Aids and other first aid stuff
  • Other necessities


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