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~*~dark ocean~*~(Please wait for java-script to load...lets not disappoint the fish...they have practiced hard)

Spooky Spooky night tonight
Let's go out and have a fright
Trick or Treat
What will we do?
Now its time for
you to choose!

(look for hidden links
fish like to have fun too)

Daydreams In Water

Warm velvet caress my skin
Slowly soothe my soul
Daydream the hours
Thoughts of days gone past
Dreams of future light

Tickle my toes
Bring me back to yesterday
Thoughts of you
...and happy times
The sun warms my skin you did

Sad song sing my heart
Peaceful silence slumbers near
Hearts collide without a tear
Wake me from this treasure ride
Seek my soul
...then say goodbye

©by China

~*~Halloween Sea Princess~*~

if the ocean was milk
and the bottom was cream
i'd dive for you
like a submarine

(Yeh! Lets give the fish a hand!)

Copyright © Faeylyn Wylder 1998
