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    Oh you made it. I was beginning to worry, as I was expecting you earlier than this. But your here and safe that's the main thing, right?

    Please forgive me for not updating these pages for what seems like months.. wait.. oh no it has been longer than that. I am planning a complete revamp (yeah Jo we've heard this before) lol... I will I promise.
    If you enjoyed your visit please take a moment to vote for me by clicking my staff banner. You will be instantly taken to the voting page. Thanks.

    Click on any button be view the page of your choice.

    see my pictures if you dare :) photo's of my son photo's of Aussie Animals
    Photo's of Perth no updates yet sorry. cute animation of friends
    mostly bowling scores and links links to places I like to visit online Website competitions I've a member of - coming soon
    page of my gifts from fellow Camelot Dreamers - coming soon webrings I belong tolet's start with ME :)
    how long does one letter take?
    please let me know you were here Guestbook by GuestWorld thank you for signing my guestbook *hugs*

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