Levels Of Competition


Pre-Beginner is often called Tir na Nog. It is for little kids who are usually under 6 years old and have just started dance. All the dancers usually get medals. Steps are done one step, one person at a time.


Beginner is the first actually category. In beginner, dancers compete in Light Jig, Reel, and Slip Jig. Dances are done two steps, two at a time. To move out of beginner a dancer must win a first, second, or third place in a particular step. When you win one of those, you move up to Novice in that dance.


Novice dancers compete in the Light Jig, Reel, Slip Jig, Single Jig, Hornpipe, Treble Jig, and Traditional set. All dances, except Traditional set, are done two steps, two at a time. In traditional Sets, dancers doing the same set do the dance in groups of two or three. To move up from Novice, a dancer must get a 1st place in a particular dance. Sorry, 2nds and 3rd just don't cut it any more :( When you move up to Novice, you probably know some hardshoe dances that you can compete in. That's when the fun starts :)


The next category up from Novice is Prizewinner. Prizewinner dancers compete in the same dances as Novice dancers: Reel, Light Jig, Slip Jig, Hornpipe, Treble Jig, and Traditional Set. Dances are also done two steps two at a time. Also, in Prizewinner, girls may want to get a Solo Dress, a very pretty dress worn by very good dancers. Dancers compete to move up to Preliminary Championship. To get into Prelims, a dancer must receive a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in hardshoe dance and a soft shoe dance and have all of their dances in Prizewinner.

Preliminary Championship-

Preliminary Championship is the 2nd highest level of Irish dancing. Dancers compete by dancing a Reel or Slip Jig and a set Piece of Choice. If a girl did not get a Solo dress in Prizewinner she should buy it when she is in Preliminary. To move up to Open Championship, a dancer must receive two first places over the period of one year.

Open Championship-

Open Championship is the highest level of Irish dancing. Dancers in Open Championship must dance a Reel or Slip Jig and a Set Piece of choice.


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