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>>the perfectly imperfect China<<

Wow! Welcome techno travelers. I am truly honored that you landed here in my pad. Friends who help friends who help friends. Do you remember that saying? I'm lending my site in support of a new cause Diva & Goliath. These ladies are battling the *big guys* trying to keep the rights to their name. They have always been very nice to me and now they need a little help so click the button and read the disclaimer please. Other people have rights too...not just me. Lets see if we can *make the web a better place* because even one person can make a difference. Enjoy my wonder world and please...let me fly free and you can too. Abide by the wishes of the artists I have borrowed from (they really are nice people) and let goodness be your guide.

Did you see my groovy new splash art? I love discovering treasure on the web. What can I say...I guess I'm having a *red lipstick day*. that business is out of the way...lets play! Check out *China's DRealm*. That is where I retire at the end of the day when my fingers are tired and my eyes want to play...where my heart friends dwell.

Now...if you're ready for a walk on the wild side click on over to *China's JavaBoard*. It's lots of fun with java games and other things to do including a groovy new *Kaleidoscope* that will make you say WOW! Webbers may or may not be able to play although I do know that *Checkers* and *Chocolates* are compatible and very playable.

If peace is what you seek, please accept this special invitation to my poetry section *Heart Cryz*. My true talent, heart and soul can be found here.
Play with words, seek the truth. Play with heart, thoughts of you. I'm redecorating my art gallery in a beautiful new pageset and new art. Have a look-see...some of it is already open. I think you will be surprised and happy with *The Galleria*. Indentification and cataloging is going well. It is filled with wonderful pieces that I love. child inside insisted that I create holiday pages so could I resist? Of course not. So please...celebrate the seasons with me at the *Holiday Faire*. If you are wondering how to be as "clickable" as me...hehe...check out my *Toolbox* section. There you will find useful tips and links that will help in creating dynamite webpages...So...enjoy!

And...I guess you've noticed the pop-up ads...hmmm...I tried the page ones but it messed up my scripts and tables so I converted...sorry for the inconvenience. Hint:Minimize the first one and save till you leave my site. No others will appear!

:: Sitemap ::



IntroChina's DRealm | JavaBoard | Heart CryzThe Galleria |
Holiday FaireToolboxWhat's NewAbout Me | Guestbook | Email

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"I am not a minimalist"
Alexander McQueen


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