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by,  Max The Poet


A rose so soft and perfect,

A rose so crisp and clean,

A rose that is so fragrant,

A rose that is seldom seen.


A rose that has been cared for,

A rose that shows you care,

A rose that has been blooming,

A rose your love can bear.


A rose that you have seen,

A rose that made you cry,

A rose that you and I have shared,

A rose that’s more precious,

As the time goes by.


A rose you are, you see,

A rose given in love,

A rose that was sent,

A rose from up above.



You Are The One.

 by, Max The Poet


You are the one...

The one I prayed for,

The one I long for,

The one true thing I seek.


You are the one that makes my heart sing,

You are the one thing I need.

Don’t try to guess why.

Some things are not for the ear to hear.

They are for the heart to feel.

They are from the Lord above.


You are that one.

The one I share with and care about.

The one who loves with all your heart.

Forever more not to part.

You are the one.


Sometimes When I Think of You...

by, Max The Poet


Sometimes when I think of you,

My heart begins to sing,

And all my cares and worries,

Do not mean a thing.


Sometimes when I think of you,

My world becomes so clear,

And with every passing moment,

I long to hold you near.


Sometimes when I think of you,

You melt away the past,

And in the sudden quiet,

I hope that it will last.


Sometimes when I think of you,

I pray for you to be,

Everything you aspire,

But most of all with me.


Sometimes when I think of you,

I look up to the skies,

And there I wish, I hope, I pray,

To look upon your eyes.



by, Max The Poet


There at dawn,

In the stillness and the quiet,

I sit and think,

And let out a yawn.


It is the awakening of Earth,

In all its beauty,

It is a silent moment,

It is the dawn’s own duty.


I hear the birds,

As they begin to sing,

And I wonder why there is,

Such a beautiful thing.


I hear a whisper,

And a silent prayer,

It is calling us nearer,

To Him up there.

It is a time to give thanks,

For another beautiful day,

And thanks for all the blessings,

He has sent our way.


It is the light that dispels,

 The dark and sin,

It is the light that awakens,

The spirit within.


And with this new day,

And early morning light,

There is the promise of newness,

And of morning delight.


A  promise that life,

Can continue to be,

If only we would listen,

And stay close to Him be.


The Wind

by, Max The Poet


Oh how I love the wind

So free to go just where it wants to.

And even though I see it not,

It is clear to see,

That the wind is blowing very hard,

Upon the sturdy trees.


The wind is wild and gentle, too.

It knows no place or time.

The wind can take a short reprieve,

And show its force sublime.


To be the wind just for a day,

And care not what I do,

I could wonder here, there, and everywhere,

And stop to meet with you.


So when you see the wind and hear its gale,

Take a moment or two.

Watch and listen closely.

It is calling out to you.


Little Step, Big Step

by, Max The Poet


 Little step, big step, a step from here to there,

All these things take time you see,

They are done with care.


Little step, big step, all good things in time,

You cannot hurry a good thing,

It gets better like fine wine.


Little step, big step, why do we rush it so,

If we just would have some patience,

We would know which way to go.


Little step, big step, the Master’s plan divine,

All of this revealed to us,

All in His good time.


My Friend

by, Max The Poet


My friend is unassuming,

Gentle and sincere,

Always very patient,

Lending me an ear.


I love my friend and all that’s done,

Out of love and for no pay,

In the best of times,

And on a cloudy day.


My friend will stay and hold me close,

And share with me my fears,

My friend will listen and not judge me,

And help me wipe away my tears.


As long as life be in my bones,

And while I am able to,

I will thank the Lord above me,

For sending an angel, … you.


Christmas Hearts

by, Max The Poet


Create a Christmas heart in me dear Lord,

A pure and beautiful thing,

Make it shine for all to see,

For all those listening.


A Christmas heart comes from above,

And always brings you cheer,

It fits your life just like a glove,

And keeps an Angel near.


A Christmas heart cannot be broken,

Nor can it mend all things,

But with this heart is spoken,

A prayer on Angels’ wings.


Create in me a Christmas heart,

That I may do some good.

And with this heart and your gentle hand,

Some good..... I know I would. (could)


Make a Christmas heart for all to see,

And give it special gifts,

That mankind may live abundantly,

Your name upon their lips.



by, Max The Poet


The time has come,

For me to share,

My secret thoughts,

Of you, my dear.


The many ways,

You touch my heart,

And how I cry,

When we're apart.


The time spent laughing,

And times spent sad,

They are the best,

I have ever had.


Special and true,

Our love has been,

I cannot describe it,

Or write it with pen.


You are amazing,

My sweetheart and more,

I love you completely,

You hold the key to the door.


My thoughts will I treasure,

Till the end of time,

The thoughts of you, my sweet,

I am thankful you are mine.



I Watched the Sunrise and Thought of You

by, Max The Poet


This morning I sat and watched the sun rise over the mountains.

It was a clear, crisp morning and the sky was a deep shade of purple.

As I sat, I could not help but think of you.

I was wondering what dream you were dreaming at that very moment.


As I sat, I saw the darkness turn to light and many vibrant colors came to life.

Again, my thoughts returned to you, and with that awesome beauty before me,

I thought how wonderfully colorful you have made my life.

After a short time sitting and watching, the day began with jubilant light.

As the light became more intense, I felt as though you had joined me there.

Just for a moment, I felt your presence, and the warmth of your touch.

As the reality set in, that you were not there, a sadness came over me.

A sadness that we were separated by so many miles or are we?

Were you there with me?

Did you see the same sunrise I saw?

Did you hear the words, “I love you” whispered when I spoke?


All these things, I feel when I think of you.

I miss you so when we are apart and rejoice in knowing soon, we will be together,

In the mean time, my thoughts are of you and how much I love you.

Solitude and beauty, all this I see and feel.

All this, while I watched the sunrise, and thought of you.



Autumns Rush

by, Max The Poet  


We call it Fall, this time of year,

The air seems so clean,

The frost sneaks about the valleys,

And colorful leaves are seen. 

The wilderness is different,

In a quiet sort of way,

Nature is telling everyone,

Winter’s coming, home today. 

Autumn comes and goes so fast,

The colorful splendor,

Does not last. 

Swiftly, the leaves have fallen down,

All the birds have left our Town,

Not a single flower can be found,

When Autumn makes its rush 

And before we know and figure out,

Winter has come, without a doubt.

We look around for little clues,

But Autumn’s gone, no time to lose. 

So this year as Autumn draws near,

Take the time to stop and fuss,

Before it is all gone,

In Autumn’s rush. 



Samoyed Songs

by, Max The Poet


My best friends aren’t human,

They aren’t found in space,

They are white and furry,

And have a pretty face.


They are faithful and stand by me,

Through, both thick and thin,

At my side is where they’ll be,

And they follow where I’ve been.


They make me smile when things are bad,

And make me happy when I am sad,

They put me first, far above all,

They can catch me gently, when I fall.


And when my day is going great,

They are happy and cannot wait,

Till play time comes, again, at last,

When they can jump and run real fast.


They love to pull a mighty sled,

All they need is to be fed,

Through the snow and frigid cold,

They lead the way and they are bold.


They race to the finish line,

Sometimes in the nick of time.

And sometimes they are record fast,

Till the end is here, at last.


But when the race is won,

And rewards are all around,

They are not very far,

Close to me, they can be found.


They are my Sammies, they are true and blue,

They love to sing and be with you,

They will make you see your true being,

And give your life a whole new meaning.


And when rest is on its way,

I thank the Lord for another day.

And with humble prayer upon my heart,

I pray that we will never part.


I sit and listen to my friends,

On a day that’s been so long,

I love to sit and listen,

To my Samoyed’s’ Song.



by, Max The Poet


If all things in life were plain to see,

I wonder what you’d think of me,

Would you see the inner self,

Or would you look for outer wealth?


Can you hear the unspoken word,

Could you read the unwritten text,

Or would you look for clues,

Of what’s to happen next?


Will you stop and hear my heart,

If I didn’t do my part,

Would you help to ease my pain?

Would you leave me or remain?


If I fall and stumble too,

Could I call upon you?

Will you share the good and bad,

Would you joke when I am sad?


Can you see beyond the flesh,

Can you be my happiness?

And if I dream a certain dream,

Do in my eyes, you see the gleam?


I ask all this, of you my sweet,

That you would make my life complete,

I promise to love you and do my part,

And keep you close within my heart.


In goodness and health,

In bad times, and in ill,

I will not falter in my will,

And when I am gone, and then until,

I will be here, loving you, STILL.


Our Paths

by, Max The Poet


As we travel our path of life,

A brand new day awaits us,

As we make our way, a newness fills our lives,

And we are free to begin again.


Not knowing our final destination,

And with our best foot forward,

We  embark on our journey of faith,

And pray for lasting peace.


A new beginning, a humble heart,

This is what we long for,

And with the Lord as our Shepherd,

We trust no harm shall we endure.


His promise is a simple one,

Not made in haste or carelessness,

He promises his lasting love,

To help us find our way.


He is divine in every way,

His hand is at the wheel,

And when the path is dark and feared,

He knows just how we feel.


He comforts his people and hears their plea,

He knows every breath we take,

He keeps us on the straight and narrow,

So we do not make a mistake.


But should we err or stumble hard,

He will pick us up,

And show where to walk again,

And where not to get stuck.


To Love the Lord with all your heart,

And seek him every day,

This is what he asks of us,

And to his word obey.


Seek his comfort and wisdom,

Keep his commands and pray,

And he will live within you,

And help you on your way.


The Best I Know

by, Max The Poet 


There are people that are nice,

There are those who aren’t,

There are those that make us smile,

When life begins its torrent.


And through the happy and the sad,

There are times we want to show,

That we have had the best there is,

And the best I know.


The best I know is what I say,

When people ask me who,

I point up to the heavens,

Cause He knows  just what to do.


He is the leader and knows his way,

Just let him lead ,and trust him,

Guiding all to eternal life,

With the Angels far above them.


The best I know is what He is,

I will thank him  and I’ll show,

That I love Him dearly and faithfully,

Because He’s the best I know.



With You

by, Max The Poet 


Each night as I sit and wait for your return,

I watch the stars in the Heavens,

I look up to the sky and wonder about this world,

I cannot help but wish that I was with you.


I wait patiently,

I listen to silence of the night,

I hear a sweet hush fill the darkness,

And suddenly I hear the familiar sound of your voice.


With you there is no darkness,

With you there is only light,

And in all the time I spend waiting for you,

I realize how much I love you.


With you in my life,

I know that no mountain is too high to climb,

With you at my side,

All things can become reality.


I will wait and be patient,

For with you the prize is wonderful,

And I will ask only for your love in return,

  My love will be with you, always.



My Rose

by, Max The Poet


We met quite by chance,

On an evening I was blue,

I was praying for a romance,

And suddenly, there was you.


I clearly remember every sentence,

You wrote upon the page,

It struck a chord in my heart,

A song of endless age.


I can remember my thoughts,

How quickly they ran through,

And I recall every laugh,

I have ever had with you.


I compare our love to flowers,

In particular, a rose,

How fragrant and beautiful,

Is our love and how it grows.


Someday when we are together,

And if the flower is fading,

A lasting memory of you my sweet,

Will be in my heart remaining.


A rose so red and full of life,

And fragrant beyond sensing,

This rose, is for you,

My love is never ending.


Should youth and beauty fail us,

And upon our face it shows,

Remember, we, forever will be,

A fragrant, beautiful, rose.



Treasured Moments

by, Max The Poet 


Can we forget the times we played,

Beneath the cypress, on the farm?

Can we forget the times we stayed,

And played hide and seek in the barn?


Never can I forget these times,

And all the fun we had,

This memory in my heart shines,

And sure does make me glad.


These treasured memories,

That I will always hold dear,

Memories of youth, and of love,

Friends, and of good cheer.


Treasured moments of our lives,

Come back to me sometimes,

I remember and smile a bit,

And I think of nursery rhymes.


All the fun and games we played,

And the lessons learned in time,

Come quickly into focus,

They are treasured moments, mine.


Not Forgotten

by, Max The Poet 


 I look back and recall days not forgotten,

When Granny and Gramps took me places,

I have fond memories of these things.

And recall joy upon their faces.


I was too young to appreciate,

All the love they shared,

And now I wish they were near,

To hear how much I cared.


They had a gift of giving love

To me, no matter what,

And even when I had done wrong,

The door was never shut.


I have many memories of walks we took,

And parks, and ball games too.

Granny and Gramps never were selfish,

They knew just what to do.


And when times were hard in our little house,

They gave all that they had,

They shared their food, their love, and laughs,

They brought happiness when we were sad.


I miss them so, it makes me cry,

To think about those apple pies,

And all the time they gave to me,

That taught the worth of family.


I thank you Granny and Grampy, too,

For giving me your love,

And for being here and teaching me,

You were gentle as a dove.


You always will be a rugged branch,

Upon the family tree,

And if all the tree should disappear,

With Granny and Grampy, I will not fear.


You Are

by, Max The Poet


Time is never standing still,

It does linger long,

It moves about at its own pace,

Like a blue bird’s Spring time song.


We can not see what is coming next,

Or know for sure our end,

But with time and patient healing,

We can begin to mend.


More precious than gold or exotic gems,

Is what you are to me,

I am glad that we are friends,

We are close like family.


If you think that you need a hand,

Or someone’s listening ear,

I am here for you my friend,

I’ll hold you tight and near.


Until the pain and sorrow fades,

And till you’re safe and sound,

I will comfort and console you,

Until your way you’ve found.


Special people are a rare find,

They are not, just all around,

I am glad that you are mine,

And that we two were found.


I promise to listen and not judge you,

If ever you need an ear,

I promise that I’ll simply love you,

And keep your heart held near.


For you are priceless and cherished too,

And mean lots of things to me,

Promise to always be my friend,

In my heart, you’ll always be.



My Grandparents

by, Max The Poet


I am just a little child,

I am short yet smart,

I live with my grandparents,

I love them a lot.


I am just a little tike,

I need some hugs and love,

My grandparents buy me lots of toys,

Like my baseball glove.


And when I am not behaving best,

They teach me right from wrong,

They teach with love and kindness,

They have patience all day long.


I love my grandparents so very much,

And I love the things they do,

Like letting me help to mow the lawn,

And taking the trash out, too.


I am too young to tell you now,

Just how much you mean to me,

But in this poem, you’ll come to see,

I love you honestly.




by, Max The Poet


Soon everywhere you look will be white,

The snows will have come and blanketed us,

The fresh white powder will refresh,

And we shall start anew.


Cold as it is, this time of year,

There is beauty in the cold,

Because it awakens us,

It makes the weak so bold.


The whiteness is coming again real soon,

God's promise that he will be,

Brightness to all who seek his face,

Life for you and me.



Behold the Beauty

by, Max The Poet


Surrounded by splendid colors,

The sunsets are aglow,

Behold the beauty of life,

Sit back and enjoy the show.


Sunsets were made for lovers,

For majestic noble Kings,

And for everyone who longs to see,

An angel upon wings.


Splendid are the crisp violet rays,

Catching the eye like oceans of waves,

Behold the Beauty the Lord has created,

Given as gift to those have waited.


Look up and see the sun and its rays,

Showering forth in color ablaze.

Calling us closer to marvel and wonder,

Powerful and Mighty, like lightening and thunder.


Behold the beauty set forth on this day,

Give thanks to Him who made it this way,

Everlasting, His love, and comforting too,

The colors of love set forth before you.



Shadow Lane Songs

by, Max The Poet

Part 1



They came to us one evening,

Tiny little critters,

They were one of the best,

Of Sasha’s litters


Born in perfection, beauty and love,

Six little Sammies, sent from above.

Joy and happiness filled our hearts,

As we peered into the litter box.


There were six pups and Sasha too,

She was so proud and knew what to do,

She went right to her duties and all that it entails,

She counted her pups, three girls, three males.


And keeping close watch and up half the night,

Were the proud owners, Carol and Mike,

They marveled and cried and even laughed too,

And another page written in successes they knew.


Proud as new parents, though not their first born,

Carol and Mike began this sweet song,

“The Song of the Samoyed”, that is its name,

Alive and so well in this place, Shadow Lane.


Shadow Lane Songs

by, Max The Poet

Part 2

“I Am Me”


The song continues as five weeks pass,

The pups are growing so very fast,

Six little fur balls all soft and so sweet,

They are now learning, how they should eat.

With each passing minute, smarter they are,

And Sasha is watching now, from afar,

Each one so different, yet looking the same,

They are now learning, they have a name.


They cuddle and cling and hold on quite tight,

Bear hugs from Sammies, that’s what I like,

Dependent on you for feeding and such,

They like to be played with and yes, you can touch.


They hop and jump and run all around,

All of them happy, none have a frown,

Once in a while they let out a  yelp,

Sasha comes running, in case they need help.


Learning to bark is such fun to see,

They jump back at first and think, “Was that me?”,

Soon that bark, turns into a howl,

And at this young age, they sound like an owl.


Feeding is fun, it takes all you have, man!

To keep them from pouncing right into the pan,

Once full and content, it’s time for a sleep,

And for the next hour, you don’t hear a peep.


Now it is time to begin the breed watch,

Checking for movement, temperament, and such,

And each has their own personality seen,

They are learning for sure, “Hey, I am me!”



Shadow Lane Songs

by, Max The Poet

Part 3 



Nine weeks have come and gone,

The puppies have grown up quick,

And it’s time to see what we’ve done,

And decide which pups to pick.


Some will stay, and be our own,

And some are sold for show,

Some will be pets alone,

It is so hard to know.


We did our part and helped them grow,

To be the best they can,

One thing for sure, we’ll miss them so,

And we’ll remember where they began.


Six little fluff balls,

So cuddly and so white,

They taught us much about ourselves,

And made our lives so bright.


We shall miss you, all that leave us now,

And wish you all the best,

We know that to good homes you go,

And that God will do the rest.


Parting is such sweet sorrow,

And we shall remember you as you are,

You will always be close at heart,

And will never be too far.



A Man Who Will Love

by, Max The Poet


I was with someone all of the time,

But, I still felt lonely, at least in my mind,

I was searching for something out of my touch,

It was love I was seeking, and wanted so much.


I searched in the bar rooms,

And searched the dance halls,

I looked on the beaches,

And I looked in the Malls.


She was not there, this woman I sought,

She was not for free, nor could she be bought,

In my mind. This is where she exists,

And thoughts of her beauty, I can’t resist.


A beauty within her, yet, seen if you look,

She isn’t a beauty that’s seen in a book,

She loves herself and shares with you too,

Somehow, she always knows what to do.


I happened on her, one evening in May,

And with me she’s been and I want her to stay,

She’s all that I dreamt, and looked for you see,

She is my lady, she was made just for me.


When you find your love and you’re sure that it’s right,

You feel it inside, everyday, every night,

And when you meet , and finally touch,

Hold her and love her, it’s never too much.


Be careful to listen. be attentive,  and true,

Strengthen each other in harmony too,

Tell her you love her, and will for all time,

Ask her quite often, “Will you be mine?”


All this is possible and waiting for you,

You are never alone if you know what to do,

She is a lady, she is sent from above,

She’s searching too, for a man that will love.



You’re Special

by, Max The Poet


Many times we encounter new people in our lives,

They come and go with no great concern,

But, there are a few, who make lasting impressions on our beings,

You are one of those people.


From the start there was no doubt,

I couldn’t understand what the fuss was about,

You accepted me for what I am,

And lent me a helping hand.


You were there for me through it all,

You pick me up when I fall,

You give me hugs when I am blue,

What would I do without you?


This is how it is between us two,

We love each other, me and you,

I just wanted to say it with this little touch,

You’re special! I love you so very much.



You Need To Know

by, Max The Poet


My feelings I cannot hide,

They are from so deep inside,

I can not even begin to say,

This poem alone cannot convey.


The love I feel for you, my sweet,

Makes me feel my life's complete,

I need to tell you, and let you know,

That I love you from head to toe.


Your love is more than I deserve,

I only wish I had the nerve,

To love as you do, so complete,

And give some more when I am beat.


I love you dear, with all my heart,

Together we will be, we shall not part,

And if all the world went away,

My love for you would always stay.


I will be right here, a rock for you,

In all the things we need to do,

I promise to love you like you do me,

A true and complete love for eternity.


We Can Be

by, Max The Poet


When you are in love, nothing matters much,

All you want to do is hold on tight,

This is how it is with you,

I want to hold you long into the night.


There are so many things needed to do,

Before I can truly be with you,

I feel the fear you have inside,

And want to help till it passes by. 


Things are not as simple as they should be,

It is complex, you and me,

From two worlds apart we've become one,

And together will be, never undone.


I want you to know how much it means,

That you gave yourself without a lien,

And though you are not mine for sure,

My love for you will endure.


When we meet and get to touch,

I will tell just how much,

I do love you and want you here,

And until then I will fear.


Fear that you will never come home,

And share with me, us two alone,

Life is short so hurry to find,

And try so hard to make up your mind.


Whatever the end I know I will see,

That you were somehow good for me,

I will not regret the time well shared,

With this, nothing is compared.


Beautiful to me shall you remain,

And I will try to ease your pain,

Friends first, and God knows what will be,

I know for sure, He made you for me.


And when you’re done with your little task,

I will be here waiting to ask,

Keeping the watch and staying true,

Because you see, I love you.


I've never felt quite like this,

I know for sure I don't want to miss,

The possible life of love we can share,

And for know it is all I can bear.


I think you know just how I feel,

You have given new meaning and made it real,

I promise to love you till the end of time,

I want you and need you, to be mine.


Who Is Max

by, Max The Poet


This little poem is written in love,

To those of you who  cared,

And asked why my name is Max,

I think it’s time it’s shared.


A very dear friend gave me this name,

And since that day, I’ve not been the same,

The name was given by my friend Klute,

A real good friend and who gave a hoot.


She was the first to coin the phrase,

And called me Max for many days,

She named me this for driving her Mom,

And taken care of her Step-Dad Tom.


In all of my life I never had such a friend,

Who cared so much and did not pretend,

She taught me to dream and open my mind,

To the possibilities that could be mine.

She encouraged me to grow and never look back,

She taught me to strive and never to lack,

And through good times and bad and in-between,

She was there for me, you know what I mean?


A true friend who never quit,

Who took the time to listen and sit,

We laughed and giggled and sometimes cried,

Somehow she made me feel better inside.


I owe lots of things to my friend Klute,

Who gave of her self, and gave a hoot.

For all of my life I’m forever in debt,

And for all that she has done, I will not forget.


This poem is for her who taught me so well,

I love you forever no one can tell,

I am hoping someday we will meet on the tracks,

Thanks for the name and the love, your friend, Max.

~ for Klute ~




by, Max The Poet


I think you already know how much you mean to me,

I often think about us and how we came to be,

It is a beautiful thing that we share,

Nothing on this Earth could even compare.


I need to reassure you that my love is real,

And I need to express the way that I feel,

Nothing  is impossible to achieve,

If we just have faith and continue to believe.


Great things have truly begun,

And I will be there cheering you on,

I know you will make it to the finish line,

And then you can, truly be mine.


I will not fail in my desire,

To get us through the heat and the fire,

And when we have overcome all the pain,

A true, everlasting love will remain.


To this end, I will be here,

Loving you more every day, dear,

This is the dream I have today,

I do love you in every way.


The dream is real,

See how I feel?

Dreaming it with you is great,

It is now a dream, but I can wait...


Rest In My Arms

by, Max The Poet


Rest in my arms and I'll hold you tight,

There you can stay,

For the rest of the night.


Together at last,

No looking at the past,

My love will always last.


Rest in my arms and dare to dream,

Think of the possibilities,

And what may be seen.


I will never give up on loving us,

In you, my love, I've placed my trust,

It is true love, not lust.


Rest in my arms and whisper to me,

All the love sonnets that can be,

Meant for us, together at last, for eternity.



 My Sister

by, Max The Poet


I need to tell you some things I’ve wanted to say,

But, somehow it eludes me in some way,

I’ve tried to just come out and tell you,

But, somehow I thought maybe you knew.


I need to say that I care a lot,

And that I understand you are in a spot,

I really think that you are neat,

And you, my sister, make me feel complete.


When you are sad or feeling down,

I want you to know, that I am around,

I will listen well and will not judge,

I promise never to hold a grudge.


You mean a lot to me in many ways,

You have a way of brightening my days,

And sometimes if you feel like no one could care,

I want you to know that I am there.


And if you think that I am nuts,

Please don’t laugh. I finally have the guts,

To tell you that I think you’re the best,

And with you as my sister, who needs the rest.


You are worth while and fun to be around,

Sometimes it’s hard to keep my feet on the ground,

Somehow, we share something like no one ever could,

And I needed to tell you this, ‘cause I felt that I should.


You are special in my eye,

I hope I have not made you cry,

I just needed to say it on this day,

Poets are funny in this way.


You are my sister and I hope for no other,

I hope you will always say, that I am your brother,

And when things, seem out of  touch,

Remember that I love you very much.


Shall We Dance

by, Max The Poet


Shall we dance the dance of life my love?

Or shall we ignore the beat?

I myself want to dance,

You make me so complete.


Shall we dance the whole night through? Or rest when we are tired,

I noticed your perfume tonight,

And your dress I have admired.


Shall we dance till dawn awakes,

Or should we stop at two?

I will dance whenever you like,

Because I love you.


Funny Isn't It

by, Max The Poet


We met in Angel Winks chat,

Not that long ago,

I had to get to know you,

And let my feelings show.


We still don't quite understand,

How we met or why,

But, something between us had began,

And on the wings of love we fly.


Sometimes the thought of all that we share,

Overwhelms me and I cry,

How beautiful you are to me Shell,

I wish so much I was there.


Soon we will meet and get to see,

What it is that attracted you and me,

And when I see you face to face,

The way I feel shall not be erased.


In that room where we first met,

We shared our lives, how could we forget,

That somehow God put us together,

And some day I hope to make it forever.


Worth While

by, Max The Poet


Many things in life seem so glum,

In fact, they may even seem dumb,

There are some things that make you smile,

They are the things that are worth while.


That is how it is with you,

You get me to see the brighter side of life,

And no one else can make me laugh as hard as you.

And when I am happiest, I am with you,

Because to me you are worth while.



Love, Me

by, Max The Poet


There are few minutes of the day,

When you are not on my mind,

I think about you and I pray,

That someday, you I will  find.


I never meant to fall so fast,

Nor did I mean to make a pass,

I simply fell for someone who,

Could make me feel like someone new.


And deep within my heart’s desire,

I know that you and I will last,

I feel it somehow and know it’s true,

That I have fallen in love with you.


Please pray for me today,

Ask the Lord to show me the way,

That I might do His will,

And stay close by Him until.


And while you are there, close to Him,

Ask Him where my heart has been,

He will tell you in all His truth,

That my heart has been right there with you.


I will not let you walk away,

I will try to get you to stay,

For I love you more and more each day,

Can you ever love me this way?


I will tell all the World, you see,

That you and I found destiny,

And when time ceases to be,

I will still love you, love me?




by, Max The Poet


It is time to tell you a little about me,

I am a gentle soul and love to be free,

I enjoy life and live it abundantly.


I seek the truth where it can be found,

And enjoy the time when you are around,

Can you hear my heart’s beating sound?


I like the simple things that make life the best,

I do not like taking a test,

And I like to laugh till it hurts my chest.


I laugh at life and rejoice in the good,

And you make it better and I knew you would,

I do not always tell you like I should.


And if life gets complex and I lose my way,

I need a friend like you to stay,

And help me make it another day.


I need to tell this and let you see,

Because you are important to me,

In my heart will you be.


I hope I have expressed it unselfishly,

Just what it is you see,

I need you with me.


My Lady

by, Max The Poet


She is the captor of my heart,

She is the treasured prize,

She is the one I love,

My lady and my queen.


My lady is so beautiful,

Inside and out,

My lady has taught me lots of things,

Like what my life's about.


She is my lady,

My confidant and friend,

I will love my lady,

Until Earth is at its end.


I promise to be noble and true,

And your protector too,

I will say yes and not maybe,

Because you are my lady.



by, Max The Poet


Crazy is what people call you and me,

Because we live on the edge you see,

But we know the truth and the reasons why,

Upon the wing of a dove we fly.


There is something unique about us,

No one can figure us out,

And it drives them crazy,

Not knowing what we are about.


As for me, I know the reasons for this,

I know what inspires me and such,

I try to explore the great abyss,

Because I love life so much.


You and me are crazy they say,

Because our lives are so weird,

It is our nature to be ourselves,

And we don't like being steered.


I would not change a single thing,

I like my life this way,

Who knows what tomorrow will bring,

I live only for this day.


When they ask, "Am I crazy?”

The answer will not be new,

It is because of you, my lady,

I am in love with you.



by, Max The Poet


 Where do I begin,

To tell you all I feel,

And how can I explain,

And not your heart steal?


I can not even start,

To explain my inner fire,

It burns within my heart,

An image of desire.


I cried a bit today,

Because you went away,

And I asked the Lord above me,

To bring you back this way.


I do not know if I can bare,

All the emptiness I feel,

I will keep the fire burning,

Fervently with zeal.


I still feel lonely and incomplete,

Because our lives are separate,

I am waiting here at your feet,

I hope I don't sound desperate.


I need to tell you from deep within,

That I do love you and hope I win,

I try so hard to be the one,

I have never had so much fun.


With you I am myself at last,

You help me grow and ease the past,

I promise this to you my friend,

My love for you will never end....


The Challenge

by, Max The Poet


Whenever we take on an enormous task,

We seek the counsel of the wise,

We search our hearts and we ask,

The best that can be, can we comprise?


We seek the best and hope and pray,

That somehow we are doing the noble thing,

We stumble and fall along the way,

And tomorrow a better day will sunrise bring.


Shake off the dust and stand erect,

And let not your foes a weakness detect,

For you have done great and wonderful things,

And because of you, my heart sings.


When you count your blessings and all your wins,

Remember these two little things,

That God is watching and knows your heart,

And from in Him doth, these blessings impart.


I thought you may want to know,

How a friend views your show,

I know that time will mend the sorrow,

And that you will emerge a champion, tomorrow.



by, Max The Poet


Have you ever thought of what you do

While time is passing by?

Ever think of what is true,

And what is just a lie?


Have you ever held your lover tight

        And told them how much they mean?

Or do you just stand and fight,

And keep blowing off your steam?


This is where the line is drawn,

A line of right and wrong,

     It leaves the rose and removes the thorn,

It teaches love and makes us strong.


If you lost this love and need it so,

Then listen well indeed,

Light a candle, a romantic glow,

And tell them what you need.


 Life is precious and quick to flee,

Waste not one second and,

Proclaim your love abundantly,

Reach out and take their hand.


Precious indeed our love so new,

And found within our heart,

Pray the Lord will keep it there,

   And that you never part.


This is how I tell you dear,

How much I love you today,

Precious is the time when you are near,

With you I long to stay.


First Touch

by, Max The Poet


Words cannot describe how I felt at that first touch,

It sparked a memory of loving and such,

It brought back an image of not long ago,

When we were much younger and less did we know.


That touch was like lightening,

Sent down from above,

It surfaced a feeling,

Of being in love.


I do not regret feeling so good,

You open my heart and it understood,

That someone was out there, loving me still,

And here will I sit loving you until.


We touched and we kissed,

I remember what was missed,

It was you that I needed,

To make my life completed.


I will remember that touch,

And hold in my heart,

The love that I feel,

Till death us do  part.


A Miracle

by, Max The Poet


I believe in God, the Almighty one,

He made the Heavens and Earth,

And gave us His only Son.


I believe in angels,

Sent from above,

To guide us and help us,

And to teach us love.


I believe that all things are possible,

If you believe and keep strong,

I believe that love finds away,

To where it does belong.


I believe God has put us together,

For a reason that He knows,

And that is why  everyday,

My love for you grows.


It is a miracle that we are together,

And I think that forever,

I will love you dear,

Take heart and have no fear.


I believe in you and me,

And I know we will overcome,

Any thing that is in our way,

We have become one.


Our Love

by, Max The Poet


It happened quite unexpectedly,

Love caught us by surprise,

I did not even realize ,

Until I looked into your eyes.


Who could have planned this,

So perfectly and with grace,

Never knowing what we missed,

Till we stood in the same space.


Our friends will marvel in wonder,

That we have joined at last,

And in their joy and disbelief,

They’ll remember us in the past.


You see, it seems they all thought us best together,

And could not understand,

Why we parted in such clear weather,

And never took our hands.


And remembering when our love was young,

And we were foolish too,

We left some songs unsung,

And tried out something new.


As years have past, I think it’s ten,

Suddenly it seems so clear,

I do not want to remember when,

I just want to have you near.


I will not lose you twice you see,

Because I know that I do care,

I will fight for our right to be,

And with you my life, I’ll share.


It will not be easy joining our lives,

Because we have had some changing,

But we can try to make great strides,

And grow the love that is remaining.


I am ready to give myself to you,

And promise my deepest care,

I will love you till the end of time,

No other love compares.


Wanting You

by, Max The Poet


You are always on my mind,

And I cannot stop thinking of you,

You are a rare find,

And you love me too.


I wanted to say a certain few lines,

So you will understand,

How much you’re on my mind.


I see you in every thing I do,

From morning until night,

I just think about you,

You are in the darkness and even in the light.


I hear you in the music,

I play all day long,

In every situation,

You are in the song.


I smell your perfume,

And can feel your gentle touch,

It is no wonder I am thinking,

Because I love you much.


And no matter what I think,

And no matter what I do,

I am thinking of you,

And I am wanting you.


Once Upon A Lifetime

by, Max The Poet


Remembering the times we spent,

Going here and there,

I remember all the fun we had,

We didn't have a care.


We didn't give our love a chance,

Nor did we invite a brief romance,

We hung out together me and you,

And we found other things to do.


We have no reason to feel sad,

Nor can we justify feeling blue,

It was fate that took us our own ways,

And love that brought me here with you.


So from this day forth and forever more,

We can be together,

And when you are ready and only then,

I am ready to make it forever.


It is a sweet story of love,

And it is a tale, just yours and mine,

It was sent from up above,

A real "Once Upon a Lifetime".



My Love

by, Max The Poet


There is a certain feeling I get,

When thoughts of you enter in,

I must let you know before I forget,

And now, where should I begin?


It is a feeling of great joy,

It takes my breath from me,

I can not even think straight,

My thoughts return to thee.


I feel like a child with a new toy,

Yet, the newness does not fade,

And as the time passes by,

A lasting impression you have made.


Whom shall I say could love you more,

Perhaps your Mom or Dad,

I know one thing is for sure,

When I’m with you, I feel real glad.


You inspire my soul to write these things,

And I am thrilled that you do,

These writings are fit for Kings,

And have been written for you.


I believe that things will blossom,

And we will have our day,

And when we do, I promise dear,

Nothing will stand in our way.


You and I are blessed to be,

Peaceful like a dove,

I wait till you can be with me,

And promise all my love.



by, Max The Poet


The perfect love,

The dearest friend,

The nicest beginning,

And, the nicest end.


The happiest times,

The laughs that we had,

The high points in life,

And yes, the sad.


Elegant food,

The best shows in Town,

The newest make, or model,

The fastest car around.


All of these things,

Are sought by us all,

We shop for the new,

Down at the Mall.


Yet, all of these things,

Bring not the best,

They console for a moment,

But how about the rest?


Seeking the truth,

And seeing what’s real,

Give us a happiness,

In our soul that do we feel.


Seeking ourselves,

 Instead of our things,

From deep within,

 A happiness brings.


So stop for a moment,

And listen to the quiet,

A peace will come over you,

 You cannot deny it.



Baby, You Send Me

by, Max The Poet


Everyday my love for you grows stronger,

And all of the past, matters no longer,

I can’t help but think of your gentle touch,

It’s one of the reasons, I love you so much.


At sunrise or sunset, no matter what time,

It is you that I miss and have on my mind,

I am told I am giddy, and act like a boy,

And am preoccupied with my little toy.


I am sure that I love you,

And I know you do too,

By the way we are acting,

And the things that we do.


We are real simple,

We do not set style nor wear what is trendy,

We are simply in love,

And baby, you send me.


Rockit Chick

by, Max The Poet


I have a friend who's really cool,

Her name is Rockit Chick,

She is the neatest, and no one’s fool,

She'll keep you on the stick.


She likes to rock till morning light,

And likes to dance a lot,

She is funny as hell, a real delight,

She really hits the spot.


I love my friend because she's there,

When I am feeling down,

She makes me laugh until it hurts,

And erases every frown.


Thank you friend for all you did,

I am glad that it's not over,

I had the time of my life,

Last night at your ROCKTOBER.


I met some others that are your friends,

They are cool and fun,

I hope that our friendship never ends,

And that it's always just begun.


All My Love

by, Max The Poet


This note alone can not convey,

The feeling of love within me today,

All I ever wanted, I could have had with you,

And here we are not knowing what to do.


Everyone has their own opinion,

About what you should and should not do,

But, my only concern, is you, my love,

Because I love you.


No matter what path you choose to follow,

I will respect you and care,

I will still love you tomorrow,

Any place and anywhere.


I know you love me as I love you,

And I know you will choose the best thing to do,

But when you are thinking and making your choice,

I hope you will hear my tender voice....


Whispering softly... that I love you.


Forgive Me

by, Max The Poet


Sometimes in life we say a stupid thing,

And do not realize what heartache it may bring,

It is when we realize how hurtful it can be,

That brings us to an apology.


I never meant to hurt you dear,

The words were said in anger, I fear,

I was so upset with things that day,

I wish I could just make it go away.


I am so sorry that you bore the brunt,

And had to listen to me whine and grunt,

I should have realized who I was talking to,

There is only one person I love this way, you.


Please excuse my imperfection,

I asked the Lord for some direction,

And I need you dear, right beside me,

Cause that is where I want you to be.


And now that I have told you how I feel,

Allow me the chance to make it real,

Accept my apology please, my sweet?

You alone make my life complete.


I will be waiting for your answer and pray,

That you know I love you in a special way,

I promise to think and not speak next time,

Please accept this apology of mine.


You Are My Song

by, Max The Poet


You are my song,

You are my heart,

Loving you is where I belong,

Together always, never to part.


You are the music inside of me,

It sounds like a great symphony,

Playing inside me over and over,

Telling the story of my lover.


You are the tempo beating so true,

Sharing ourselves, me and you,

A steady and constant beat,

Of two hearts that had to meet.


A musical journey from deep therein,

That's how I feel about you within,

A tune to listen to all day long,

That is what you are, you are my song.


At Home in the Mountains

by, Max The Poet


There are many wonderful things,

That we can achieve in a lifetime,

Never knowing what life can bring,

Or where to be at a specific time.


I find my solace in the mountains,

Where the Lord is close to me,

He leads my soul to a still place,

Where He and I can be.


The mountains are filled with delight,

And nature is all around,

This is where I am feeling best,

And where I can be found.


If all the world had gone away,

And water stops falling from fountains,

Here, close to the Lord I'll be,

At home here in the mountains.




by, Max The Poet


It seems just yesterday you and I promised some things,

Who could have known what time would bring,

We grew apart and did not care,

We let ourselves go anywhere.


The pain that first I felt inside me,

Is nothing more than a dull reminder,

Of how things were supposed to be,

And how I couldn’t have been blinder.


I regret not the time we spent,

Loving each other and treading new ground,

I pray the Lord will hear me repent,

And a new life perhaps, will be found.


I want you to know, that you’ll always be part,

Even though we are separate now,

You will always be in my heart,

Because I said a sacred vow.


I am wishing you love,

And a life that is new,

I am hoping you find Peace,

In what ever you do.


Parting was not easy,

Nor was it painless for me,

Thank you for the good times,

That is what I choose to see.


Inside Us

by, Max The Poet


There is this feeling inside of me,

While we are so far apart,

It is like being stung by a bee,

Right upon my heart.


I long to hold you all night long,

And whisper in your ear,

In my arms is where you belong,

A safe place of no fear.


And soon this tide will ebb and flow,

And pain we'll know no more,

Together at last, just you and me,

A ship that has found a shore.


Remember that I love you so,

Much more than I can tell,

I want to be where ever you go,

A place we know so well.


I am here for you though far away,

I hope you understand,

That when you hear our favorite song,

I am there holding your hand.


And if you cry and shed a tear,

Because things are getting rough,

Remember, I am holding you dear,

Together we'll hang tough.....



All Good Things

by, Max The Poet


God is my strength and my King,

And from Him comes every good thing,

He leads me and gives me hope,

That I may continue to cope.


The Lord hears my cry,

And protects me from all harm,

He will be there when I die,

And give me peace and keep me calm.


Trust in Him, the Mighty King,

Let Him have your fear,

Goodness and Mercy does He bring,

And He shall always be near.



The Hardest Thing

by, Max The Poet


The hardest thing I have ever done,

Is to let someone go I cared about,

They had my heart won,

And was the best there is no doubt.


Our friendship blossomed and grew real fast,

It seemed that it would always last,

But soon the reality of the past,

Came rushing back to us.


So it is so long for now,

And until we meet again,

I will remember all the good times,

I had in with my faithful friend.
Empty Without You

by, Max The Poet


If I had never met you,

I wouldn't be feeling this way,

I keep holding onto,

The thoughts of yesterday.


I miss you so while we're apart,

And I think about you all the time,

I keep waiting for the hurting to stop,

Perhaps you will drop a dime.


I hear your voice on the radio,

You’re in every song that’s played,

Especially when I hear Manilow,

Or even Amazing Grace.


I find it odd that I feel this way,

Because we just barely met,

A lasting impression have you made,

One I can't forget.


So my dearest friend,

Think of me lots,

And when you do remember this,

You are close to my heart.


For I love you more than I can tell,

And don't know what to do,

I will just treasure your memory,

And feel empty without you.


When It Matters

by, Max The Poet


There are some things that do not matter much,

They are the trivial things about our being,

They are wealth and possessions and such,

They really have no meaning.


Then there are things that bring us hope,

They teach us love and caring,

They help us as we try to cope,

They make us brave and daring.


This is how it is with us you know,

We are for each other most,

Along this path we dare to go,

A true love do we host.


This is the thing that does matter,

It builds us up and makes us strong,

And never will it ever shatter,

It will last till eternity, a whole life long.


The Reasons Why

by, Max The Poet


I could be writing forever,

And never say all that you mean to me,

Any words used would be dull,

Nothing means more to me than you.


The reasons why I love you are many,

It is because you make me smile,

You make me laugh,

And you know me inside and out.


It is the funny way you joke with me,

It is all the attention you give me,

It is the way you say you love me,

And it is the way I feel when I hear your name.


All of these things and so much more,

So much more....there are so many reasons.

Yet I am compelled to try to make you see,

All that you mean to me.


If I could sum it up in just a few words,

The words I write would read,

You are my everything and forever more,

My heart belongs to you.


These words are simple ones,

They are spoken from my heart,

And upon your eyes they rest,

Now let these words rest in your heart.


I love you....

Thank you for completing me,

Thank you for loving me,

And thank you for being you.




by, Max The Poet


As we journey through our days,

Our Lord is walking at our side,

There He is always,

Wherever we go, far and wide.


He seeks  only our love and faithfulness,

And asks us all to pray,

And for our thankfulness,

He promises to stay.


Seek the Lord in everything,

He is present in these things,

Lift up your heart and sing,

A blessing does it bring.


Give praise to the Lord in all you do,

Worship Him in Song,

For He alone is constant and true,

With Him do we belong.



All That You Are

by, Max The Poet


I have never really felt this way,

The feeling of love we share is neat,

I think about you everyday,

This feeling can’t be beat.


Would my life have been so blessed,

If I hadn’t met you and seen,

How you love me the best,

And always know what I mean?


It is like a dream come true,

That you and I have rekindled a flame,

And now I spend my time longing for you,

And hearing your sweet name.


From the first we met,

You have not been far,

And there you stay, I cannot forget,

All that you are.



Forever Is Not Long Enough

by, Max The Poet 


It seems we never have enough time,

To talk about all we want to,

I think perhaps I'll send a valentine,

To tell how much I love you.


I wonder if the words could say,

All that I have felt,

I wonder if it would be this way,

If my heart, you did not melt.


Forever is a very long time,

But I promise this to you true,

I love you from deep within this heart of mine,

I have fallen in love with you.


When we meet and embrace,

I want to look into your eyes,

I want to see your pretty face,

I want to hold you close, if your heart cries.


If in time I lose my touch,

And things get really tough,

Remember that I love you very much,

Forever is not long enough.


Christmas Is Here

by, Max The Poet


Soon it will be Christmas again,

That time of year for giving,

It is a special time,

To celebrate living.


Presents for the children,

Gifts for each other,

A new bike for Sally,

Or roller blades for your brother.


Carols are sung,

Cheer is in the air,

We are celebrating the birth,

Of our Lord and Savior.


Born to us many years ago,

In a simple manger lined with hay,

Beneath a star of awesome beauty,

Born to take our sins away.


Blessed is this time of year,

A spirit of giving and of sharing,

Bringing joy and giving thanks,

Showing our love and our caring.


Let’s keep our focus on the birth,

And not get lost with things of this Earth,

Let’s give thanks to Him who taught us love,

His name is Emanuel, sent from above.


More Than

by, Max The Poet


More than any words can tell,

More than any choir could sing,

More than any life could live,

This is the truth I seek.


More than anyone could ever want,

More than someone could give,

More than feeling wanted and loved,

This is the gift you give.


More than everything you can own,

More than everything that's taken away,

More than things of the world,

Your love supercedes these things.


More than sunshine on a cloudy day,

More than rain in the desert’s heat,

More than heat on a Winter's day,

I need you......More......



by, Max The Poet


I give thanks unto the Lord for he is good,

He has blessed me with plenty,

I remember all those less fortunate than I,

And I share with them what I have.


Thanksgiving is a time to remember,

It comes to us at the end of November,

A time to pray and to say we are grateful,

For all that we have, we are thankful.


Give thanks to the Lord,

It is He that brings us good,

We thank Him for all the blessings,

And for our food.


Of Angels and Of You

by, Max The Poet


I think about Angels and you,

Somehow you go together,

Like frosting on a cake,

Or sunshine in good weather.


The many ways you show you love me,

And gently hold me close,

The way you listen when I need you to,

These are the things I love the most.


Your angelic voice when you sing,

On my face, does a smile bring,

And how sweetly we share our love,

Brought to Earth on a heavenly dove.


Of Angels and of you my dearest love,

You are surely sent from heaven above,

My thoughts are pure as new fallen snow,

I just thought you would like to know.

How very much I love you.
