_____________________________________________________________________________ \\\\\___CHEROKEE ELVIS RESOURCES___\"-._ /////~~~ wwwebmonitor@yahoo.com ~~~/.-' _____________________________________________________________________________ Mangalore: Leila Alvares Shakes up City with Elvis Jolt _____________________________________________________________________________ Report from Vinod Prem Lobo Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore October 27, 2008 Cause Foundation shook up Mangalore again with its hilarious musical comedy "All Shock Up". It was Elvis Presley the undisputed king of Rock N Roll who became the catalyst for a change here. Based on the Joe DiPietro's book, the play at Town Hall on October 25 was the perfect brew of theatre, music, dance succeeding to keep its lead on the entertainment scale. While the plot for this year's performance was around a 1950's small town in US which transformed itself into a vibrant hub for music and romance, the ever green foot tapping numbers of Elvis were suffused aptly creating the flow. Presley performed this music with a natural hip swiveling sexuality that made him a teen idol and a role model for generations of cool rebels. Leila Alvares, the director of the musical wisely used this icon to bring on stage class-conscious Honky Tonky's resistance to music dismissing it as vulgar, incompetent and a bad influence. However the force of Elvis music and image signaled won each heart from the young to the old effecting a cultural change. Chad, played by Neville De Nazareth in Elvis style, reaches Honky Tonky casting the spell of his music. Romance mushroomed amid resistance. Touching every young heart, the town finally burns with love. However, Natali, played by charming Anaitha Nair stole the show with her vivacious stagecraft. Love entangles the young and old. Natali is smitten by Chad who is mesmerized by the museum girl Sandra who finds her soul mate in Natali (impersonating as a handsome man Ed). Denis has his heart on Natali. Love spares none. Sheriff Earl develops a soft corner for the town's domineering Mayoress Matilda. Her son Dean's and Florane's insuppressible love compels them to elope. Florane's mother Slyvia and Natali's father Jim finally accept the flame between them. The two-and-half-hour show with live music directed by Gaurav Vas skipped none. Most of the audience were seen tapping their feet to the superb music while rest hummed or sang along the great hits like "Love me tender, love me sweet", Can't stop falling in love with you" and many more. One of the scenes that was a visual treat was when a set of angels led by the Mayoress and a devil's gang captained by Chad engage in a perky musical debate. If you have been mesmerized by Cause Foundation's earlier musical hits like 'The Sound of Music', 'Fiddler on the Roof' and 'My Fair Lady', the deeds of Jude Lazaro, Arvind Kasthuri and Prem Koshy in the prime roles would be refreshing phase. Comparing further this show had one noticeable shortcoming. Breaking the trend of perfection in every play by Cause Foundation, this year's show had a lack of co-ordination visible while changing sets and backstage voices making it to the loud speakers and some lighting errors. All forgiven for a noble cause. Cause foundation offered the returns from the show to White Doves and Animal Care Trust. Watch Video: http://www.daijiworld.com/tvdaijiworld/tvhome.asp?category=coastalnews&tv_id=1261 FROM: http://www.daijiworld.com/news/news_disp.asp?n_id=52829&n_tit=Mangalore%3A+Leila+Alvares+Shakes+up+City+with+Elvis+Jolt _____________________________________________________________________________ Reprinted under the Fair Use http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html Doctrine of International Copyright Law ____________________________________________________________________________