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My Script-by Me

Welcome, visitor. You have stumbled upon my website. My name is Casey and this website is about the best person, of course! Ha!

If you have visited before, you will notice that a lot has changed. I guess I've grown up a little bit. The background is my personal favorite. I love fall leaves. Brett understands this. We love fall. It's the season we fell in love.

If you are wondering, Brett is my sweetie. We're promised (see the ring in the picture above-> he has good taste!). We've been together for over 3 years now (Since September 27, 1999). He's the love of my life!

I am a senior in high school. I'm not athletic or anything like that (sports suck). It's pathetic, I'm not even working my brain this year. I'm taking a very easy year - I'm only taking 4 classes this semester and 2 next semester. I need a little bit of a break before college next year. Brett is in college. He's doing great in his classes too. He's a smart 'lil cookie! Now if only he could inspire me to study like he does, I'd be a brainiac!

Ok, so in the beginning of this, I lied. This isn't all about me. Yes, I am the most wonderful person EVER, but there's more to this website than me. Obviously, there's things about Brett, and also my family, and of course, my cats.

I'm a cat-fanatic. I have 6 cats: Chrissy, Kimmie, Simba, Red, Callie, and Samuel. My 6 cats enjoy eating and sleeping. Also, Brett and I have a child (cat) together: Lucky. His father has custody of him at his apartment. Lucky enjoys drinking from the toilet. Brett has learned to put the lid down after finding a swimming cat. Save the cats! (check this out)

After high school, I'm going to college (as earlier stated). I'm going to the same college Brett is going to. I'd tell you which one but then I'd have to kill you. I'm excited for next year. I'll get to see Brett a lot more. I miss him and he's only 60 miles away.

Cars, cars...I like my cars. I have a new car now. Well, new for me. It's used. It's a 1999 Ford Contour LX. It's dark blue. I like the headlights, they look snobbish yet cute. Car payments suck, but I like having a nice car. Now I know what the luxury of air conditioning feels like. Oh, just for the record, my first car (the car before this one) was a 1993 Ford Tempo GL. It was blue/green. Gosh, I loved that car. It was so cute. But don't worry, when they stopped making the Tempo, they replaced it with the Contour which is the car I bought. It made my Tempo proud to retire.

Featured Music: Enrique Iglesias "Hero". Back off, ladies, he's singing it to me.

Wanna know what classes I'm taking now? Here's my class schedule.

Where to go now?? (Look at that cute kid...that's me!)

Click here to go to the 'Lil Pic Page!

Contact me (at the left) for talk, for help on your site,
or for suggestions for my site.

LAST UPDATED: 10/04/2002 by CRF