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Your Touch

by, Max The Poet


I found out something special,

It’s not what I thought it would be,

Your touch holds the key to my heart,

And, therefore, has held the key to me.


It is the way you run your fingers through my hair,

And the way you softly touch my skin,

And by this touch, a certain feeling,

Emits from deep within.


And in the way you caress my hands,

I begin to tremble with desire,

And I see all that love can be,

As you set my soul on fire.


I think about it all the time,

And I love it, oh so much,

My very soul is captured there,

Safely kept, within your touch.



For You

by, Max The Poet


I just wanted to say,

I thought about you today,

I was thinking how much I miss you,

And how thankful I am for all that you do.


I wanted to say this, and let you know,

That I feel blessed to have you near,

And as long as I shall live,

I will hold you dear.


Thanks for caring and sharing your thoughts,

You shed a different light on me,

You show me there are two sides to everything,

And sometimes, things are just meant to be.


You’re sweet and gentle and do not judge,

And you taught me never to hold a grudge,

And if I am feeling things are at their worst,

You taught to love, unrehearsed.


You show me how to let it pass,

And that hatred cannot ever last,

You taught me love in its simplest sense,

And you awe me with your intelligence.


I will never forget all that you have done,

And the way that you have my heart won,

I wanted to say this to you my friend,

My love for you will never end.

The Night Before Christmax

by, Max The Poet


I was the night before Christmax,

And things were a clutter,

I set out some cookies,

And some peanut butter.


Santa Claus was coming without a doubt,

I really hadn’t figured it out,

How someone so huge could fly through the air,

And make the rounds here and there.


How this guy had a present for everyone,

And in one single night could get it all done,

And reindeer that flew up in the sky,

If I were them, I wouldn’t try.


How could Santa fit in a chimney pipe?

And not get burned or stuck?

And how does he stay so clean,

When the chimney’s full of soot?


Oh I guess I’ll never quite understand,

All that magic in this chubby man,

I think I should just sit back and relax,

And enjoy this blessed Christmax.



A Special Angel

by, Max The Poet


You are a special angel,

Sent by God, you see,

I am grateful for having you,

As part of my family.


You are a special angel,

Many blessings have you brought,

Into my life you have come,

You are in my every thought.


You are a special angel,

You make me happy and keep me laughing,

Always remember, my love for you,

Is unconditional and everlasting.


My Heart Wishes To Be With You

by, Max The Poet


My heart wishes to be with you,

And in every thought I have,

I think of what a blessing you have been,

And it makes my heart so glad.


I miss you all the time,

And I wonder what you’re up to,

I see the sunshine or hear the rain,

And again, my heart wishes to be with you.


As the day moves along,

And shadows begin to fall,

Again my heart wishes to be with you,

And I get the urge to call.


It is a simple thing that I am trying to say,

It is that my heart with yours longs to be united,

And in every way possible, you are invited,

To grant the wish that my heart makes,

And it shall always be the same...

That my heart wishes to be with you.



by, Max The Poet


I heard a sweet sound,

Coming from the Earth,

I looked all around,

The entire Universe.


It was not apparent,

Nor could I pinpoint the source,

It was simply a happy feeling,

It brought me no remorse.


Then all at once, a clue did come,

One Sunday in a church,

That feeling returned suddenly,

And in my heart did perch.


It was a feeling of perfect love,

Between a Father and Son,

Comforting me and protecting me,

The two had become one.


I was at home, at rest, at last,

A peace now had I found,

The Lord’s promise from the past,

That He would be around.


He had not left or abandoned me,

He was there the while long,

He comforted me when I was down,

And forgiven me when I’d done wrong.


How could I ever look away from Him,

Or deny Him the Glory the He deserves,

He gave His life that I might live,

My victory, He preserves.



This Is How I Feel

by, Max The Poet


I marvel at the thought of you,

The way we met and all,

Somehow it’s like I always knew,

Someday you would call.


I get sort of silly and shy,

When I hear your voice on the phone,

I really do not know just why,

And besides, who could have known?


You make me feel like I am alive,

And that someone out there cares,

You gave me a new passionate drive,

You are someone who shares.


I love you for who you are,

And I love you for whom you’ve been,

I wished for you upon my star,

And my heart you did win.


Forever is a long, long time,

But, is how long I’ve known,

That someday, someone like you would be mine,

My love for you has grown.


You think I am sort of nuts,

But, I am sincere in my thought,

I finally said it and had the guts,

You are the one I have sought.


Shelley Anne, listen well,

I think you already know,

The next line that I will tell,

And where my heart may go.


I hope you understand my thought,

And I hope you feel the same,

My heart, have you caught,

My love shall always remain.


I Know

by, Max The Poet


There are some things that are not said,

Between you and I,

They are thoughts that only you have read,

They are true, they are not a lie.


Because we are close,

And because each one cares,

Unspoken they remain,

But remember that although unspoken,

I do feel the same....


Why Did We Meet

by, Max The Poet


What fate has in store no one knew,

Who could have planned such a meeting,

It was the neatest, me meeting you,

My quest somehow completing.


I believe it was some how divine,

And that all things happen for reasons,

It has stood the test of time,

By lasting so many seasons.


God has a way of showing his care,

By joining friends together,

His love for us is in what we share,

In good times and fair weather.


And when you come to New England this year,

Remember that I am me,

We know each other personally,

No other way could it be.


Everyday I give thanks for Angel Winks Chat,

And to you, for finding me there,

You are the best friend that I’ve ever known,

With you nothing could compare.


Just Be Friends

by, Max The Poet



Can we just be friends,

And can we just continue,

Working towards a common end,

Or should we even begin to?


We have been through lots, you and me,

Nothing could ever take that away,

Our spirits we born to be free,

And we will succeed either way.


I do find it hard,

To imagine us as simply friends,

I want so much more,

And a better end.


But who knows what will be,

Or what will become of you and me,

For now it is so very true,

We are just friends me and you.



by, Max The Poet


Sitting here and thinking,

Of a friend who is so cool,

Regretting not having knowing her,

When I was back in school.


She funny and nuts,

And pretty smart too,

She keeps me laughing,

The whole day through.


I wanted to tell her,

That I think she's neat,

And an everlasting friendship,

Would certainly be sweet.


I think she knows,

Who I am talking about,

If she thinks real hard,

She'll figure it out.


Thanks for your friendship,

That’s lasted this year,

I am raising a toast,

In your name, dear.


Thanks for being,

So funny and true,

And lifting my spirits,

When I'm feeling blue.


Until the Earth,

Rotates no more,

I will be thankful,

And love you for sure.



My Christmas Wish

by, Max The Poet


This year is a special one,

I thought I'd write a poem,

It is about our friendship,

And how it has grown.


I will be ever so thankful for meeting you,

And sharing your inner being,

You have brought me happiness,

And given my life new meaning.


So this year as we celebrate,

The birth of Our Lord and Savior,

I wish for you peace and happiness,

And the best of life's flavor.


Thanks for being a true friend,

Thanks for caring and listening,

Thanks for brightening my days,

My heart now is glistening.


You Are Not Alone

by, Max The Poet


Remember that you are never alone,

Someone is watching and caring,

A beautiful light you have shone,

You are gentle and very caring.


I wrote this poem after we parted,

Because something inside me had stirred,

I am glad our friendship has started,

I loved your every word.


I want you to know that I am here,

I will listen if when need to talk,

I will try to ease the fear,

And where you go, I will walk.


I treasure you already like a dear old friend,

I hope you feel the same,

I hope we can, some more time spend,

And dear old friends remain.


The Journey

by, Max The Poet


I was alone and searching,

Traveling by myself,

Trying to ease the constant yearning,

Or to put it on a shelf.


And then there was you,

Who came into my world,

You were tugging on my heartstrings,

And soon my heart unfurled.


You conquered my heart,

With three simple lines,

I knew from the start,

I could read the signs.


I am telling you this,

Because I do care,

And I'm falling in love,

With you darling, dear.


My Sasha

by, Max The Poet


Sasha was a Samoyed,

One of the best friends I have had,

Sticking by me through thick and thin,

Making my heart glad.


She is the first Samoyed I’d ever owned,

And many lessons she has taught,

I never knew a dog could be so smart,

Or that this much happiness could be brought.


I loved my Sammy Sasha,

I loved the way she’d talk,

She had quite the vocabulary,

And loved to go on walks.


She was constant and true,

She never disappointed me,

She only required that I love her too,

And that I let her live free.


I am grateful to her for caring,

And for her love, and sharing,

 And forever I will love her so,

And my love, for her be bearing.


My Angel

by, Max The Poet


My Angel alone is all I need,

She will help me through,

Lifting me up when I am down,

She knows just what to do.


My Angel alone is all I need,

Courage and strength she brings,

She is responsible,

For all these splendid things.


My Angel alone is all I need,

I long for her deep into the night,

I wait patiently to meet her,

And get her in my sight.


My Angel alone is all I need,

I know that she is mine,

Loving her is what I will do,

Till the end of time.


You Are Not Dreaming

by, Max The Poet


You are not just dreaming,

This love we've found is real,

It is from my heart streaming,

It is the way I feel. 


I can’t help but think of you,

I see you in everything,

You are fascinating and new,

A good feeling do you bring. 


I long to hear your voice and feel your touch,

I long to hold you close to me.

I've never loved someone this much,

Close to you is where I'll be. 


My world has changed since we first met,

Happier and brighter are all things I do,

I love you so much, please don't forget,

I love, loving you. 



New England

by, Max The Poet 


The sunset is prettier now,

The trees are more vibrant and clear,

Everything about New England,

Has changed, for me this year.


The smell of snow has tickled me some,

The sting of the cold is not bad,

The ice so pretty, never to glum,

The best time, have I had.


A piece of me shall remain here,

No matter how far I go,

My life will never quite be the same,

I am freshened, like new fallen snow.


I see that a simple life is good,

And all that my money can’t buy,

The peace I have found within my heart,

New England can supply.


A dear old friend said this to me,

I thought he was rather a fool,

But now I have seen he was telling the truth,

New England is certainly cool.


We Met

by, Max The Poet


It was the best,

It was a test,

Of our feelings and our love,

It was amazing,

It sent me gazing,

And it was a gift,

From God above.


My feelings have not changed,

My love has not wavered,

Like tempered steel,

Or kiln fired clay,

Our lives have been flavored,

In a special way.


My sweetness, my life,

It is you that I desire,

It is cast in my heart,

Like words written in stone,

With you my dearest,

I’d like to build my home.


You are so special and rare,

Like a precious jewel,

I won’t let you go,

I am nobody’s fool.


I think you realize all that you mean,

And now that we’ve met,

I hope you have seen,

That I am genuine and true,

And live simply too.


I tell you this day,

There’s no other way,

We fit like a glove,

And it is you that I love.


Missing You

by, Max The Poet


My sunsets are lonely,

My nights are so dark,

I wish for a moment,

To walk in the park.


Things seem less vibrant,

The colors are pale,

I wish for a phone call,

Or even some mail.


You make my world so beautiful,

By showing your care,

How I wish you were still here,

And with me, not there.


All I wish for me this year,

Is to dream each night,

That you are still near.


I promise to wait,

Until certain your fate,

And wish happiness for you,

My special soul mate.



Because You Have Touched My Heart

 by, Max The Poet 


Because you have touched my heart,

I am a better person.


Because you have touched my heart,

My days are filled with love.


Because you have touched my heart,

My life is filled with new meaning.


Because you have touched my heart,

My days are so much brighter.


Because you have touched my heart,

All colors are more vibrant.


Because you have touched my heart,

I see that true love is possible.


Because you have touched my heart,

All I can do is think of you.


Because you have touched my heart,

I long to hold you close to me.


Because you have touched my heart,

I have learned to love again.


All of these things I see and feel,

Because I love you,

And, you have touched my heart.


Someone Like You

by, Max The Poet


I often wonder what I did to deserve your friendship,

What wonderful miracle could have happened,

That I should have found you.


I believe that time has given me the answer.

The truth is that we found each other,

And that we need each other,

Neither one needing the other more,

Equally, and equitably, we give to each other.


Part of this is our openness and understanding.

We never judge, we use our hearts to measure,

And when I am low, you raise my spirits,

Totally and honestly, we share.


My weaknesses are strengthened by you,

And like a sturdy old oak tree,

You are there when I need you most.


This is how it is with us.

My friend, that is what you are.

Remember  also, that no matter how near or far we are from each other,

My heart will always hear your cry,

My heart will laugh when yours laughs,

And forever, I will rejoice in knowing,

That you are my friend.

~for Rockit



Meant For Each Other

by, Max The Poet


Your beauty amazes me,

Your touch starts me shaking,

My body is overcome,

While love we are making.


Everything about you interests me,

Your every movement I have memorized,

I hear your voice when you’re not even here,

With you, I am mesmerized.


We compliment each other,

Even though our lives are a world apart,

Together we make a complete set,

We knew this from the start.


As we journey through our lives,

Hand in hand, we shall go, my lover,

I will not fail in my love for you,

We were meant for each other.


Every Little Thing

by, Max The Poet 


Together we have come so far,

From first we met, till now,

Beginning with the wish I am made.

Once upon my star,


Every little thing I do,

And every place I go,

I am reminded of our love,


You have enlightened my soul,

You have accepted my faults,

That this love could be, I never knew,

I am so glad I learned it with you.


I write this today,

And send it to you,

Because we have loved each other

Completely, it’s true.


I love you with all my being,

I needed to say,

That nothing in this world could change,

The way I feel today.



I Wish You Were Here

by, Max The Poet


Many times throughout the day,

My mind wanders and drifts your way,

I think how much I miss my friend,

And with you, more time, I want to spend.


I think of all the places we went,

And all the quality time, well spent,

And who laughed most and loudest too,

We had a great time, me and you.


I miss those times and I miss you too,

Suddenly everything is very new,

I go somewhere that we had gone,

And you’re in my head before very long.


I bet your ears ring all the time,

They ring because, you’re on my mind,

A million times throughout the day,

I hear your voice, and look your way.


My friends keep asking, “What is wrong?”

I tell them simply, for my friend, I long.

I wish that you could still be here,

Because I miss you, my friend, dear.



If I Ever Get The Chance

by, Max The Poet


I have thought much about us,

And how we met and all,

The first words we spoke,

About how we love the Fall.


I sometimes think that it’s all a dream,

And that soon I will wake and see,

That you were only in my head,

And never meant for me.


But, you are real and so beautiful to me,

I can’t stop saying, could this be,

For you are all I ever dreamed of,

And more than that to me,


I promise this day and always,

That if I ever get the chance,

I will make you my wife,

And live our sweet romance.


So dearest sweet, before this poem does end,

I need to take a second or two,

To help you comprehend,

That I love you so and always will,

And with God’s great blessing,

And then until,

I will be loving you still.


My Heart Goes Boom

by, Max The Poet 


My heart goes boom when you’re around,

You make me laugh, you’re such a clown,

Feeling good and happy too,

Are just some things that you can do.


My heart goes boom when you’re around,

If you listen close you'll hear the sound,

My life is changed, been rearranged,

It never will quite be the same.


My heart goes boom when you’re around,

And all my cares are now unfound,

It is the best thing to happen to me,

You have set my spirit free.


My heart goes boom when you’re around,

My heart, it’s singing, let it resound,

I love you more than words could say,

And forever more it will be this way.


I Will Rescue You

by, Max The Poet 


I know you feel trapped in your busy world,

And that God's plan, has not yet unfurled,

But you need to know some things today,

And I need to say them in this way.


I will rescue you if you tell me you need me,

I will help you get through all the trials ahead,

I will stand by you and hold you if needed,

Or give you your space, if needed instead.


That’s how much I care about you,

You have done this to me,

It is a beautiful thing,

And has made me happy.


I will rescue you, just say the word,

I am real serious, I am not a nerd,

I gave you this option for thought, can't you see,

You are everything to me.


I will rescue you, I know you are thinking,

What have I done, that I should deserve this,

I tell you quite frankly, do not be nervous,

You simply are you,

Beautiful, smart, and self confidant too,

That is why I fell in love.....with you.



by, Max The Poet 


When I was young, I use to think life was easy,

Never too stormy, just kind of breezy.

Now I am older and understand,

It is all part of being a man.


You learn that life has ups and downs,

Sometimes a happy face, and sometimes frowns,

That all things happen for a reason,

And what happens today will change, like a season.


You learn to love, your family, your friends,

And take whatever the good Lord sends,

You make do with what you have, and strive for more,

We are like pebbles of sand on a seashore.


You give it all you have, and a little extra too,

Never grow complacent, in an old, comfortable shoe,

You wake each day and start anew,

Be a leader, not a follower, don't do what others do.


And what you ask does this mean?

What possible reward can be foreseen?

It is a simple thing that comes from this,

It is something I know, you don't want to miss.


You made new tracks, where there were none,

You blossomed in beauty, your Spring has sprung,

You played a song, that no one had sung,

And you learned to love, when you were young.




by, Max The Poet 


She is a gift from the God above,

Soft as wings, upon a dove,

A gift, a sign, of God’s great love.


Angel like, that is what she is,

Belonging to God, she is His,

Certain to aspire and do great things,

While many a splendid, blessing she brings.


We promise to cherish and to take good care,

Of our little girl whom God did share,

And through her life as she does grow,

God's great love, will we show.


She is special to us and will be for all time,

She is our baby, Lila, gift from the Divine,

Best of all, she is ours to raise,

Thank you dear Lord, we give you praise.



Friends Like Us

by, Max The Poet


Friends like us are far and few between,

It’s nice to have someone like you,

Who knows just what you mean.


Friends like us could go far,

Sharing our inner self,

And wishing on our star.


Friends like us are special and true,

We cry together and laugh together,

We know what to do.


Friends like us can warm the coldest night,

Sharing our love for each other,

It’s a beautiful sight.


I am promising this, without making a fuss,

I will always be thankful for knowing you,

And for having friends like us.




by, Max The Poet


Sitting here and wondering about things,

Wondering where I am headed,

I wish I knew what the future brings,

All good things or dreaded?


I can tell that something’s brewing,

I can feel it in my heart,

It must be great, because it is stewing,

In my inner, melting pot.


Maybe it is for us to know,

Perhaps only time will tell,

I can't wait for it to show,

It makes me want to yell!


This feeling is really inspiring,

I think I'd like some more,

It is what my heart’s desiring,

And something that I adore.


I think perhaps you feel the same,

This feeling I have is true,

It comes to me when I read your name,

Or when someone mentions you.


Some friends and I were talking,

They asked me what was new,

I told them, a new path, I am walking,

Side by side with you.



Perhaps Love Is Waiting

by, Max The Poet 


Every time I think of you,

My heart begins to melt,

And I am compelled once more,

To share the things I felt.


Love is waiting for me, I just know it,

Where it is I’m not sure,

I think I am looking in all the right places,

And I know that love will endure.


I found this love by finding you,

One day when I was blue,

I remember every single word,

I ever said to you.


You made me feel that I am worth it,

And it made me feel real good,

You taught me that love can be easy to find,

And to love others, as I should.


For this I am grateful, and in your debt,

I mean this so sincere,

That the love we share, I’ll not forget,

It is from my heart to yours, dear.


So, thanks my mentor, for teaching me,

The basics of love and laughing,

Remember, forever, I love you so,

My love for you, is everlasting.




by, Max The Poet


So, here is the poem you have waited for,

It is written from my heart,

It speaks of all you mean to me,

And have meant right from the start.


I bet you think that I am crazy,

For holding this vigil for you,

You see, my love, is not hazy,

It’s what I want to do.


And what remains of me and you,

While we are so far apart?

It is a simple little thing called love,

It’s what we shared, right from the start.


Shelley, your love is amazing and true,

It is colored like a rainbow in the sun,

You touch my heart so deeply,

I know that you’re the one.


I am missing you very much,

I hope you’ll be back soon,

I am longing for your touch,

Upon this lovers moon.



Just Because

by, Max The Poet 


Just because you have enlightened me,

Just because you care,

Just because you laugh with me,

Just because you share.


Just because your smile is great,

Just because you’re always there,

Just because you’re  my friend,

Just because you’re fair.


Just because I need you,

Just because I want to,

Just because I am feeling good,

I need to tell you, I love you.

Just because......



I  Can

by, Max The Poet


I can do most anything,

That you ask me to,

I would walk through fire,

Just to be with you.


I can talk when you need me,

I can listen well,

I will be there for everything,

I love you, can’t you tell?


I can make the longest night,

Seem short and full of fun,

I can make your dreams come true,

Cause, baby, you’re the one.


I can love you for a lifetime,

I can promise you dear,

That forever more,

Till the end of time,

I will be right here.



Could This Be Love

by, Max The Poet


Could this be love?

Can this be what I have longed for?

Could my prayers have been answered?

Can my heart endure this pleasant feeling?


Can I be the man she has waited for?

Can I be the one who compliments her life?

Could I have finally made someone else complete?

Can I be all that she needs me to be?


Can I find the answers to all these questions,

If my mind is closed and my heart is cold?

Not too likely, I am sure of it.

I need to know if this could be love.


I shall whisper to my Angel,

And call her near to me,

She can get the answers,

Direct from God, you see.


When my Angel is near,

I will listen closely to all she has to say,

I will accept gracefully,

Whatever comes my way.


Could this be love?
I asked this of my Angel.

A whisper came back to me,

This is love.



From My Point of View

by, Max The Poet


Everything is clearer now,

The fog has lifted at last,

And I am free to live again,

Set free from the past.


A new beginning, a new start,

This is what I see,

From my point of view,

It is a good thing,

That has happened to me.


Love finds us in many places,

And we know not when or where,

Love will find your very heart,

And dwell within it there.


From my point of view,

I believe I have found,
What I have looked for, for so long,

It has nested within my heart,

Where true love does belong.



The Best Gift

 by, Max The Poet 


The best gift I ever received,

Was given to me one day,

When I was turning another year older,

And I felt like it, that day.


The gift was not wrapped or boxed,

It did not have a bow,

It was a gift from the heart,

From someone special that I know.


The gift was most magnificent,

And  beautiful in every way,

It was the best gift I’d ever gotten,

On this, my birthday.


The gift was signed, “Love, GOD”,

Please do not take this in strife,

The gift I give to you this day,

Is the gift of life.



Can I Help It

by, Max The Poet 


Often throughout the day,

Thoughts of you enter my mind,

And I am lost in a world of love,

The kind we all try to find.


Can I help the way I feel?

No, I can not help this feeling,

I will wait patiently for you,

To begin the process of healing.


Some things in life are worth the wait,

And patience can yield a prize,

Nothing could make me happier,

Than gazing into your eyes.


I can help what I say,

And I promise not to dwell,

On things, that have not yet, come my way,

Because I love you Shell.



This poem was written for my Uncle Pete, who recently passed

from this Earth and who is united with God and all His Angels.

Perhaps an Angel of yours comes to mind.


The Dawn Has Come

by, Max The Poet 


So short was his time with us,

Taken by God to do better things,

And still I am missing him,

Gone to Heaven on Angels Wings.


Many lives he did touch,

Lots of love did he show,

He was loved so very much,

By everyone he did know.


He is home now,

At rest and at peace,

With God and His Angels,

Clothed in the Lord’s heavenly fleece.


His life’s lamp  burned so bright,

It was extinguished from our sight,

It is not extinguished for anyone,

It is simply because his dawn has come.




by, Max The Poet


The stars are so much brighter,

The evening sings with delight,

Since you and I became lovers,

I can’t wait for tonight.


You and I are rare and true,

We are more than just lovers,

We share ourselves completely,

More than just beneath the covers.


I love you so much that I hurt inside,

And I treasure everything,

That you and I have ever shared,

I feel like a king.


So dearest soul mate, and my lover,

To your heart, from mine,

There will never be any other,

You are my valentine.



by, Max The Poet 


I remember many things,

About our friendship, through the years,

The way we laughed, at all the silly stuff,

And the way we shared our tears.


Looking back, I realize,

You were there as a friend,

Through thick and thin,

Straight through till the end.


This poem is for you,

Because I understand,

That if it were not for you,

My life would be bland.


Thank you so much,

For sharing with me,

The special parts of my life,

The fun and the scary.


And this poem is for you,

For all that you’ve done,

For blessing my life,

With bright rays of sun.


For the rest of my days,

And until the end,

I will love and cherish you,

My single, best, friend.




by, Max The Poet 


Nothing is impossible,

Nothing is too far,

Near at hand is everything,

Because of who you are.


No task is too difficult,

No mountain is too high,

All things can be accomplished,

If you only try.


You’re a survivor,

You make the best of all things,

You strive to do the best you can,

No matter what it brings.


No wall, no barrier, will hold you back,

Nothing can contain,

An inner sense of huge success,

Will in your heart remain.


So remember these words as you begin,

To undertake your task,

The victory, the successes, are already within you,

If you only ask.

 ~ For Rockit ~




by, Max The Poet


I was sitting here thinking of you,

And wanting to write something neat,

I was thinking of you in your jeans,

And yes, even your feet.


I bet you’re getting red,

As you are reading this poem,

If you start laughing,

I am going home.


The truth is that I care about you lots,

And I like spending time,

With you at the Topic,

At your place, or mine.


It is hard for me to express myself,

And all the things I want to say,

It is very new to me,

To feel this way.


I just want to say that you are loved,

And thought of all the time,

Thanks for sharing yourself with me,

Will you be mine?



by, Max The Poet 


That you should know all that I feel,

That you should feel all that I intend,

That I intend to say some things,

About you, my very special friend.


You have made an investment in me,

I have doubled your gold,

You have inspired many things in me,

And you have accepted me into your fold.


All that I should say today,

Is dull and would seem weak,

I will say it, in this simple way,

In every word I speak.


You mean the world to me,

And in all things that you do,

Remember these three simple words,

"I love you!"



 by, Max The Poet 


As I slipped into the tub,

Candles lit, champagne in my hand,

I caught a glimpse of you.


Awesome in every way,

Your smooth skin glistening with droplets of water,

Your long hair curled upon your neck,

And I begin to tremble with desire.


The curves of your body outline the beauty,

As if a portrait was contained therein,

Again my heart beats faster,

And I am compelled to trace the outline with my hands.


Your lips are more red than flames,

Your eyes fill with desire,

You reach out to touch me,

And passion is ignited.


Caught in a maze of passion,

Each of us explores our pleasure,

Ecstasy, and delight, all night,

As love we are making.


This is how I picture you.

Every time I see you or someone mentions your name.

I am falling hard for you.

Catch me.




by, Max The Poet 


Only a few moments have past,

Since we said our good-byes,

I am feeling so empty,

I am missing your green eyes.


My mind is racing and my heart beating fast,

As I recall your tender touch,

I am missing everything,

I want you here so much.


Your kisses were so beautiful,

Your hugs were so, so sweet,

I wish I could just reach out,

And have our bodies meet.


I miss you so, I can’t describe,

This empty feeling I feel,

I miss your love, and all that you did,

To make this weekend real.


My heart is lonely and missing you,

Remember these words I say,

No one could ever take your place,

Or make me feel this way.


I love you so, I meant it true,

And I am missing you, too,

There is nothing left but these words to say,

I am in love with you.


Near Her

by, Max The Poet 


Nothing can describe this feeling,

It is the most awesome in the world,

Since my heart met hers,

This feeling, it stirs,

And again I am renewed.


She is so beautiful in every way,

She touches my heart with her smile,

In everything that we share together,

Beauty is abundant.


I long for her touch,

I want to be near her,

I hear her voice from miles away,

And again, I am renewed.


My heart feels her presence,

When she is absent in the flesh,

Our minds are in total harmony,

As we read each others thoughts.


Beautiful is she who has awakened me,

And I am certain that we shall last,

My soul mate, my friend, my confidant,

Renewed, refreshed, and awakened,

I ask you to be near me.




by, Max The Poet 


The first time I ever talked to you, I knew that you were special. 

You found me when I was at my weakest...

you took the time, to strengthen me and set me on the right path. 

We shared many things you and I.  

And we even met this year. 

Somehow, it is like we have done all of this before. 

I am very comfortable with you. 

God in heaven is smiling down on us. 

He has set us before each other. 

Only He could create such a beautiful you and me.



by, Max The Poet


An angel to me is what she is,

A gift from God above,

She was born to us one November,

A sign of God’s great love.


My life was dull and incomplete,

Before she came to me,

She has taught me many things,

Like what life was meant to be.


She shows me love in every way,

And cheers me when I’m blue,

She loves her Dad no matter what,

And she does what I ask her too.


I love McKenzie so very much,

I try to let her know,

How very special she is to me,

And I love to watch her grow.


This poem is for you, my sweet angel,

I wrote it on this day,

To let you know that you are loved,

In every single way.

 ~  for McKenzie  ~




by, Max The Poet


One of the nicest people I have ever known,

I met in Angel Winks Chat,

Her name is Rita, sweet Rita.


Right from the start I knew she was neat,

She gave me a feeling that just can’t be beat,

She listens and cares and shows her great love,

I know for a fact, she was sent from above.


We have shared many things, her and I,

And she is always in my prayers,

I am so thankful for God sending,

Someone who cares.


She lifts me up when I am down,

She always smiles, never frowns,

She makes my day special in every way,

Close to her, I want to stay.


This poem is for she,

Whom I am speaking about,

Thank you dear friend,

Whom I can’t live without.


God Bless you today,

On your birthday that’s here,

I want you to know,

I love you, Rita, dear.



Time For Love

 by, Max The Poet 


There is a time for love,

It cannot be rushed,

But soon, when ready, it appears,

Expected, like fragrance on a rose.


This is how it is with us,

I was so unprepared, so out of touch,

But your patient endurance,

Has blossomed me much.


Expected as a fragrance,

Upon this long stem rose,

So it is, my love for you,

More fragrant, as it grows.


Thank you for your love,

When I deserved it not,

Thank you for teaching me to love again,

Something, I’d forgot.

 ~ for Yvonna ~



Never Very Far From Me

by, Max The Poet 


You are never very far from me,

Near at hand, are you,

I am looking for you constantly,

No matter what I do.


When you leave and say goodbye,

And off to work you go,

Remember that I am with you,

It is something you must know.


I love you more than anything,

And I cannot help but say,

That I am loving you more and more,

Each and every day.


Never very far from me,

Are you, whom I love so dear,

I can’t wait for your return,

So I can hold you near.


Never very far from me,

Every secret that I have told,

When God made you He made the best,

Then, He broke the mold.


Never very far from me,

And always till the end,

I am near to you as well,

My dearly loved, best friend.



I'm Sorry

by, Max The Poet 


Nothing can quite describe my feelings,

Nothing will it take back what I have done,

I never meant to say those things,

Or to hurt anyone.


Nothing I can say or do,

Will change the way things went,

But, I am sending this simple card,

To share my deep lament.


I am not wordy when it comes to this,

Nor am I quick with thought,

Simply put, it is that I'm sorry,

Your forgiveness is truly sought.


Thank you for your kindness,

In everything you have done,

I will never forget that we are friends,

And that closer we've become.



This Day

 by, Max The Poet 


On a cold, crisp morning,

With frost upon the leaves,

I spotted a young butterfly,

Floating on the breeze.


I stared for a moment,

Wondered how this could be?

An answer I heard,

It is because of me.


I followed that butterfly as it floated by,

How dare I question why?

How could I neglect the simple truth,

That this day was born deep in my heart,

A little song, not very hard.


Butterfly?  No.

It was He whom I saw,

How could a butterfly,

On frosty wings soar?


It must have been, I know it was,

The sweetest of angels, from above,

Came to visit me just for a while.

This day was born, the biggest of smiles.


I was touched by an Angel of frosty wings.



Butterfly, You

by, Max The Poet


Most beautiful in every way,

Gentle, and so true,

These are words that I use,

When describing you.


You fill my life with color,

You take the time to see,

Every aspect of my life,

The things that make me, me.


You are so gentle in your way,

You like to make me smile,

I am happy when we're together,

If only, for a little while.


So, dearest butterfly, that’s right, you!

Thanks for inspiring me, with all the beautiful things you do,

You’re most magnificent in every way,

My butterfly, you.

 ~ for Tina ~



Some Places

by, Max The Poet 


I can't think of any other place I would want to be,

Than spending time with you,

It is one of my favorite past times,

It is what I like to do.


Since we met and started talking,

We have had some fun,

And I am looking to complete,

This journey we've begun.


There are places I would never go,

Unless you could be there too,

They are places meant for lovers,

Places, for me and you.


The journey there is long and hard,

But well worth all the wait,

God above has put us together,

It is destiny and fate.


Thanks for all the inspiration,

That you have brought my way,

I like the journey we've begun,

With you I'd like to stay.

 ~ for Tina ~



My Heart Aches For You

by, Max The Poet 


My heart aches for you,

Missing you as it does,

Remembering the times we shared,

Our hearts, our souls, our love.


My heart aches for you,

There's no other way to say,

How much I care about you,

My love grows stronger every day.


My heart aches for you,

And I need you right beside me,

And until we are together again,

This ache, in my heart, shall be.



Beautiful You Are

by, Max The Poet


Beautiful, you are to me,

I have admired you much,

Your beauty is so obvious,

I am longing for your touch.


Your gentle way of showing your care,

The little things you do,

That is what I admire most,

And why I want to be with you.


Beautiful, you are to me,

So full of love and care,

I just want to hold you close,

And our love, together share.


Beautiful, you are to me,

I needed to let you know,

That I am so in love with you,

This feeling I must show.


Beautiful, you are to me,

Pure and pretty as the dove,

This day I tell you that I feel this way,

For it is you, that I love.


Second To None

by, Max The Poet 


It is clear as can be,

That I am in love with you,

But, something has to give,

And there is something I must do.


I can not waste one minute more,

Wondering if  you’ll make a choice,

And do the noble thing,

And listen to your inner voice.


I cannot go on thinking that you are mine,

Or that maybe someday, you will be.

I am simply too in love, to hang on to a dream.


You may think this is bold of me,

And that I am pressuring you somehow,

I tell you truthfully, that this is not the case.

I simply cannot be second to someone else.


I will leave you with these thoughts,

I love you more than anything. I promise that my heart will be true,

I can also promise that I have never felt like this,

Until I fell in love with you.


You are in my prayers, you are in my heart,

I pray you will make a good choice,

I know that I’ll forget you not,

Listen to your inner voice.


I Am Free

by, Max The Poet


I am Earth, I am wind,

I am fire, and I am rain,

I am everything that is good,

I am all that will remain.


I am free to soar the sky,

I am found in every sea,

I am born of all these things,

I am meant to be.


I am found everywhere,

But, I am seen by few,

All can find out what I am,

If they wanted to.


I am a Native American.

~ for Tina ~



From The Moment We Met

by, Max The Poet 


From the moment we met,

I knew there was something about you that I loved,


From the moment we met,

My life began changing for the better,


From the moment we met,

All things were viewed so clearly.


From the moment we met,

I felt touched by a special angel,


From the moment we met,

I feel so renewed and alive.


From the moment we met,

My prayer for happiness was answered,


My search for my other half is complete,

My soul is happy and my heart is so glad,

That I have found you, and we are in love,

And every moment, from here on in,

Will be filled with love, peace, and happiness,

I knew this was right for us,


From the moment we met.



Rainbows and You

by, Max The Poet


Colorful, that’s how I would describe our relationship,

We don't pull punches; we shoot from the hip,

We make each day the best it can be,

We try to be light, for others to see.


Colorful as a rainbow in spring,

That is what you are,

A sign of God’s great love,

A bright and steady sort of star.


Colorful rainbow, I love you so much,

Thanks for the color you have added to me,

It is color so brilliant and true,

It is the color of love, it comes straight from you.


A pot of gold is certainly found,

Each day in my life, when you are around,

A pot of gold, treasure it's true,

That pot of gold, is colorful, you.



Winters Yield

by, Max The Poet


Winter has come and gone so quickly,

The snow is gone for now,

The travelers have left this place,

It seems empty here, somehow.


The slopes are bare, the rivers are raging,

The meadows are turning green,

All about, flowers are blooming,

Springtime can be seen.


Winters yield has shown its face,

The blossoms are beautiful, around this place,

The lupines are filling every meadow and field,

Everywhere there's beauty, the best Winters Yield.



One Year Of Love

by, Max The Poet


Who could believe that it has been a year,

Since we met by chance that day,

Everyday since, has been the best,

This is something I must say.


You have changed my life for eternity,

Nothing will ever be the same,

I get choked up and start to cry,

Whenever I hear your name.


We are close you and me,

We have a special bond,

We have shared tears and joy,

Of each other, we've grown fond.


I am writing this poem for you today,

To let you know that I love you,

I am here for you always,

And I am grateful for all you do.


I love you, dearest friend,

Thanks for loving me in your way,

I just want to say a sincere thank you,

On this, our Anniversary day.


Remember now, through the years to come,

That life has taught us much,

We have learned many things,

Everything is gold that you touch.


Thank you for touching my heart so deep,

And thanks for lending your ear,

In my life, there is a special place,

There, I am holding you dear.



The Day Begins

 by, Max The Poet


 Every day when I awake,

And I begin each day,

My thoughts return to a special place,

A place I’d like to stay.


It is a place of harmony,

It is a place of peace,

It is a place I love to be,

I pray it never cease.


This is a place where love is born,

And beauty envelopes me there,

I feel at home and allowed to love,

There, I haven't a care.


So where is this place you’re asking?

It is a place that you know so well,

This place is where I found you,

Any place that you happen to dwell.


For I love you so, and I think of you often,

My thoughts keep returning to thee,

To rest a while and be at peace,

There, it is just you and me.


There are no busy schedules to keep,

There are no bills to pay,

There is just love and lots of joy,

Come be with me today.


The dawn of our love rises each day,

And once again, we are together,

At least in my mind, my secret place,

There, we'll be, forever.



Violets I See

by, Max The Poet 


I have compared you to many things,

And I want to try again,

So you may understand my feelings,

And possibly comprehend.


I love you more than anything,

And I cannot stop at this,

If I do not share my love,

I would be remiss.


You have brought happiness to me,

At a time when I felt so down,

The colors in my world are brighter,

Since you've come around.


Before your touch and uplifting words,

Had perched upon my heart,

Everything in the world seemed dull,

Colors existed not.


But God knew I needed a sign,

To continue on this journey,

I am so thankful that God answered me,

And that He had heard me.


He sent an Angel from His world,

With orders in her hand,

Go down to Earth and be with him,

So he might understand.


Understand now, I do,

He had sent you to me,

Since that day, everything’s new,

And violets do I see.


Thank you for all you have shared with me,

And thanks for loving me true,

Thanks for teaching me the important things,

I am loving you, too.




Be Not Afraid

by, Max The Poet


Every moment I spend with you is beautiful,

Every song I hear reminds me of you,

And my heart longs to be with yours,

And share in everything you do.


Silently, as snow falling in December,

My heart is seeking to be near to you,

Miles are between us, yet close to you do I feel,

There is something more I must do.


I need to tell you that I feel this way,

Because loneliness has left me,

Somehow, I feel like I have known you before,

And that I always knew that together we would be.


Be not afraid of these feelings I have,

I tell you true, they are from my heart,

And I do not know where this may lead,

But I am glad we've made a start.


One more thing I need to say,

It is a simple thing,

It is that I am glad we have met this way,

You have made my heart sing.




Thinking of You

by, Max The Poet 


I was sitting here and thinking of you,

And I am sure that you were thinking of me,

I was wondering what you are doing,

Having fun, most definitely.


I could not help but wonder,

If you were missing me,

I was missing you for sure,

It is the way it always seems to be,


It's hard to imagine that we just met,

And that we hit it off this way,

I am glad that we are friends,

I am missing you so much today.


I wish we lived much closer,

So we could hug and kiss,

And then there would be no reason,

For you, my heart, to miss.


So know that I am thinking of you,

And love you very much,

I miss you so while we're apart,

I need your tender touch.


Thinking of you are words that say,

That someone means a lot,

You are in my thoughts today,

Please, forget me not.




Always My Love

by, Max The Poet


Time is passing so quickly,

And there has been no change,

Only thoughts of you and I

Do in my heart remain.


I know that I am no fool,

And that destiny has drawn us near,

To share our lives and our thoughts,

And to even share our tears.


I am most complete when I'm with you,

And somehow, you will always be,

I carry the memory of your beauty,

Very deep inside of me.


And if we ever exchange some vows,

And if fate and destiny have their way,

I promise that I will always love you,

Stronger, each and every day.


And, for always, my love,

Remember the good we've shared,

It was you who showed me true love,

And with you, nothing is compared.



Will You?

by, Max The Poet


Will you be there when I've fallen,

Will you be there when I rise,

Will you see how much I love you,

When I look into your eyes?


Will you share all you have,

Will you take all I give,

Will you dare to dream new dreams,

And be brave enough to live?


Will you love me till all is done,

Will you let me love you too,

Will you show compassion,

In everything you do?


Will you lose your patience,

Will you yell and scream,

Will you simply give your love,

And live with me this dream?


Will you be there by my side,

Will you always be true,

I will be there loving you,

Forever and ever, will you?



Celebrate Me

by, Max The Poet  


Remember the good we shared,

In all you do, celebrate me,

Remember how I taught you things,

Like, what our lives are meant to be.


Smile for me when you’re feeling blue,

Think only of joy when thoughts of me enter in,

Do not cry for me,

A new chapter in my life, do I begin.


I am certain that I'll miss you,

Sure as snow upon the mountain,

My love for you will not end,

It pours forth, from my heart’s fountain.


As you mourn and begin to heal,

Remember it's you I adore,

Forever and ever, I am at peace,

Celebrate me, once more.



Eternal Love

 by, Max The Poet


Cast away all your cares,

Trouble yourself not with things of this world,

Fear only the Lord and do good things,

Watch as His awesome plan is unfurled.


Busy yourself with doing what is right,

Love as He has taught you to love,

Seek the counsel of the wise,

And stay close to the risen Lord.


Pray for peace to end all wars,

Be a light upon a winged dove,

To those who have only known darkness,

Be a sign of God's eternal love.



Time Well Spent

 by, Max The Poet


How do I spend my moments?

What does busy my mind?

Treasured memories of us together,

Treasures hard to find.


That is what my mind is doing,

Each day while we’re apart,

My thoughts keep returning to you,

I have loved you from the start.


Time well spent, is what I say,

Every moment that I spend with you,

My heart is happiest, next to yours,

Without you, it knows not what to do.


So listen to these words I say,

Angel, heaven sent,

That is what you mean to me,

More time, well spent.



My  Life With You

 by, Max The Poet


I try to imagine us together,

Hand and hand, through life we go,

Together everything seems brighter,

Like sunlight on the snow.


You inspire me in many ways,

You keep my chin raised high,

And my heart skips a beat or two,

Since you caught my eye.


I wanted to say I love you,

On this, a special day,

You mean so much to me,

Words alone cannot convey.


So, when I leave, and go back home,

And you can see me not,

That is when I’ll love you more,

My heart does not depart.


My life with you would be wonderful,

I have explored every avenue,

So wait not much longer,

I long to spend my life with you.




 by, Max The Poet


I am America, land of the free, home of the brave,

I am all accepting,

I am strength for those who are weak,

I am kind and never rejecting.


My fields yield fruits of plenty,

My mountains are most beautiful,

In every way, my earth is fertile,

I am food for the hungry.


I am refuge from oppressors,

I am steady and true,

I embody freedom, as my spirit,

I am peace to all of you.


And where there is hatred and war,

Swiftly, I will nurture peace,

I will stand and for freedom fight,

I will be a great, protective fleece.


I am America the beautiful,

Embrace me and all that I give,

I will be justice for all who seek freedom,

I am America.



Everything Is Possible

 by, Max The Poet


Everything is possible,

Nothing is too great,

Do not be afraid,

To make the choice you make.


Everything is possible,

And within your arms reach,

Listen to your heart,

And what it has to teach.


Everything is possible,

And waiting for you there,

Run and grasp your dreams,

Not one more moment spare.


Everything is possible,

Make it all come true,

You can do it, I know you can,

Because I believe in you.




by, Max The Poet 


I never meant to hurt you,

I never wanted to fight,

I wanted to let you know,

That I now have clearer sight.


You mean so much to me,

And I could never do without your love,

The many ways that you inspire me,

Gentle as a dove.


So please forgive my imperfections,

And grant my wish today,

That I should have your unconditional love,

I love you in every way.



Easton Fire Department

by, Max The Poet 


There are many fire departments around,

But none quite like Easton’s,

It is the best that can be found,

And for so many reasons.


We work and play real hard,

We try our best to learn,

We help in any way we can,

The citizens’ respect, we earn.


When duty calls and our pagers ring,

And time is of the essence,

The people can relax a bit,

Because of Easton’s presence.


To save a life is our first job,

Someone’s treasures all come after,

We try to make the best of it,

And even find some laughter.


Brothers are we who joined this team,

Each knowing what to do,

Everyone has a job, a place,

And helps with the chicken barbecue.


And what does this all mean you ask,

To those who have given so much?

A special place is held for us,

In the lives that we touch.


The Spirit of the Eagle

 by, Max The Poet


The spirit of the eagle,

Lives inside of me,

It sets my sights up higher,

And takes me where I want to be.


The spirit of the eagle,

Teaches me to soar,

It keeps striving to do all things,

Better than before.


The spirit of the eagle,

Sets my spirit free,

The spirit of the eagle,

Is a gift from God, you see.


The spirit of the eagle,

Rests gently in my heart,

And from a higher altitude,

I have made a new start.


The spirit of the eagle,

Wise and free to wander,

This is what the eagle is,

It is something we must ponder.



In Love With Her

by, Max The Poet


I am in love with her,

Her every movement, I can see,

Nothing has ever made me feel this way,

This feeling is deep inside of me.


I am in love with her,

She is always on my mind,

She is a rare and beautiful gem,

Precious and hard to find.


I am in love with her,

Every moment is more intense,

The sight of her, even in memory,

Brings back the day’s events.


I am in love with her,

Of this I am certain and sure,

Nothing has ever touched me this way,

This love shall endure.


My Once Dear Friend

by, Max The Poet


Every breath I take, I can feel your heart beat,

Every move I make, I can feel you near me,

Every time I wake, I long to touch your body,

I’m in love with you, my once, dear friend.


Every time I call you, I can hear an angel,

You’re whispering a message, from your heart to mine,

 A message of completeness, and lasting love,

I’m in love with you, my once, dear friend.


Every choice I make, that involves my future,

I am thinking how it may impact on you and me,

You are important, and I need to know your feelings,

I’m in love with you, my once, dear friend.


From this moment on, I want to have you with me,

Never letting go, and never far away,

I am most completed, when we are together,

Come and stay with me, my once, dear friend.


As we do grow old, and we share our journey,

Let us always know, that our love will never die,

And when we pass from here, into the heavens promised,

I will be with you, my once, dear friend.


I wrote this special song, so you may see the blessings,

You have brought to me, in this life of mine,

And always until the end, when everything is done,

I’ll be in love with you, my once, dear friend.



Trust Your Heart

by, Max The Poet 


Trust in your heart, feel what is real,

Let go and allow yourself to heal,

Trust in your heart, for it knows what to do,

It is seeking to find, something for you.


Trust, that all things will be for the good,

Your heart will love, as it always should,

Nurture for once, yourself and be whole,

Get back what is lost, and search for your soul.


Trust in your heart, to do what is right,

Then something will happen, a splendid delight,

You will feel so much better and things will progress,

And at last you will feel, true happiness.


I tell you sincerely, true love does exist,

And is always found, by those who persist,

Let go of all things, that tear you apart,

Be whole, be you, trust in your heart.


Just Words

by, Max The Poet


Time cannot convince me, that we were just, not meant,

I would give the world for you, every single cent,

I never thought you'd go away, and leave me in this way,

I always thought that together we would be, every single day.


My heart is sore and heavy now, since you said goodbye,

We must talk and work things out, or I will surely die,

I know that I have my faults, and I didn't always show,

How very much I love you, I just thought that you'd know.


I am trying my best to show my care, for you my lover true,

I need you in my life you see, I'd do anything for you,

I need a chance to make things right, so you may see my heart,

I never meant to hurt you, let's make a brand new start.


You may think that I am weak, and selfish for telling you this,

But, it comes from deep within my heart, a secret lover’s wish,

I love you more than anything, come back to me and see,

These are not just some words. They are what you mean to me.



Waterfall Love

by, Max The Poet 


You and I are destined to be,

Our dreams have become reality,

Every day, our love grows strong,

The love we share, cannot be wrong.


Our love is like a stream following the mountainside,

Sometimes it is narrow, sometimes it is wide,

Sometimes we hit rapids and sometimes we are still,

Our love does remain, our destiny and our will.


And then there are times, the best I recall,

They are found among the falls,

The trusting drop of our loves fate,

Is like the way I fell for you, my foretold mate.


The silent stillness, after the falls,

Knowing not, confining walls,

We do make our way downstream,

Wake me not from this waterfall dream.



My Mentor

by, Max The Poet 


I recall my days in school,

When I thought I was so smart,

When I was cool, and so in style,

My purpose, I'd forgot.


But there was someone who cared for me,

Who gave all that she could give,

She did her job and so much more,

She taught me how to live.


I am so grateful for all she's done,

For showing me the way,

For giving of herself unselfishly,

Each and every day.


I wish to say how thankful I am,

For all you've done for me,

You have been my inspiration,

Part of me, you'll always be.


And last of all, I pray this prayer,

Because I know that Heaven sent her,

God's speed, God's grace, be with you always,

My friend, and my mentor.



When I See Your Face

by, Max The Poet 


I close my eyes and I try to see,

Everything is so new to me,

That sweet smile upon your face,

Brings to me to a special place.


A place of love and happiness,

That is where I like to go,

I long to be with you night and day,

And soon I will be, I pray.


My life is peaceful and happy since we met,

This is a feeling, I will never regret,

We love each other without any doubt,

I love you more, did you figure it out?


No matter who loves who more or less,

Each day together, is better than the rest,

I wanted to say I love you today,

This love will never go away.


I closed my eyes once more to see,

That moment that we met, you and me,

I keep returning to this special place,

I am there, when I see your face.



This Place

by, Max The Poet 


I keep returning to this place,

The place where you and I met,

I long to see your face,

It is something I can not forget.


I miss you so much, do you even know?

How very much you mean,

My heart follows yours, where ever it goes,

To places never seen.


A flower I picked for you today,

I put it in a vase,

There it will be, blooming for you,

With me, here, in this special place.