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Kelly's Korner

i , my name is Kelly and this is my little piece of the web. After spending many hours looking at some creative and beautiful I am!This is my first attempt at a page.I know I will be constantly up-dating this page,as my confidence increases,so it will get better.. (Honest!) I'm 33 and have 2 great,yet Hyper-active sons,Keith and Kaleb.I enjoy spending time with them and my husband Kevin.I love to surf the net and am an avid reader,John Grisham,Alexandria Ripley,Cereal boxes,etc. I'm a terrible cook and quite proud of it,although I do have a "secret" recipe for "Barbarians"(thanks Jimmy).Basically I have better things to do and cooking is not it!My poor family suffers,however I can always re-ly on my 2 best(only)friends to feed me and much more... I love them dearly, sorry guys I know I'm getting mushy,but had to mention you Tracy and Carolyn. One final note,to anyone who stumbles onto this page,THANK YOU,THANK YOU, I'm not worthy!

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Index of My Pages



Kelly's Fun Korner

Scarlett's Page


Future Nets*Shining Stars

Nice Homepages & Fun Links

Kevin's Page-The 19th Hole
Bezerk-Fun Games to download
Zing-Entertainment while you wait for web pages to load
Marilyn's Place

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