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Friday, 9 April 2004
Art should be accessible. But not obvious. One should have to work for the meaning, and most interesting conveyances are only able to be brought out in such a manner. One must read or otherwise experience what the artist is referring to, and should be able to gather meaning by looking at the artists work in its entirety, not just a single piece. This is interpretation by discovery, not infusing your own meaning. It't not relative, it's just not obvious. In the same way that the world works. Art should represent the world, and exactly how you go about doing that should reflect how you go about seeing the world. The question in art is how far you want to go and what level you want to focus on.

Posted by me2/marijane at 1:51 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 27 April 2004 - 4:42 AM EDT

Name: Jah

It's 4:30 in the morning now. I have just finished reading "surviver" by Chuck Palahniuk, only two days after my completion of "lullaby" by the same author. perhaps it's because its so early and my mind seems fixated upon what I've just completed, or maybe its that fact in itself that I just finished reading something moving, and now my search for the same feeling has to continue. I havent read for a long while, perhaps it's because I got lazy and perhaps its because I am always left with the same feeling after I read the last page, it's almost as if I feel a little more empty, like I had something that is now lost. it's sad in a way. you read these books and for the few days while completely involved, it's like you have gained a new something special, you have something to turn to. these storys of fiction that encapsulate my mind for the time they are in my hand, and its like something new to hold onto. something that you wish will keep spilling onto new pages that should be blank. when the story ends, it's back to the same thing, it is so easy to be encompassed in fiction. these storys of fiction, they are like gateways to something new and interesting instead of the same old thing. this is why I feel differently after putting the book down for the last time, and now I search for more distractions. and perhaps its because it is so early in the morning and the words are still etched into my mind, it is always very early when I finish a book. and as weary as I am, perhaps there in lies the reason for why I feel differently. I suppose it must sound silly, I must sound a little silly right now, I dont know if you have felt the same about such things. kind of like after a concert that you've waited so long to see, and not knowing if you'll ever feel that sort of connectedness again, that you'll never reach that peak of where the music is hitting every part of you and twisting your emotions, how you can look to the stage and see your idols, your muses or your gods, all there, lined up in a row and performing just for you. I hate that feeling, that doubt and loss of excitment, and the worry of, will I feel this again? perhaps I'm being dramatic, perhaps its because its so early in the mornign and I know that I only have a few short hours untill I'm supposed to be up for class, but I feel the absense of something. but even now, it is always fades, sometimes more swiftly than others, I guess expressing it helps the "grieving process". it's just when something moves you, you dont want to let go. but it's 4:40 now and I'm being dramatic. this babble perhaps serves no perpose or has no exact point. but its 4:40 in the morning and I'm unbelievably lonely right now. things couldnt be better though, I should be off to sleep...time is fleeting and tomorrow I have alot of nothing to do, more nothings. more time without the distraction of a good book to keep me busy and from thinking about what I need to accomplish. goodnight, goodmorning, whichever you choose.

Tuesday, 4 May 2004 - 12:11 AM EDT

Name: Darla
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It's called attachment. And I believe we're of the kind that get attached easily. Though we'd love to deny it, I think it's true. We're romantics. We get attached to fleeting things and mourn their loss. Music, concerts, art, books. We fill ourselves with them but can't hold on to them. Such is their beauty. If we had them for too long they might no longer be beautiful. I suppose this might be a "tortured artist" type of sentiment. And it's cheesy, and its lame, and all that stuff, but it's what we do. It's what allows us to really feel and get into what we do. Seeing APC onstage, for example, playing the songs that have come to mean so much to us wouldn't be the same if we didn't completely open up to them as they do to us in their music. It's a beautiful experience and what makes it special is the trust and the bond there, the sheer openness and the only pain to come from it is when they're done the set, the song ends, the cd stops, whatever. The same goes for a book. Somebody is talking to you for two hundred some odd pages and then they leave. And while we can pick up another book, and even then theres a limit, its never the same again. Its an endless stream of lost loves we never seem to learn from. *shrug* one of those things I guess. But incidentally it's interesting. I'm trying to figure out what exactly I want my art to say. I'm going to go ahead and major in it. I know what forms I want to experiment with, but I also want to be able to articulate some sort of sentiment and mission. I'll be giving some though to that in the near future and looking over the span of my artwork and such in the process. A collection will be up on the site and such, and my thoughts may be recorded. I'd be happy if you could put in some of your insight. I know you "get it" for the most part, and perhaps moreso than I do myself. So do as you will.

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