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HIT-LINE...The FANtasy World of ANDY ST. JOHN

NEWSFLASH... As everyone already knows, radio's goldenboy ANDY ST. JOHN never quite made it down to visit former friends Jim & Sally on a recent holiday weekend. Rumor has it that ex-Jacor heavyweight, WEBN is so disillusioned by this info that they have withdrawn any previous interest in signing the small town d.j. to a lucrative contract. But we here at ANDY'S FANtasy World still hope that he holds out for...

Television or Film
(hint - the bigger the screen the better!)
CALL THE HITLINE NOW! Tell Andy how much fun he missed by not spending Memorial Day weekend in CINCINNATI!

Top 3 things Andy missed by NOT coming to visit Cincinnati

Radio-boy's fave links to the Queen City

Andy's virtual view of downtown Cincinnati
Where Pigs Fly!
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