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Thoughts Of Me

bul.jpg (702 bytes)Who am I? hmmm...I am a shy, passionate woman who has very little understanding about life. Soft and gentle, tragic sort...hopelessly romantic and always broken-hearted. Not a "I am woman, hear me roar" kinda girl but I am drawn to those who a source of strength I suppose or maybe admiration. I love magical bright colors and witty surprises. Could this be my way of shouting, "Here I am?" I have a deep abiding love in my heart for all people and find meaness very confusing. Yes...I am naive and innocent and still wonder why can't we love one another. Mostly...I believe in the magic of imagination. I answered a question recently in a guestbook..."What was the truest form of magic? of course my answer was...the imagination. If our fates collide and I touch your will never forget me. Feelings are treasures...if you hurt me I will be gone forever.

bul.jpg (702 bytes)Are you impressed by credentials and diplomas? Will you hold me in higher regard? lol...ok...I will give you what you want. I have an BA in social work...which altruistically means...the government will forever be putting another form on my seriously...I have accomplished amazing things with my life and traveled extensively. Now I am home and do not want that life anymore. I much prefer peace and quiet...harmony...and perhaps someone to love.

bul.jpg (702 bytes)I have a magical life on the internet that I thouroughly enjoy and take quite I love the wonderful designs and extraordinary talent I find. In quaint terms...deja vu...a child beside my grandmother...searching through fabric stores for just the right piece of material...bolts stacked high...colors and textures...she asking you think this is the right one? Then later...piecing together the quilt...handing me my special one...telling me...when you find the best spot that is where we will put it. Always remembering the quilt can ever be left perfect...that signifies vanity and not true to this imperfect yes...we placed the odd piece and maybe the colors were a bit askew at times...but it worked for us. I find this is the same approach I use on my website. My early...simple learning work is being packed away and now I am enjoying all the new "fabric" and I thank those who have the love of creation in their heart. Me try it? I am a dreamer with words in my heart. I play with words...that's

bul.jpg (702 bytes)My greatest accomplishment? My son. He is indescribably handsome, young and innocent in that teen rebellious sort of know everything way. We do not have a conventional home...we are roommates. I have given him every life skill I know and told him every day that I loved him. Will he be successful? Who knows...I am still amazed that he was given to me. I have not yet past the profoundness of the first time he was placed in my So I suppose the rest is up to him.
My biggest regret? That I left his father.

bul.jpg (702 bytes)Please enjoy my poetry. Contact me if you wish to use one. I am reconstructing my original site and attempting to find the owners of graphics I have been given or found so if you find yourself there and see a graphic and say...hey...I know where that came from...please let me know. This is something I really believe in. Artist are hard-working people who seldom get the credit they deserve and we do feel a certain "this is mine don't take it feeling" so ask me if you want to borrow. Now I wear the artist logo on my site like my son wears the brand name on his shirts...its gotta be there to count.

Thank you,

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