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Justin Timberlake's Mickey Mouse Club

I am a huge fan of Justin Randall Timberlake and *NSYNC.This page is dedicated to them.Have Fun!

Last Updated: August 19, 2000

Facts Facts on Justin, JC, Joey, Chris & Lance
Multimedia Pics, Lyrics & Discography
Info Justin's Bio, MMC, Dislikes & T.V. Appearances
Fun Stuff Quizes, Polls & Postcards
For The Fans Which is Worse, Win My Award, *NSYNC E-Mail, Pen-Pals,
Fan of the Week & Reviews/Encounters
WWW Links, Link Me, Clubs, Sister Sites & Webrings
Other Stuff Awards, Why I Love Justin & About Me
Old *NSYNC Page The old page of mine on the guys
New *NSYNC Page The *New* page of mine on the Fab Five

*N The News
~*NSYNC News~
~Site Updates~
~New @ Site~
Lance finds new
talent for Free Lance.
For the fans-buy tickets
31 MORE tour
dates have been added on
the the tour! It
will start again in
Florida on October 29th.
Click here.
Fan reviews
The next *NSYNC single
will be 'This I Promise You'.
The video is due
out in September.
New fan of the week!

^This is the banner!For now you can save it to your computer and upload it. Soon I will put up a code.

Sign Guestbook-View Guestbook

(c) JTMMC April 99
