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~*~ wElCoMe To MaI cOoLiO wEbPaYgE ~*~

hEy! WhAtChA dO tO mAi CoUnTeR?!

heLLo *~* *~* ThAnx fOr cOmInG. . .mAi pAgE iS aLwAiZe BeIn' uPdAtEd - sO kEeP cHeCkIn' iT oUt!! dOnT fOrGeT tO sIgN aLl Da StUfF! GoNna MiSs AlL tHe YOkOlOkO PeEpS wHeN I lEaVe! *hUgS*

I have disabled mai shoutouts,mai frenz 411 an' pics, weekly poll,christina marie williams, and mai thankiesh list ---> sorry.. I have had no tyme to work on them!

aZn PrYde lAnD

Links fOr mai sUpErCoOlIo pAyGe

My Online Journal
aLl AbOuT MoI
mAi fReNz PiCs An' fOuR oNe OnE
wEeKlY pOlL
cHrIsTiNa mArIe WiLlIAmS
vArIoUs PoEmS
mAi 'tHaNkIeSH lIsT'
aWaRdS i'vE wOn
a NoTe To AlL maI yOkOlOkO fReNz
mAi AdOpTeD cYbErPeTs
wEbRiNgS aN bAnNeRs
LInKx tO gO tO

Hey everyone! Well, there ain't much on mai payge now... But I'll be updatin' it everynow an' then.. So be sure to book mark it an' come back!

As that one HillyBilly would say: "Ya'lls come back now ya hear!"

lOoK aT maI cOoLiO DrEaMbOokiE !
nOW yOu MuSt sIgN mAi COoLiO DrEaMbOoKiE

lOoK aT mAi sLaMbOoKiE! nOW yOu MuSt sIgN mAi SlAmBoOkIe

If you have any comments,suggestions,or complaints (you shouldn't have any of those! J/k!) Email me...

CLiCk on tHis buTTon iF yOu haTe my pAGe!