Florida Suncoast Feis '98

This is the treble reel competition.

This is also the treble reel competition. The girl dancing is Theresa. The 2 girls in the back with matching black school dresses are Katie and Jackie. The boy (the only boy) in the back is Paul.

This is the beginner reel competition the girl on the left is Rayna and the girl on the right is Krystal.

This is the Novice hornpipe. Rayna is dancing in front. Paul and I are in the line in back.

This is Rayna, Krystal and I. I normally look a lot better than that.

This is the line for the Novice Single Jig. Starting from Paul (he's the boy) the dancers are Paul, Diana, me, a dancer from another school, Rayna, and another dancer from another school.

This is Paul and I in the Novice Hornpipe. Rayna is in the back.


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