It's been a while.
Headbanging to Mudvayne on the ride back from work at six in the morning is priceless.
I was reading an info sheet on the tell tale signs of drunk driving last night and realized that that is how I normally drive. Drifting over the yellow line, random and sporratic breaking and accelerating, forgetting to stop at stop signs, etc. Go figure.
I was reading Stephen Hawking's Illustrated Theory of Everything tonight and I realized that although he might know his cosmology and physics, his grasp on philosophy is a bit off:
"...the idea that God might want to change his mind" (various problems with this, and it's slightly irrelevant, but moving on) "is an example of the fallacy, point out by St. Augustine, or imagining God as a being existing in time. Tim eis a property of the universe that God created." (right, sounds good so far) "Presumably, He knew what He intended when He set it up." This makes me think he totally missed the point of God being out of time, not just correct in the first place. Oh well. It was a pretty cool book in the first place, and inspired me on how to finish off my quarter-sleeve tattoos.
The night shift is fun. Last night was my night off so I stayed up all night and painted at four in the morning. Had it not been so cold I would have gone outside, but either way it was glorious.
Here are some notes from the past few nights.
or rather just the previous night cause I lost the one before that.
6/20, 5am - In a book I recently read, conservatism was defined in part by the tendacny to take history into account for current decisions. After reading some history of heavy metal and reliving the days of the PMRC and other censorship movements it has come to my attention that these conservatives should learn from the past indeed and realize that their tactics, well, suck.
Basing arguments on not facts but whatever arguements they wish, distorting lyrics, claiming occult influence, satanism - depicted as atrocious behavior and rituals that the Catholic church itself made up - and making up the presence of subliminal messaging, the claimed to want to "protect the youth". These movements seek to censor and alienate youth culture by straight out lying.
What worries me most is that these people could be doing something positive with their time. Once their "youth" realizes that these scares are all just a lie, who's to say why they should believe anything else that the "adult moral majority" has to say, especially when they blatantly expressed disinterest and even repulsion towards what the youth have to say.
Now I consider myself somehwere in the middle fo conservatism and liberalism. Lately, eco-anarchy has my attention. But learning from the past is a good tactic indeed, and in many cases we can see for sure how things should not be done. In other news - Mudvayne's bassist rocks. Dig is my current favorite example.