_____________________________________________________________________________ _ _ __ __ _ ___ \\\\\___| |_| | \ \ / / / \ | __|___\"-._ /////~~~| _ | \ / / _ \ __ ~~~/.-' |_| |_| \/\/ /_/ \_\ |___| _____________________________________________________________________________ THE HANK WILLIAMS APPRECIATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL 1978 _____________________________________________________________________________ THE HANK FAN MAILING LIST HOSTED BY ROBERT ACKERMAN _____________________________________________________________________________ Update Nov 24, 2018 ATTENTION HANK/COUN7NYRY MUSIC FANS 50 PLUS YEAR MUSIC COLLECTION FOR SALE It seems like a long time since I had 750 HANK FANS on my e-mailing list - but due to illness (Parkinson’s Disease) I had to give up something I loved and enjoyed and consider finding a good home for my collection. Ideally it would be nice to sell the whole collection or large portions of it to various people - and although seemingly impossible I want to try. I can see that it would be worth someones time to consider hiring a truck and driving to Palmer, Alaska to get it all (as long as the price is right). It may well turn out to be a giveaway! I mention coming and getting the items because I can’t physically do the work necessary for shipping it all. It might be practical for someone to buy the stuff and make a fortune selling individual items. I am kicking around the idea of what offers I might take or consider - maybe five or six thousand?? In the future I will try to list groups of items and as time allows complete individual listings …. and the listings will not only include all of Hank Sr but all of Hank Jr, songs and some Hank III and Hank IV and Audrey and Billy Jean and ALL of the Legendary Jimmy Rodgers AND endless items by other country artists - not to forget DVDs, videos, books, box sets, newsletters, t-shirts, hats and other endless memorabilia**. If you have any interest e-mail me at hank1@mtaonline.net or call me at 907-232-8082 (of course consider the time differences - I don’t do mornings) /signed/ THE ACKMAN (a nickname our friend George Merrit gave me) (aka Robert W. Ackerman) Palmer, Alaska _____________________________________________________________________________ Update Dec 29, 2009 Hi all... please forgive me for "waffling"... but I did want to let you know that I have reconsidered some... and per the advice of some loyal Hank fans and friends... and in particular Brian Turpen, I feel I should continue using the list and sending Hank messages ... on a limited basis for a bit longer ... I guess I can't get myself to quit "cold turkey" and I'm definitely having withdrawal symptoms... and I do appreciate all the kind words and support... I would add that I was influenced by the death of Mary Wallace and overall it hit me that it is a bad time to quit what I was doing... I'm sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.... Robert A. _____________________________________________________________________________ Update: Dec 18, 2009 PLEASE NOTE: As many of you know I have been considering discontinuance of the "Hank/Country Music e-mail Listing" - It has been a great run for almost 15 years and at 73 years I have decided it was time to stop ..... and devote more time to my bride Michelle and other personal things that have suffered some over the years. I know the list has helped a lot of people - but it has also been very rewarding for me in many ways. Ending use of the list does not end my interest in Hank, and I hope to continue contact with the many great friends I have made through use of the list.... My "turn off the list" date is 24 December and I will attempt to honor any commitments I have already made up to that date (and of course I have already mentioned that I will be absent and off the air completely 28 December to 19 January). If anyone will like to volunteer to take over the list please let me know.... BUT I would hesitate to get in a situation of getting individual permission to give out the 600 plus e-mail addresses that are on the list (I believe the only way to handle it would be a "all or none" situation). In lieu of what I have been doing I would encourage you to use the other existing blogs, web sites, newsletters and resources, including Tom Lipscombe's "Alabama Talk Line" message board - see http://pub3.bravenet.com/forum/243824250 Regretfully, Robert Ackerman Palmer, Alaska _____________________________________________________________________________ Message describing the Hank Fan Mailing List: The Hank/Country Music Fan e-mail listing now includes over 700 e-mail addresses, which includes all kinds of folks (authors, historians, entertainers, songwriters, promoters, fan club and museum personnel, collectors, sellers, music publishers, record companies, and plain ol' Hank and country music fans like you and me). The list also includes folks in many foreign countries and most of the States. You should know that I "blind copy" the messages I send out because many of the people on the list want privacy, and I will not give out anyone's e-mail address unless they say it is okay to do so. I do forward messages concerning Hank-related and other traditional country music subjects, and I might now and then slip into more modern country music topics. If you have anything you think the Hank/music fans would be interested in please do let me know, and I will send it on to them all (giving you credit for its' origin if you like). The messages sometimes also includes information about Hank tribute or cover recordings, pertinent books or videos, and forthcoming events and shows that honor Hank. I really don't do a recurring newsletter as such and what I do cannot be considered to be a fan club. Please realize that I often forward information received from others, and that I cannot be responsible for its' contents and any recommendations I make about products are strictly my opinion. Although I have Norton virus protection installed, which seems to work very well, I cannot totally guarantee anything concerning viruses - but I do my best to validate the correctness of information being forwarded and that the messages are virus-free. I also avoid sending out non-music "spam" messages and "chain letters" and rather not receive the same (but certainly there are exceptions for items of vital importance such as computer viruses and scams). Many of the recent Hank Fan messages I have sent can be seen on Tom Lipscombe's Hank Williams Appreciation Society International (HWASI) web site at http://tinyurl.com/hanksociety and on the "Alabama Talk Line" at http://pub3.bravenet.com/forum/243824250 In case you are wondering, this service is free. There are many web sites you should know about, and I will occasionally pass them along to you. Of course many dozens of other applicable Hank and Drifting Cowboys web sites exist, including sites for the Hank museum and the Hank fan club. Also, searching on www.google.com brings up a ton of related web sites. Many country music newsletters are available and some that you might be interested in include Doug Davis' Classic Country e-mail newsletter (to subscribe write Doug Davis at countrymusicclassics@countrymusicclassics.com ). You may also want to sign up for the TWANGTOWN NEWS by e-mailing Dick Shuey at dshuey@bellsouth.net (tell them the "Ackman" sent you). If you are a Hank fan you should definitely consider joining the Hank Williams International Fan Club at http://www.hankwilliamsinternationalfanclub.com (I am privileged to be able to say that I became an "honorary/lifetime member" of the fan club in 2006). I should probably mention that I am rather proud of my song lyric writing efforts (mostly Hank Williams tribute singles) and remain rather eager to tell you about the songs I have had published and recorded and the demos I have available to send out. Also, keep an eye on the Montgomery Hank Museum web site at http://www.thehankwilliamsmuseum.net/ Another great web site is for the Drifting Cowboys at http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/thedriftingcowboys/. Of course the list of Hank-related web sites is endless but the Georgiana/Hank Boy Hood Home site is another to check out - at http://www.hankmuseum.com/ On the personal side I have been a Hank Fan and collecting for over 50 years and if you have questions or are looking for a particular item for your collection let me know and maybe I can get answers for you or help you find items .... In addition to Hank music itself my personal interest is in the area of Hank tribute singles and albums (and, well, anything else that is Hank) ! If you would like, please tell me about yourself (where you live, your particular Hank interests, etc.) and any other info you feel comfortable in sharing ... and you can certainly stay anonymous if you prefer. Finally, if you desire to unsubscribe at any time please let me know. Thanks, Robert Ackerman Palmer, Alaska Honorary/Lifetime Member, Hank Williams International Fan Club ____________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: Hank1@mtaonline.net ____________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: "Please realize that I often forward information received from others and cannot always be responsible for the contents..........." ____________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE Feb 12, 2004 _____________________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hi all - I was going to wait for the press release but I am about to burst with excitement - so I am telling some of you Hank fans and some of my kin now.....a song I wrote (HANK'S OLD SCRATCHED RECORD) is not only on a CD being issued in Europe (as a "BONUS TRACK").....but I was told today that two days after the promo CD was issued it made the TOP TEN in the Czech Republic....the CD is a Hank tribute - with 16 songs by a Belgium bluegrass artist (Dennis Schut and the Spruce Pine Band)......and there are two bonus tracks....one being a song by HANK and the other the one I wrote (with my bluegrass NJ buddy Jim Murphy singing the demo) - ....gosh, I would hate to sound like I am bragging....lol.....but it sure feels good to have a song sitting next to Hank's !!!!! and after writing six Hank tribute singles and having three of them on someone's CD you can imagine how great that feels too.....and there is some possibility of having more songs on a German issued CD in the near future..... Dad/Brother/Friend/Hank Fan/Baron of Falk _____________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE Mar 23, 2004 _____________________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION HANK FANS - Several of you have been asking how to order the ew Dennis Schut "Spruce Pine - Bluegrass Country Tribute to Hank Williams" and as most of you know a song demo titled "Hank's Old Scratched Record" (which was put together by Jim Murphy and I) is included on the CD (as Bonus Track 18) and Dennis Schut and his band do a terrific job on covering 17 of Hank's songs! Copy and paste the following URL in your Browser's location box to access this product at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Bluegrasscountry-Tribute-Hank-Williams-Spruce/dp/B000FTAO1Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1440536603&sr=8-1&keywords=spruce+pine+hank+williams&pebp=1440536588823&perid=1J9ND0B3K8XZK5EPQGFK Track listing here: http://www.allmusic.com/album/bluegrasscountry-tribute-to-hank-williams-mw0001157371 Robert A. _____________________________________________________________________________ Please Scroll down for: "Song "Debut" - "WE CAN'T BE MARRIED IF YOU DON'T LIKE HANK" _____________________________________________________________________________ Submitted by: Robert Ackerman, Palmer, Alaska _____________________________________________________________________________ From: "Robert Ackerman" To: Subject: Song "Debut" - "WE CAN'T BE MARRIED IF YOU DON'T LIKE HANK" Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 20:26:07 -0500 _____________________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION HANK FANS !!!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ I hope you can bear with me in utilizing the Hank Fan e-mail list to "peddle a song" (Please turn up the volume and call up the attachment or the URL given below).....Nope, it ain't an April Fool's joke ! _____________________________________________________________________________ Dustin Hunt gave me the opportunity and collaborated with me in writing this song and it is a very exciting first attempt for me at doing so - I would appreciate you letting me know what you think. The song is expected to be included in a forthcoming CD tribute to Hank by Dustin. _____________________________________________________________________________ TAKE A LISTEN AT - [simply copy and paste the following URL into your browser's location box] MANY OTHER TUNES AVAILABLE _____________________________________________________________________________ Note: Unfortunately, Dustin pased away in 2014 and his website no longer exists _____________________________________________________________________________ Let me know if you have any problems using the web site - and for your convenience I have added a draft of the words below. And YES, I did get permission from my dear wife Michelle to submit the song. _____________________________________________________________________________ Thanks Dustin and thanks to all for listening, Robert Ackerman Palmer, Alaska _____________________________________________________________________________ DRAFT OF SONG WORDS: (Verse 1) _____________________________________________________________________________ I know I want to take you as my darling and loving wife, To go through many years of good times and strife, But when you say you don't like the music of Hank, Then I know for meeting you I have no one to thank. _____________________________________________________________________________ (Chorus) So stay with me and Hank through all of the years, Even in life Hank brought sorrow and tears, So if you don't like what you hear then darlin' I must be frank, My dearest we can't be married if you don't like ole Hank, _____________________________________________________________________________ (Verse 2) You know you'll have to search and find somebody new, but you will find that those that don't like Hank are very few, It's so easy to understand that each love is one of a kind, So stay with me, we'll listen to Hank and hear weddin' bells chime. _____________________________________________________________________________ Robert Ackerman Palmer, Alaska _____________________________________________________________________________ Note: Join Robert Ackerman's Hank Fan Mailing list. _____________________________________________________________________________ Email: Hank1@mtaonline.net _____________________________________________________________________________