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God, I Love You

by, Max The Poet


The morning brings with it, promise,

The sunrise and all its glory,

As words upon a page,

It begins to tell a story.


The story happens to be my favorite,

It is story I know well,

It is the story of you,

A story I love to tell.


The words are many,

The feeling is deep,

And when I tell it,

I begin to weep.


The words, "I love you", are written there,

In a book of endless age,

The reasons why, are listed,

Upon each and every page.


I wrote this book, you see,

So I would always remember,

Every minute I've spent with you,

To me, there's nothing better.


And you will tell me that we're just “friends”,

And I will accept that name,

Because my love is unconditional,

Each day, it is the same.


So read this book and know my thoughts,

Today, as the sun is rising,

God, I love you, so very much,

It shouldn’t be surprising.


It is a best seller, I'm sure of it,

It is written with love, for you,

This is how I am feeling,

Today, I had to tell you.


It Goes On

by, Max The Poet


Another day, and it goes on,

Nothing has changed for me,

I sit here thinking about you,

And if we'll ever be.


Another day, and it goes on,

My seeking your tender touch,

Your gentle kiss upon my face,

Is what I long for, very much.


I day dream about you constantly,

I can hear your voice in my head,

I can feel your love inside of me,

Missing you, a tear I shed.


I wait for a call or simple sign,

That you are feeling the same,

I know we think of each other,

Cause, in my heart, you remain.


Again, morning has come,

And I wake, alone,

I think of you beside me,

Our love, and how it's grown.


I feel you, within my heart,

It is where you belong,

For now, I just miss you so,

Another day, and it goes on.


My Brother

by, Max The Poet  


Thinking of you today, my brother,

The fun times we have had,

You brighten the darkest skies,

On the days that I'm sad.


You enlightened me about life,

You shared your wisdom and knowledge,

So many lessons have you taught,

Many more, than I’d learned in college.


For this wisdom and your caring,

I am forever grateful to you,

Today, I had to say,

Thanks, for all you do.


Happy birthday, dear brother,

Here's a wish that you'll receive,

A special blessing from God above,

You're a good friend, indeed.

~ for T.R. ~



The Miracle Of You

by, Max The Poet 


You’ve made a lasting impression,

Upon my heart, last evening,

A certain feeling, I can't describe,

Has entered into my being.


Like a seed, in the Spring,

My feelings all, are waiting,

Waiting for the warmth of you,

Our love will grow, I’m anticipating.


You are a miracle to me,

You came, unexpectedly,

And since we met, my heart is glad,

Certainly, we were meant to be.


The miracle of you, I can't forget,

I am looking forward, till tomorrow,

An angel pure and full of love,

Sent to me, from God above.


I will wait and be patient, you see,

I am glad we share what we do,

Thankful, for a miracle, is me,

That miracle, is you.



by, Max The Poet


Someday, I believe that things will all be fine,

I will live my simple life,

And you will too, be mine.

Someday, I am sure of it,

My destiny will come,

And all the things I've worried about,

Will seem far away and done.


Someday, I can see it now,

The love we share will be,

The best life can give us all,

That day, you're with me.


Someday, when I grow up,

I hope that you will see,

All the things I feel for you,

You and I are meant to be.


Each Day

by, Max The Poet  


You know, my friend,

Each day, brings with it a promise,

A promise, that today will be a better day,

And all that you dream may come true.


You are part of that dream in my life,

Even though, you may not feel the same way,

All that you are as a person, I love.


Each day, the promise of a new beginning,

Each day, hope, that we can be together,

Each day, I think about our friendship,

And I am thankful that we are friends.


Each day, you make me feel so good,

Just by the way you spend time with me,

Just by the way we go off on our journeys,

Each day, a new day, a new promise.


Today, I am telling you the truth,

That I will love you for all time,

That I am in love with who you are,

And I want to share my life with you, each day.



Sweet Angel

by, Max The Poet  


Hi there, my Angel,

How are you today?

I was thinking of writing a poem,

About something I've wanted to say.


You see, I have thought about this much,

And I wanted to let you know,

That I am a true and dear fan of yours,

My feelings, I must show.


I love the Shoppe called, "Angel Winks",

And I love the content there,

It is a place where Angels go,

So feelings they may share.


So dear Angel, on this day,

I want to say so much,

That you are loved so very much,

By the folks you touch.


You are an Angel here on Earth,

A blessing that is rare and true,

Thank you special Angel,

From someone, who loves you.

~ for Angel ~



Daddy's Angel

by, Max The Poet


She means more to me than life,

She's the wish I'd once dreamt,

She is an Angel, sent by God,

To ease my heart's lament.


She's my daughter, my prize,

The gleam within my eyes,

I love her more than anything,

And I hate it when she cries.


She gives me hope, she gives me love,

And her hugs, they are the best,

She is all I ever dreamed of,

Apart from all the rest.


Her love is unconditional,

It comes straight from her heart,

Lifting me up when I am blue,

As she did right from the start.


I love my daughter with all my heart,

She's an Angel from above,

She has given me more than I can give,

She taught me how to "love".

 ~ for McKenzie Rose ~



My Son

by, Max The Poet


I remember the first, I held him,

One cold, November day,

The day my son was born to me,

In a very special way.


He was a Prince, at least to me,

He was the sparkle in my eye,

And all of this, he'll always be,

Until the day I die.


I held this precious Prince,

A special gift from above,

Given to me, that I may know,

How deep is God's own love.


I haven't always said this,

The way I know I should,

Somehow, we just know it,

It is simply understood.


But, today, I am going to say it,

So he will know and see,

How much his love has meant,

My love for him, will always be.


You are to me a new beginning,

You are my son and I'm your Dad,

I thank the Lord for sending you,

My heart, today, is glad.

 ~ for Jason ~



A Dream I Had

by, Max The Poet  


I recall a dream I dreamt,

It was a dream of color,

Every color in my dream,

Reminded me of you, my lover.


The colors were bright and crisp,

The wind blew gently by,

Stirring them up, just slightly,

This I've seen, with my own eye.


A dream I had, not long ago,

Has remained here, in my mind,

It is where I long to go,

Because, there, you will I find.


A dream I had of promise and hope,

A dream that will come true,

The dream speaks of the two of us,

The beauty of me and you.


I pray the dream returns to me,

Each night while I'm at rest,

Because I love you with all my heart,

You are simply the best.


My slumber will be peaceful,

My heart belongs to you, it seems,

Each night we will visit each other,

There, within my dreams.


I Am Here

by, Max The Poet


I sat here, all night,

Wondering what to say,

So you would understand,

That I understand your pain.


My heart does ache for you,

I couldn’t settle my mind,

I am looking for an answer,

But none, did I find.


You know, life has its ups and downs,

As yours sure has this year,

But I want you to know, you are not alone,

I want to take away your fear.


I spent the night holding you,

I bet you didn’t know,

That in my sleepless room, last night,

Is where you and I did go.


I held you tight and cried a bit,

And we talked till morning light,

And with the dawn, came some hope,

That things will be all right.


I love you so much,

And I can feel your pain,

I promised I'd always love you,

And that love, will sure remain.


The days ahead aren't promised,

But I promise this, have no fear,

I promise to always love you,

And I will be right here.


I Believe In You

by, Max The Poet  


Many are the roads to choose,

We are given a choice,

The choices are simpler, still,

If we listen to our inner voice.


Uphill, as it seems,

Unending and mistaken.

So it seems, this life of ours,

But with each choice, a step you are making.


I know that you can do this,

I know that you are smart,

God will help you with this,

But you must do your part.


Reach for a star,

Live your dreams,

Things will be just fine,

They are never what they seem.


I believe that you can do most anything,

I have witnessed your persistence,

With all that you have within you,

You will go the distance.


Be bold and achieve,

You're the best at what you do,

You will accomplish so much,

Because I believe in you.


The Dawn Awaits Us

by, Max The Poet


Morning breaks, once more,

The dawn awakes in silence,

All of nature is illuminated,

And I am with you, once more.


It is during this time,

That our hearts do meet,

In a place so filled with beauty,

Only your love is as vibrant.


The dawn awakes and finds us there,

Just the two of us,

Entwined in our passion,

As if we had been formed this way.


It is a beautiful love we share,

Each day, our love is new,

I can't wait to meet you there,

Where you and I and our hearts do meet,

And only the dawn awaits us.


What Can I Say

by, Max The Poet


I was just sitting here,

Thinking about my friend,

I wanted to cheer you up,

So this poem I had to send.


I could write for days on end,

And never say a thing,

So I'll try these few words,

And see what they may bring.


You're a champion in this World,

A smile you always give,

You bring hope in humanity,

And give so many a reason to live.


You may not understand the gravity,

That your words possess,

But, today, I had to tell you,

Or else I wouldn't rest.


The words you write are full of life,

They are heard within the heart,

Freedom and honesty emit from it,

Life, do you impart.


I hope you are understanding me,

And I hope that you will see,

All you give to so many,

Each time you sing in key.


Do not hide from your true gift,

It shines brightly, every day,

A beacon of hope for us who care,

This, I had to say.


When We Were Young

by, Max The Poet


I often recall the days we shared as children,

Even then, I looked up to you,

You were my mentor and guide,

You showed me many things, new.


I wasn't always the nicest brother,

I use to tease and make you mad,

But you always understood how I felt,

And made me happy when I was sad.


And all through the years,

Through the good and the bad,

You were here to help me through,

You are the best friend I've ever had.


And now, our age is creeping up,

And you and I, miles are between,

And I find myself lost without you,

Because you are seldom seen.


Today, I say these simple words,

To you, my oldest friend,

I need you to be more in my life,

So these words I send.


I know you didn't move away,

I'm the one who took the step,

I had to live this dream of mine,

And I haven’t a single regret.


But you, I miss so very much,

Things just aren't the same,

My wish this year is a simple one,

That you will come here and remain.


And still, while time is passing,

Our bond remains so strong,

As in the days when youth, we had,

Together, we belong.


Do not cry for me today,

As you read this poem,

Just know for sure, that I love you,

Please, just come home.


I Close My Eyes

by, Max The Poet


Today is one of those rainy days,

The clouds are dark and gloomy,

But there is light and peace once more,

It's one of those things you do to me.


I close my eyes and I hear your voice,

I see a smile on your face,

All that's dark and rainy,

Suddenly leaves this place.


I've said it a thousand times,

And I know you understand,

That somehow, you just light my life,

Like nobody else can.


I close my eyes when things get rough,

I remember the times we've shared,

And I realize that you loved me,

And that you really cared.


Today I write this little poem

For you, Terri Lynn,

So you will understand my heart.

Now where should I begin?


I guess it's enough to let you know

That you turn my rain to sunshine.

I'll close my eyes once more,

And you will my heart find.


As we grow old and years do pass,

I pray our friendship never dies,

And when things get rough in my life,

I will simply close my eyes.



If You Only Knew

by, Max The Poet


How it feels when you're around,

If you only knew.


The many things I feel inside,

If you only knew.


To hear my heart skip a bit,

If you only knew.


Like a school boy am I,

Each time while you're around,

You can feel my heart beating,

And probably hear the sound.


If you only knew what goes through this mind,

I wonder if you'd feel the same.

Would you love me even more,

Or tell me to forget your name?


If you only knew,

How much I care about you.

Would you change and become cold,

Or continue doing what you do?


I can say so many things,

To you, my dearest friend,

But I am feeling more in love with you,

With each word I send.


So listen to me, one more time,

I think I am in love with you.

I know you're thinking I am nuts,

If you only knew!



The Flower

by, Max The Poet


I have compared you much, as a flower,

Full of life, awesome in power.

The fragrance of your beauty, bold,

Budding brightly, the story, told.


As the first, in Spring, your colors are bright,

A marvelous wonder in every light.

I have admired your beauty within,

And from the outside, a prize you could win.


A field of blossoms aren't nearly as grand,

As the time I've spent holding your hand,

And I understand this feeling is mine,

And that we'll just be, friends for all time.


I wouldn't trade one moment with you,

For anything less, than that which we do.

We are friends till the end and that is all right,

Because you are a most magnificent sight.


The love I've wanted to share with you,

Will be enhanced by our friendship so new.

I promise that I can still be your friend,

No matter what may come of the end.


It isn't important that you love me this way,

What matters most is that I tell you today,

That I am your friend and I love you so much,

I am grateful that my life did you touch.


From now until the blossom fades,

I'll watch the flower as it turns its shades,

And with great care and proper address,

I will find peace and great happiness.


Gentle flower, of color intense,

Know that my heart will spare no expense,

To upon your branches, rest like a dove,

For it is you that I need, you that I love.




by, Max The Poet  


I bet you thought I couldn’t possibly write,

Something about what happened last night,

But, here is the proof that I can say,

All that happened, in this way.


I had a great time and it was a thrill,

That cold, rainy night in April,

That you and I did venture about,

To have some fun, without a doubt.


I held you tight and danced a bit,

And we drank some booze for the hell of it,

You were simply beautiful,

Knowing just what to say and do,

Nothing I have ever held,

Compares to the way that you felt.


I will not forget the time we had,

And when it was over, I was sad,

But I will remember most, the thrill,

That cold, rainy night, in April.

 ~ for you Terri ~



Thank You, From My Heart

by, Max The Poet


How does one say,

All that he does feel,

About the girl who fills his dreams,

And the girl who is so real.


I think perhaps I'll send a note,

So you can read the text,

And understand how I feel,

And what, I think, will happen next.


You see the world is full of life,

For those who chose to see,

And never give in to strife,

Those, who live, abundantly.


So, I chose to say these words,

About the girl, whom I do see,

Each night, within my dreams,

The place where you, meet with me.


I am so thankful for all your love,

I am thankful for your ear,

I am thankful for the shoulder you give,

All things that I hold dear.


When I get to feeling blue,

Or when I just can't see,

I think of you and a smile begins,

To grow and encompass me.


Because, you have shared your heart,

And I have seen its beauty,

I will always be so thankful,

That you and I did come to be.


 Our Lonely Beach

by, Max The Poet


 I walked along the beach today,

 Remembering the times we shared,

 They were times I felt so loved,

 They were times we shared.


 The beach was cold and lonely,

 The waves seemed hurried and loud,

 Because you were not there with me,

 I was under a cloud.


 But then the memories overwhelmed me,

 And I was forced to see,

 That you were there as usual,

 I just could not see.


 Perhaps the beach was speaking to me,

 Reciting a love, foretold,

 A love so true and vibrant,

 A love that never grows old.


 So I will return to that beach again,

 And I will listen well,

 I will take in every word,

 That the beach is trying to tell.


 Wait, I think I hear it now,

 The words, they whisper true,

 Telling of the love we share,

 Saying... I love you.

~ for Kat ~


High Atop The Mountain

by, Max The Poet


High atop the mountain,

 Where only eagles fly,

 Is where I found a beautiful treasure,

 That certainly caught my eye.


 It was there, we first kissed,

 It was there that I held your hand,

 It was there that I first felt in love,

 It is there, I wish to stand.


 I return quite often to that spot,

 Where you and I first met,

 I feel the wind as it goes by,

 A feeling I can not forget.


 When I am blue or missing you,

 I go there to drink from life's fountain,

 There at peace, in love I am,

 High, atop, the mountain.

 ~ for Kat ~


To Say It Well

by, Max The Poet


The words, to say it well,

Are captured in my mind,

This, I have tried to say,

But, the words, I can't find.


To say it well, so you will know,

That I am grateful to you,

For all that you have done for me,

And all that you always do.


Good friends are hard to find,

And you have been more than that to me,

So, today I am thanking you,

And saying it well, you see.


To promise, that I'll always be,

A good friend to you, is easy,

And today, when you read this card,

Know, that it contains,

Many hugs for you, my friend,

And Blessings in your name.


To say it well,

That is my quest,

To say that I love you, friend,

And that you are the best.


Alone By The Brook

by, Max The Poet  


Alone by the brook,

Baby, just the two of us,

Talking and snuggling close,

These are the things,

I miss the most.


Sharing the quiet times,

Whispering words of love to each other,

Holding each other by the hand,

Every moment is great, with you my lover.


There as we sit,

Peacefully, the river flows,

Steady and full of life,

Is our love and how it grows.


Alone by the brook,

Just the two of us there,

Sharing our love for each other,

To this, nothing can compare.


I will spend some time here,

And I will write it in my book,

Remembering your sweet love,

Alone, by the brook.



The Truth

by, Max The Poet


I am wrong,

I know I am,

Admitting it,

Makes me a man.


I could never hurt you on purpose,

I would never want to lose you,

Because, I care a lot,

Because, I just do.


I know I said some things,

That were better left unsaid,

But they slipped out of my mouth,

And were sent there from my head.


So here are some flowers,

And a special hug,

For you, my dearest friend,

Because I love you more than anything,

Our friendship can not end.


I know you care about me,

Because I’ve seen your heart,

I am begging your forgiveness,

Let’s make a brand new start.


You know the way I feel,

And I need to hear voice,

Call me, please, or I will die,

You’ve left me without choice.



The Last Words You Said

by, Max The Poet


Though they were said a hundred times,

The last words you said to me,

Ring out in my head,

Singing a tune, constantly.


The words were sweet and from your heart,

And they rested upon mine,

Gently caressing my inner soul,

The words were of the best kind.


You know exactly how I feel,

Because I tell you every day,

But those words you said to me last night,

Within my heart, will stay.


A promise, a dream, it doesn’t matter,

What the world might think,

You gave my parched heart just what it needed,

A special sort of drink.


The words you said to me last night,

There is nothing more that you could do,

Than to speak those words I have said,

Those words, I love you.


My Wish, I Made For You

by, Max The Poet


Today is a special day for me,

Because I deserve the best,

And it entitles me to make a wish,

For something special, I should get.


My wish I made… for you,

Because you are a special part,

Of all that is my life,

You have won my heart.


My wish I made, for you,

Because no one else is so sweet,

You have brought me happiness,

And made my life complete.


Today, as I celebrate,

I pray this prayer for you,

That God will bless everything,

That you chose to do.


My wish I made, for you,

It was a simple one,

That you will always be with me,

Our love will never be undone.


More Beautiful Than

by, Max The Poet  


More beautiful than the ocean,

More fragrant than the rose,

Is the beauty you have shown,

Our love and how it grows.


More beautiful than mountains,

More colorful than the skies,

The many ways in which you love me,

That look within your eyes.


More beautiful than the snows,

Brighter than the sun,

When I'm with you, I feel so loved,

I am sure that you're the one.


More beautiful than life itself,

My love for you is everlasting,

In the beauty of your presence,

There, I shall be basking.


More beautiful than anything,

That this world has ever seen,

This is how I describe you, babe,

For this is how much you mean.


A Gift for Mom

by, Max The Poet


Today is a very special day,

And Mom, there's something

I'd like to say.


Through the years,

You've watch me grow,

You've guided me,

And loved me, so.


Today, I am returning the love,

That you have shown to me,

Because I love you so much, Mom,

You gave your love, abundantly.


As I write these special words,

And I recall the many days,

When you would help me color,

And show your love in many ways.


The toys you bought for me,

The pictures that you took,

All the things you did for me,

God, I could write a book.


That special hug, that only you could give,

That look in your eye, when you say my name,

For all of this, I am grateful,

My love for you, will always remain.


Oh, and Mom, I should really mention,

That no matter what or when,

I will be right here, loving you,

For my love will never end.


So this gift I send to you,

Today on Mother's Day,

Because the words, "I love you",

Are words I had to say.


My Secret

by, Max The Poet


I have a little secret,

That I have kept so well,

It is so very special,

That no one, would I tell.


I think you know the secret well,

Because you have shared it too,

But the way we met and all,

There was nothing else to do.


You see, it's hard when two have fallen,

And one belongs to another,

Somehow, true love has found us,

And you've become my lover.


My secret I shall keep,

And I know that someday,

The secret will be out,

And you can come my way.


Till then, the secret's safe,

Held deep within my heart,

I long for you every day, every night,

Till death, do us part.


For You, My Angel

by, Max The Poet


Something has compelled me,

To write this little poem,

For you, my special Angel,

So that my feelings will be known.


All aglow am I,

Each time that you're around,

My heart begins to skip a beat,

A smile, on my face, is found.


I feel like a school boy,

Waiting for my crush,

So I might carry your books for you,

I try hard not to blush.


This poem was written just for you,

Because I love the time that we spend,

Laughing and sharing our thoughts,

I pray it never ends.


A special Angel, you remain,

In my life each day,

I can't wait to be with you again,

It is something I have to say.


A poem for you, sweet Angel,

The "bestest" friend I know,

The words I write are just for you,

My feelings I must show.


A kiss, a hug, and even a tear,

Are all feelings I have known,

With you, each feeling is intense,

Thanks for the love you've shown.


For you, my sweet Angel,

A classic case of love,

This is how I feel,

You're an Angel from above


You Gave Me Life

by, Max The Poet


Thinking of you, on this day,

Wanting to send some love your way,

It's hard to find the right words,

But there is something I must say.


I am very grateful,

To you, who gave me life,

Who suffered much, birthing me,

Who kept me safe from strife.


Unselfishly, you made a choice,

That I might find a better way,

And while we were apart all those years,

Still, there is something I must say.


I love you unselfishly, too,

And I am grateful that I've known you,

I understand that you love me,

And that you did, what you had to do.


On this special day,

I am sending you my love,

My best hugs are there as well,

Resting upon you like a dove.



The Sun Rises, Again

by, Max The Poet


“dedicated to all of our best friends and companions that we call, pets”



As the sun rises each day,

A new beginning can be seen,

Newness is created with the light,

Revealing a beautiful image, pristine.


So it is with our friends,

With each new birth, a dawning,

And when the sun has set for our older friends,

Their spirit, we are mourning.


But, the promise of a new day,

Will come to cheer us all,

Ushering in a brand new hope,

To comfort, daylight’s fall.


We never forget the many days,

That our friends did shine,

All the happiness that they did bring,

To us, in their lifetime.


The sun rises again,

The memories unfold,

The sadness is slowly eased,

By the promise we’ve been told.


The promise is a simple one,

Given in love by our friends,

That their spirit is renewed in us,

Each time the sun rises again.


Can You Remember

by, Max The Poet


Without you here,

The World is dark and dreary,

Not the place for laughs and cheers,

Only darkness, and lots of tears.


Without your smile, I can't begin,

To look ahead, or look within.

Without you here, I am sort of lost,

We must make amends, at any cost.


Can you remember the times we spent,

Going here and there,

Do you remember the fun we had,

We laughed so hard, I fell out of my chair.


I remember everything,

That you and I have done,

The were the best of times, we had,

They were second to none.


Can you remember the good times, too,

For I know that we'll survive,

If you will just give me a chance,

For our love to revive.


I look back to a special night,

A night in late November,

When you and I had the best of times,

I miss you, can you remember?



For Dad

by, Max The Poet


How do I say, all that I must say,

To you, my Dad, on this special day,

I think I will write this poem,

And explain it in this way.


Ours has been a special bond,

That only you could give,

You taught compassion,

And examples of how to live.


Steadfast in your love,

You took good care of our family,

Unselfishly, you gave what you had,

So that we could live abundantly.


Today I am saying how much you’re loved,

Because no other Dad could mean as much,

I didn't say it all the time,

But you turn to gold, all that you touch.


Dad, thank you for the love you've shared,

All the years that I was growing,

You provided all the tools,

And always were, your love, showing.


Happy Father's Day to you,

And I hope that you comprehend,

How very much you are loved,

My love for you will never end.


This poem is for you,

Because you are the best,

Enjoy the day, and do something fun,

Kick back, enjoy, and rest.


A Ballad

by, Max The Poet


Where do you go,

When everywhere ss a reality,

How far have you come,

When you are still running, angrily,

When everywhere is a, “no place new”,

When all you see is catastrophe,

And nothing's as it seems to be.


I hold on to the memories,

Of your loving arms, wrapped around me,

That whisper softly, gentle kiss,

Of all these times, I reminisce,

I never thought it'd feel like this,

I hold on to the memories.


Where do I go to find the one,

Who fills my world with trusted love,

I will try to find that way,

Home, in your heart, to stay,

Come and be with me today,

I will love you, come what may.


A True Friend

by, Max The Poet


Over the years, you have been there for me,

Through  thick and thin, highs and lows,

You could have walked away from me,

But sticking by me, is what you chose.


When I was blue and needed someone,

Somehow, you appeared,

You held me close and cried with me,

And eased what I had feared.


We celebrated so many things together,

Our children, our marriages, our families,

We laughed until we cried,

Our friendship has many degrees.


Today I am celebrating you,

Because  you are a huge part of me,

The friendship you have given,

I want the whole world to see.


The example of a true friend,

Is defined by knowing you,

And I am very grateful,

For all the special things you do.


A true friend to me, indeed,

And the journey's just begun,

I am sure we’ll cry and laugh some more,

Yes, we’ll have some fun.


Today, as I celebrate you,

This card, I had to send,

Because, you are loved beyond words,

My forever, true friend.


 Alone In A Crowded Room

 by, Max The Poet


 Have you ever felt alone

 When in a crowded room?

 When everything's gone wrong,

 And all you see is doom?


 Have you ever felt like nobody cares

 And everything is bad?

 When everyone is wondering,

 Why you are very sad.


 I have felt all these things,

 And I have learned to say,

 That things will work out for the good,

 Better days, will come my way.


 Because of friends and family,

 And the love that they have shown,

 I have learned to cope with things,

 In this vein, I have grown.


 So here's a thought for all of you,

 Who are feeling rather blue,

 Cheer up, smile a bit,

 Somebody loves you.



You Are Beautiful To Me

by, Max The Poet  


Another day has come,

And nothing has changed for me,

All I think about is you,

You're so beautiful to see.


Your loving heart, your tender touch,

Your caring gentle way,

Has nestled itself within my heart,

There, your beauty will stay.


A shining star of grand design,

A marvelous, fragrant flower,

Awesome in its own beauty,

Majestically filled with power.


You are beautiful to me,

And no matter how you may feel,

Yours is a most beautiful heart,

A kind I’d like to steal.


You are beautiful to me,

Today, I say it well,

To you, my sweet, my dearest friend,

I love you.  Can’t you tell?


Our Love Must Go On

Lyrics by, Max the Poet ©2000

Music composition by, Paul Franzen ©2000


A page is turned, and our story, revealed,

The story of our lives, yes, you and me,

 Read the words, they were written, just for you,

In this story of our lives, told for you, now, my love.


Each day, a page is turned and life goes by...

It is not ours to ask and question why,

But, should our love fade, I promise you now,

I’ll walk with you each day till our love has dawned, once more.


A page is turned, and our story, revealed,

The story of our lives, yes, you and me,

 Read the words, they were written, just for you,

In this story of our lives, told for you, now, my love.


See the words, tell a tale,

Of my longing, for you,

Read the words, feel the song,

I am waiting for you.


Each day, a page is turned and life goes by...

It is not ours to ask and question why,

Should our love fade, I promise you now,

I’ll walk with you each day till our love has dawned, once more.


Love must go on...  love must go on...

Love must go on...  love must go on...



See the words, tell a tale,

Of my longing, for you,

Read the words, feel the song,

I am waiting for you.


Each day, a page is turned and life goes by...

It is not ours to ask and question why,

Should our love fade, I promise you now,

I’ll walk with you each day till our love has dawned, once more.


Love must go on... love must go on...

Love must go on...  love must go on... (End)



Starting Over

by, Max The Poet


We have both felt the hesitation,

We have both wanted more,

But, I am scared to fall again,

Because of what happened, before.


I am scared of being hurt,

I am scared of hurting you,

I wish I knew for sure,

Just what it is that I should do.


I am going to take a risk,

That you will understand,

And I will try to trust you more,

Because, I am your biggest fan.


I need to let you know,

That I love you so much,

And I will learn to love again,

The secret's in your touch.


Never before have I felt this way,

My heart is on my sleeve,

I am just afraid that things would change,

And suddenly, you would leave.


I can not bear to hurt again,

After all that I've been through,

But, I am willing to risk the hurt,

Because, I am falling in love with you.


I promise I wouldn't hurt you,

Or ever leave your side,

Because you are the "she", I've searched for,

I have looked far and wide.


So today, I tell you this,

That I am ready to move on,

And grow the love that we share,

Our love is dawning on the horizon.


Just For A While

by, Max The Poet  


Today we said goodbye,

Not forever, just for a while,

I will not forget your love for me,

Or that very special, Samoyed smile.


When I am weeping,

I weep for my friend,

Because I am missing you,

And that our love had to end.


Today we said goodbye,

Not forever, just for a while,

I will not forget your love for me,

Or your very special, Samoyed smile.

I love you Sasha...


Into Your Life Of Love

by, Max The Poet


If I could only tell you what I feel,

Each time I catch a glimpse of you,

It is as if, my breath is robbed from me,

Even my heart, forgets what to do.


The very sight of you starts me trembling,

My mind begins to drift away,

To that place of love we share,

The place, I long to stay.


Into your life of love,

There, it is just us two,

No one else to bother us,

Only me and only you.


Into your life of love,

My heart is searching for its glory,

Every day, a new beginning,

To a seemingly endless story.


The words I have said,

Say little of this feeling,

Bu, I had to let you know today,

So you would understand their meaning.


Into your life of love,

That place you've let me in,

And so the story does progress,

My love for you does, again, begin.


Summer’s Heat

by, Max The Poet  


If only I could say,

The feeling in my heart, today,

The joy that’s come to be,

This feeling, deep inside of me.


The simple love that we have shared,

To this, nothing can be compared,

That Summer’s heat, upon us rested,

The time together, indeed, well vested.


The passion, that, together, we feel,

Proves to us both, that our love is real,

The warm and gentle breezes flow,

Caressing our love, each day, we grow.


More in love each day, the feeling, intense,

Understanding each other, without pretense,

The Summer’s heat, brings this feeling to me,

A powerful feeling of being set free.


Together we’ll be, just you and I,

Sharing the heat, till the day that we die,

A love that will last, the best can’t be beat,

 Living within us, a passion, Summer’s heat.


Where My Heart Is Home

by, Max The Poet


Where my heart is home,

Next to you, lying,

Hugging each other all night long,

Never a tear for crying.


Where my heart is home,

At peace, the quiet speaks,

Knowing my every thought,

For this, my heart seeks.


Where my heart is home,

Any place that you dwell,

The lasting love that we have shared,

This, I've known, so well.


Where my heart is home,

There, the Angels sing,

My love for you is overflowing,

This message, do I bring.


For there, peace and love are known,

In the quiet hush of evening’s song,

Look at how our love has grown,

Where my heart is home, do I, belong.


Who could plan such a banquet,

The outcome, who could have known,

That I would feel so in love,

With you, my heart is home.



Even This

by, Max The Poet  


To the beauty of the sunset,

Even this, does not compare,

To the beauty I see in you,

Angels, do, your beauty share.


To the majesty of the mountains,

Even this, does not realize,

Bluest oceans, hold a glimpse,

Of the beauty in your eyes.


To the colorful rainbow's light,

Even this, does not contain,

The color that you have painted,

Shall in my heart remain.


I had to share my thoughts with you,

If not, I'd be remiss,

Nothing quite explains your beauty,

Nothing... not even this.



By The Footbridge

by, Max The Poet


The sweetest friend, have I met,

She came to me, on the Internet,

Sharing our hopes and sharing our dreams,

A true friendship, that's seldom seen.


We talk all night, and go for walks,

Enjoying the laughter as each one talks,

We hug a bit and hold on tight,

God, how I wish, I could hold her all night.


Sweet, pure, and very loving,

Are words that describe her well,

She gives of herself unselfishly,

She loves me, I can tell.


I recall a moment, a walk we shared,

By the footbridge, close to Town,

I shook a bit and was frightened,

It was a long way to fall down.


But, gentle as she is,

She took away my fear,

The moment that she smiled at me,

And I felt that she was near.


By the footbridge, close to Town,

The moon was shining brightly,

I'll not forget the words she spoke,

Her friendship does delight me.


Your Knight Is Waiting

by, Max The Poet


How does one say,

The feeling in my heart today,

Without, in my voice, a quiver,

My body shaking, I'm all a shiver.


The Knight you've wanted to appear,

Has shown his Armor, it's shining clear,

The Armor of your beauty bold,

Is seen today, in this story told.


Your Knight is waiting and needing you,

To give cause, for fighting, new,

And today I say these simple words,

To you, my Queen, I hope you've heard.


You are worth a thousand kingdoms,

And to this end, I shall fight,

I ask only that you love me,

I am a simple man, your shining Knight.



I Caught A Glimpse

by, Max The Poet  


Today, I caught a glimpse,

Of a heart that is so pure,

A heart that loves, unconditionally,

Of this you can be sure.


I caught this glimpse while gazing,

At the stars, one night in May,

And in my heart, I felt pure love,

There, this love shall stay.


I caught a glimpse of you,

I'll forget it not,

Just remember that, for always,

I'll love you with all my heart.


A glimpse of you and you captured me,

My inner thoughts, you read,

Somehow, you have filled my world,

With the love I need.


My eyes have seen,

My heart has felt,

My soul does overflow,

Today, I caught a glimpse of you,

I love you, now you know.



The Color of Love

by, Max The Poet


The color of love is brilliant,

Never dull or gray,

It rests its beauty upon your heart,

Each and every day.


The color of love is awesome,

Brighter than a star,

It nurtures beauty within your heart,

It teaches you who you are.


The color of love comes to me,

Each night when she returns,

Into my arms, a splendid delight,

My love, each day she earns.


The color of love is best as seen,

From inside a heart so pure,

Its bold, crisp rays will never fade,

Tribulation, it will endure.


The color of love will infiltrate,

The darkest, grayest day,

Enlightening your very soul,

The color of love shall stay.


To see the marvelous wonder,

That the color of love does shine,

When seen through the eyes of love,

Those eyes, yours and mine.


Front Row, Five Bucks

by, Max The Poet


To many, they are good friends,

A local band, from here,

But if you listen close, you will hear,

The best band of the year.


The talent they encompass,

Singly and as a whole,

Leaves you awe struck every time,

They reach a part of every soul.


I can't believe such talent,

Will go unnoticed for very long,

With every gig that they play,

There comes a special kind of song.


A song of hope for all who dare,

To endure and struggle through,

I sit in the front row,

So the music will come through.


Front row, five bucks,

That's all I had to pay,

To see the band and feel the music,

To hear the words they have to say.


Someday soon, I can feel it,

Expensive it shall be,

To catch a glimpse from far away,

And hear the beat inside of me.


 I write this poem for you, my friends,

Because I'm your biggest fan,

Front row, five bucks, it's not enough,

To feel the vibe of the best band.



When I'm With You

by, Max The Poet


You are always on my mind,

A rare and precious find,

Somehow completing the search I've started,

My heart is still hurting, since we parted,

A priceless gift that was once given,

To enhance the boring life I'm living,

Giving meaning to an otherwise bland,

Life of love, touching your hand,

Kissing your lips and holding you tight,

These are things I dream of at night,

When I'm with you, I feel so content,

You take away, all life's lament,

Again, I say, I love you so much,

I am longing for your gentle touch,

The morning will bring the hope of surprise,

That soon I may look into your eyes,

Until that moment when we can embrace,

I'll daydream of your return to this place,

When I'm with you, all problems depart,

Each day is so new and again does start,

With my holding you close to my chest,

There in the quiet, I find happiness,

When I'm with you, I look for sign,

That soon you'll be home,

Once again, just mine,

Until I see you again, I relate,

That when I'm with you, God, I can't wait,

To feel your heart beat close next to mine,

I love you today, I will for all time.



When You Hold Me

by, Max The Poet  


That walk along the beach,

On that warm summer night,

The sea spoke of our love,

Everything was right.


The sound of the sea, crashing,

The mist upon our faces,

The smell of the salt water,

It is one of Heaven’s places.


We walked hand in hand,

Recalling days past,

We were planning for our future,

Knowing we would last.


I'll not forget the way you held me,

Or the passion in your eyes,

Comforting and consoling me,

As when a loved one cries.


When you hold me close,

I feel the love we share,

You love me deeper than anyone,

I thought could ever care.


When you hold me, my love,

Time stands still for me,

Close to you and in your arms,

It's everywhere I want to be.


The walk along the beach that night,

The place I long to be,

Beneath the stars, lit intense,

I love it when you hold me.


You Have Been An Angel

by, Max The Poet  


In my life, very few friends can be compared,

To the very deep love, that we have shared,

Throughout the rough spots,

You stood beside me,

Encouraging me to continue on,

Knowing that things would get better with time.


For all those times you stuck beside me,

For all the hugs you gave me when I needed them most,

For all the love you showed when I deserved it not,

Today.... I say thank you.


You have been an angel in my life,

Appearing to me when I needed you most,

Our special friendship, you did host,


Never will I forget you,

Nor will I abandon you when you need me.

That is the beauty of your friendship.

It has been a two way street.

Neither of us giving more than the other,

Our only mission was to share in the pain and in the laughter,

Making our path a bit easier.


An angel in my life,

Words that describe you well,

Today I say a heart felt "thank you"

I love you, can you tell?



Today I Wrote A Song

by, Max The Poet  


A poet sits at rest,

With pen upon the white,

Recalling all the memories,

That were made that night.


Staring at the paper, blank,

Thinking of a catchy start,

Words that will describe the joys,

That were placed upon my heart.


Knowing not, the letters yet,

Or the phrase that will do,

Suddenly, thoughts do flow,

Thoughts of only you.


Today I wrote a song,

Of love and life and such,

It isn't very long but,

It tells just how much.


How very much he loves you,

And that time will never end,

Or take away the beauty shared,

With each day we spend.


Today I wrote a song,

The song is just for you,

I wrote the song to say, I love you,

Knowing that you knew,


Without a doubt your love is there,

When I need you more than ever,

You stand beside me as my friend,

In any kind of weather.


For you, with love, my dearest heart,

I pray it won't be long,

When we will be together again,

Till then, here's your song.


 The Night Stand

by,  Max The Poet


Who knows what sort of thing,

Did wake me, once again,

I search for my pad of paper,

And my special writer’s pen.


I feel as if you've come to me,

In the middle of the night,

Lingering just long enough,

To see the words I write.


The thoughts were merely fragments,

Of the loneliness I see,

Each and every time,

You go away from me.


Then I realize, all is well,

And that you have come to me,

In the middle of my dreams,

The place you always seem to be.


Our rendezvous is captured,

Scribbled out, longhand,

Loving thoughts of you and me,

On a pad by the night stand.



The Castle

by, Max The Poet


There’s a castle in my heart,

Where only love can dwell,

A refuge from all harm,

Life giving water's well.


There’s a castle rising upward,

A humble place of majesty,

I share it not with everyone,

This place is just for you and me.


There’s a castle shining brightly,

Deep within my heart,

Surrounded by your beauty,

And all that you impart.


The castle was built of rock,

Steady, ageless and strong,

And in this castle our love does live,

It's where we both belong.


There’s a castle in my heart,

The key to which you own,

From a tiny pebble,

A mighty castle's grown.


My Inspiration

by, Max The Poet


I am often asked what compels me to write,

What sort of thing inspires me,

I have thought about this much,

And the things that set me free.


My inspiration comes from those,

Who search for love and search for souls,

And all those people I've known from the start,

Those who give freely of their loving heart.


My search for love has also done this,

Without true love, my heart would miss,

All the joy and peace that true love can bring,

These are things that make my heart sing.


My inspiration comes from all of you,

Who seek to find words for someone they knew,

Who look to the poet to write from his heart,

That feelings of love, they may impart.


Today I write a simple verse,

Off the cuff, I did not rehearse,

So all would know my inspiration is real,

All of these things with you I feel.



The Path We Walk

by, Max The Poet


The path we walk together,

Is filled with beauty and grace,

A sunset sky, a rainbow's promise,

Never walk the path in haste.


The path ahead is hidden,

Not written or foretold,

But side by side, we shall journey,

Our love does not grow old.


The path we walk together,

Is lit by love’s bright glow,

As we journey round the bends,

There is something you should know.


With you I chose to walk this path,

Because no one else would do,

No one loves and understands me,

Quite as much as you.


Today I'm making a promise,

That the path will be o.k.

Because forever, I shall love you,

The path we walk together each day.


It's Fundamental

by, Max The Poet


Knowing you has blessed my life with great things,

Wealthy am I, because I know you,

It is not wealth of fortune or fame,

It is a wealth that blesses the heart.


Your beauty is inspiring,

Your heart is full of love,

The time we share is awesome,

I know you were sent from above.


Fundamental as it seems,

Taken for granted it is not,

I think about the beauty of us,

Each time that we're apart.


I long for your touch,

And to hear your gentle voice,

I'd give up almost anything,

To be with you, is my choice.


Fundamental you have called it,

I disagree completely,

To me you are an inspiration,

Sent by God, to be with me.


Today this poem is for you to read,

Upon this page with text,

I can't wait to be with you,

And to see what happens next.


Who can take our love from us?

Who can change the Seasons?

I love you more and more each day,

Many are the reasons.


A love as ancient as the stars,

Fundamental, we are not,

I promise that I'll always love you,

And I'll always do my part.



by, Max The Poet


The craving intense,

The longing, immense,

Like one's taste for fine chocolate,

Is my addiction to you.


Never knowing when it'll appear,

Missing you is my only fear,

My addiction to you returns each day,

Wanting to be with you today.


My addiction to you is clear,

Each time that you are near,

My yearning for you intensifies,

My addiction apparent, within your eyes.


It's Not What I Wanted To Hear

by, Max The Poet


They told me that you were bad for me,

They said you'd never change,

But I have found something in you,

That in my heart remains.


They said that you would leave me,

They told me I was nuts,

But I believe that you are worth it,

Finally, I have the guts.


They told us we could never last,

They said our fling would fade,

But I chose to live this life of love,

And rest in the bed we've made.


I told you that I loved you,

And that my love will always shine,

I promise I will do my part,

I'll love you till the end of time.



When Life Seems To Be A Struggle

by, Max The Poet 


When life seems to be a struggle,

And everything goes wrong,

I find comfort in our snuggle,

There I could stay all day long.


When all seems lost and hopeless,

When dreams are far and few,

I will return to your caress,

And start my day anew.


When joy seems out of reach,

I remember the time we spent,

The beautiful lessons of love you teach,

Take away my heart's lament.


Beautiful friend of mine, so true,

Whom I love so much to cuddle,

Thank you for loving me,

When life seems to be a struggle.



Who Could Say It Better

by, Max The Poet 


Who could say it better than He could,

Who made the Heavens and Earth,

He who gave us life,

He who loved us from our birth.


Who could stand a mighty mountain,

Or grow an ancient tree,

Who could turn the other cheek,

No matter what is done to thee.


Who could have said it better than He,

Who made the waters flow,

He taught us love and gave us hope,

And lit the path for us to go.


The words, "I love you always" written

Upon our hearts, His letter,

A promise for eternity,

Who could have said it better?


As The Dawn Was Breaking

by, Max The Poet


As the dawn was breaking,

My heart was aching,

Longing for a hug and kiss,

My dearest love, it's you I miss.


As the dawn was breaking,

There was no mistaking,

My bed was cold and lonely,

I was longing for you to hold me.


As the dawn was breaking,

Your words I did hear,

Somehow you are always near,

Taking away my darkest fear.


As the dawn was breaking,

I was thinking of you,

Wondering what in the world I'd do,

Without you love, without you near,

Then I began to shed a tear.


As the dawn was breaking,

I called out unto my King,

To bring you home where we can stay,

Where you would never go away.


Where you and I could rest a while,

Where I can sit and admire your smile,

Where love explores all avenues,

Where I will never stop loving you.


I feel all this and more,

Every day our love is breath taking,

I grow more in love with you,

As each dawn is breaking.


You Are So Much Fun

by, Max The Poet


Every time we are together,

I laugh so hard I cry,

My insides hurt so bad from laughing,

I feel like I could die.


The time we spend is full of fun,

We pass the sorrow away,

I am sure that we'll get through,

No matter what may come our way.


I have a deep respect for you,

And I know you feel the same,

No one else makes me feel as good,

No one else can ease my pain.


I love the time we share together,

Catching rainbows beneath the sun,

For this I'll always love you,

Because you are so much fun.

 ~ For Sabrina ~



Yes, You Are Very Special

by, Max The Poet


Today I had to remind you,

And say this once again,

That you are very special,

To me, my special friend.


Yes, you are very special,

You stand above the rest,

Always lending me an ear,

Our friendship withstood the test.


Never judging or making fun,

You stand with me through it all,

You keep me on the path that's right,

You catch me when I fall.


Yes, you are very special,

I'll not forget your caring,

I am very grateful,

For all the love you’re sharing.


Yes, you are very special,

Today I wanted to say,

That I am glad that we are friends,

And that you came my way.


A gift from God are you my friend,

A dove that's come to nestle,

I love you more than you could know,

Yes, you are very special.


The Angels In Our Lives

by, Max The Poet


Soaring ever higher,

My feet upon the clouds,

Lifting me up when things are sad,

Removing all the shrouds.


An Angel unto me are you,

My wings when mine are weak,

Taking me where peace does live,

Atop the mountain peak.


A feeling of being loved is felt,

When you and I, life, share,

With intent love and open heart,

You show me that you care.


The Angels in our lives,

Infinite, their beauty,

And when mine leaves me even for a little while,

I pray she comes back to me.


The Angels in our lives,

Give courage, strength, and hope,

They lessen all the worries,

And teach us how to cope.


An Angel in my life,

There's no way else to say,

I'm thankful for the Blessing you've been,

I prayed for you today.


Angel in my life,

Can you hear the choir sing?

I love the way you love me,

May this poem a Blessing bring.




by, Max The Poet


Some things are not for your eyes to see,

They’re not for our hands to touch,

So it is with us, my love,

The reasons why I love you this much.


Some things can not be heard,

Nor can they be foreseen,

They’re like our very first kiss,

A heavenly sort of dream.


Some things are for your heart to feel,

And only there, they rest,

Like a bluebird in the spring time,

That upon the branches, nest.


The heart can feel intensely,

What some just cannot say,

Love intense and deeply rooted,

Are you that came my way.


And so, my heartfelt gladness,

My words are for your heart,

I love you more than anything,

My love, do I impart.


When the sun has set today,

When all is quiet and still,

My heartfelt gladness, remaining,

I love you and I always will.


Rising From The Ashes

by, Max The Poet


When all is gone and at its lowest,

When the tide has ebbed for thee,

When all seems lost and out of reach,

A new beginning do I see.


When you've given all you have to give,

When promises made are broken,

When all your strength has been used up,

Hear these words unspoken.


A better day is sure to come,

A chance to begin again,

A new chapter in your book,

Is written now, in pen.


To rise from the ashes, anew,

To heal the past's regret,

To start each day refreshed once more,

True love does not forget.


Just remember these simple words,

Each time that you feel blue,

That from the ashes doth beauty rise,

Each time I come home too you.


To rise from the ashes,

Of life's fire, blazing heat,

To taste again, our love each day,

A candy, oh so sweet.


Our love is tempered like steel,

I love you, do I speak,

We shall grow our love once more,

From life's fire, blazing heat.



Holding Back the Tears

by, Max The Poet


I know I've told you before,

That you are not alone,

I know how you are feeling,

It's a feeling I have known.


Life seems unfair at times,

Like no one really will ever care,

But I am here to say once more,

I'm here when you want to share.


As the days progress,

And time reveals the plan,

Remember that I'm here for you,

Ready to lend a helping hand.


Holding back the tears,

So others will not see,

Still, I know, you need a hug.

So here is one for you, from me.


When this is all said and done,

When the turmoil settles down,

Remember that a friend you'll have,

Whenever I'm around.


The clouds are lifting as we speak,

No more, the nighttime fears,

Never again shall there be a reason,

For holding back the tears.


The Time We Shared

by, Max The Poet


I remember everything about the evening,

The time we shared together,

Dancing the whole night through,

These are my thoughts of you.


I remember each and every glance,

I caught of your sweet beauty,

These are my thoughts of you,

The many things you do to me.


I can never quite explain,

The way I feel inside,

But I can tell you that I love this feeling,

Deep within me, it does abide.


To tell you that I love you,

And I recall our best,

The sweet smell of your perfume,

The sleekness of your dress.


To help you understand me,

And not think my love is false,

Explained best in our dance last night,

A special lover's waltz.


The time we shared last evening,

I'll forget it not,

You taught me that I am worth it,

Something, I'd forgot.

~ For Sabrina ~



All Of The Colors

by, Max The Poet


Do you really understand my feelings for you?

Do you comprehend my desire?

Everything about you,

Sets my heart on fire.


A rainbow is God's promise,

That He will remain steadfast and true,

All the colors of my love,

Can be compared with you.


Yes, all the colors of a rainbow,

Within your eyes I see,

Contained therein, a promise,

That we might someday be.


Yes, all the colors of a rainbow,

Are kept within your smile,

Nesting deep within my heart,

To stay with me a while.


Still, every color in a rainbow,

Seems dull compared to you,

Letting you know how much you're loved,

Is something I must do.



You Are Awesome

by, Max The Poet


 I see you in the simple things,

That make my day complete,

Upon the petals of the flowers,

Or in a smile that I may meet.


All the beauty upon this Earth,

Contains a glimpse of you,

And all the things that are good,

Remind me of the things you do.


I saw you in a butterfly,

That rested on my finger,

I wished that it would stay a while,

But alas, it did not linger.


Yes, all the beauty I've ever seen,

As I look around each day,

Is nothing like the beauty in you,

That has blessed my life today.


More awesome than the tallest mountain,

Brighter than the nearest star,

A diamond that is flawless,

Yes, all these things, you are.


Believe these words or think them wrong,

I thought that you should know,

I see the beauty that bears your name,

I love you, now you know.



Our Rendezvous

by, Max The Poet  


Every minute I spend waiting for you,

Is like a thousand years,

The thought of you starts me shaking,

As our time together draws near.


Our passion is ignited,

The anticipation grows stronger,

It seems as if we’ve been apart,

A lifetime, maybe longer.


Each time we are in the same space,

I can hardly keep calm,

It’s like a raging blaze,

An intense four alarm.


Then suddenly you are there,

In the flesh my desire rages,

A new chapter in our book,

Written upon the pages.


There is nothing that can compare,

To the time we spend together,

And although brief, our visits,

I have known no one better.


Our rendezvous is worth the wait,

Disappointment, I know not,

Our passion intense and ever growing,

Deep rooted in my heart.


Our rendezvous I will remember,

When the days are long and cold,

Together we'll be for always,

Through the years as we grow old.



My Angel Is Near

by, Max The Poet  


When the day is long and hard,

My angel is near,

Comforting my hurting heart,

Washing away my fear.


When everything seems hopeless,

My angel is near,

Giving strength and courage,

She wipes away my tear.


When I feel I can't go on,

My angel comes to me,

Giving me an extra push,

Unexpected and suddenly.


My angel comes to me,

Lifting my heart higher,

She understands my heart,

Of me, she does not tire.


My angel comes to me,

And there at peace I see,

That no matter how hard things get,

Near to me, she'll always be.


I will not give in to torment,

Nor shall I weep in fear,

For my angel comes to me,

My angel is always near.



Happy Birthday

by, Max The Poet


Another year for you to cherish,

Another chapter in your book,

I hope you took the time to see,

People love you, wherever you look.


Today I write this birthday poem,

For you, my dearest niece,

To say how much you are loved,

And that my love will never cease.


Remember this as you celebrate,

That miles can not subdue,

A special wish for a happy birthday,

From my heart to you.



When Our Eyes Met

by, Max The Poet  


I knew we'd be together,

When our eyes met,

Nothing could stop our feelings,

And this, I'll not forget.


The World had paused for us,

When our eyes met,

A freeze frame of a sunrise,

Or a magnificent sunset.


All these feelings encompassed me,

When our eyes met,

And I know you feel the same,

On this, I'd place a bet.


Today I was inspired,

To say without regret,

That true love I have seen,

When our eyes met.

 ~ for Leslie ~


Your Love Soothes My Soul

by, Max The Poet 


Your love soothes my soul,

And captures my being,

Your love touches my heart,

And gives my life new meaning.


Your love soothes my soul,

It gives me hope to dream,

Your love is a rare and precious find,

A love that's seldom seen.


Since we met and fell in love,

My life has changed so much,

I sit and wait for your return,

I'm longing for your touch.


Your love for me is awesome,

Together we'll grow old,

Forever I'll be loving you,

For your love soothes my soul.



A Light In The Darkness

by, Max The Poet  


A great beacon I have seen,

In my darkest hour,

Shining bright its rays of hope,

From high atop its tower.


A light of hope that safety dwells,

Within your outer reaches,

As a lighthouse protects the coast,

Along the rocky beaches.


A light has shown for all to see,

Within my eyes, my heart,

Since we first met and shared our love,

A beacon of light do I impart.


There is a light in the darkness,

Brilliant, steadfast and true,

Forever this light will shine,

I'm in love with you.


Loving You

by, Max The Poet


Loving you is easy,

Because of who you are,

You're everything that is good,

You're the twinkle in the star.


Loving you completes me,

As if I were a King,

Happy am I when you're around,

My cares don't mean a thing.


Loving you makes me smile,

A grin from ear to ear,

My heart skips a bit,

Every time that you are near.


If I ever lost you,

I don't know what I'd do,

But this I promise, from my heart,

I'd go on loving you.


Today I was missing you,

And I think it's time you knew,

That forever more, till I breathe no more,

I'll be loving you.

~ for Leslie ~


When You're With Me

by, Max The Poet


I come home late from work,

I settle in this place,

Something feels as though it's missing,

Your tender touch, your smiling face,

And soon I know, you'll be coming home,

I can't believe how our love has grown,

I can't wait to see you smile,

If only for a little while....


When you're with me,

I could do most anything,

I feel our love is blossoming,

And I love......

When you're with me.

I check the mail and settle in,

I think about the fool I've been,

I wished for something happening,

And there you are,

You're never far.....


When you're with me,

I could do most anything,

I feel our love is blossoming,

And I love......

When you're with me.

You walk through the door and say,

I'm home at last, with you to stay,

A smile from ear to ear each day,

You're with me,

We kiss a bit and soon we see,

Just how much love I love you and you love me,

It goes on endlessly,


When you're with me...

When you're with me,

I could do most anything,

I feel our love is blossoming,

And I love......

When you're with me.

~ for Leslie ~


The Garden

by, Max The Poet


In the garden I have come to know you,

Your persistent love and such,

Your beauty as a rose in bloom,

All of these things I wanted so much.


And as the garden needs some tending,

I find your love, never ending,

Carefully pruned and kept free from weeds,

A bountiful harvest from the tiniest seeds.


In the garden where love does bloom,

Like the passion we share each night in our room,

And when the time comes to rest for a bit,

Right by my side, is where you chose to sit.


In the garden of our love,

Where each Season is new,

Patiently waiting for the harvest,

To say I love you.



Holding Back the Tears

by, Max The Poet


I know I've told you before,

That you are not alone,

I know how you are feeling,

It's a feeling I have known.


Life seems unfair at times,

Like no one really will ever care,

But I am here to say once more,

I'm here when you want to share.


As the days progress,

And time reveals the plan,

Remember that I'm here for you,

Ready to lend a helping hand.


Holding back the tears,

So others will not see,

Still, I know, you need a hug.

So here is one for you, from me.


When this is all said and done,

When the turmoil settles down,

Remember that a friend you'll have,

Whenever I'm around.


The clouds are lifting as we speak,

No more, the nighttime fears,

Never again shall there be a reason,

For holding back the tears.


The Time We Shared

by, Max The Poet


I remember everything about the evening,

The time we shared together,

Dancing the whole night through,

These are my thoughts of you.


I remember each and every glance,

I caught of your sweet beauty,

These are my thoughts of you,

The many things you do to me.


I can never quite explain,

The way I feel inside,

But, I can tell you that I love this feeling,

Deep within me, it does abide.


To tell you that I love you,

And I recall our best,

The sweet smell of your perfume,

The sleekness of your dress.


To help you understand me,

And not think my love is false,

Explained best in our dance last night,

A special lover's waltz.


The time we shared last evening,

I'll forget it not,

You taught me that I am worth it,

Something, I'd forgot.



All Of The Colors

by, Max The Poet 


Do you really understand my feelings for you?

Do you comprehend my desire?

Everything about you,

Sets my heart on fire.


A rainbow is God's promise,

That He will remain steadfast and true,

All the colors of my love,

Can be compared with you.


Yes, all the colors of a rainbow,

Within your eyes I see,

Contained therein, a promise,

That we might someday be.


Yes, all the colors of a rainbow,

Are kept within your smile,

Nesting deep within my heart,

To stay with me a while.


Still, every color in a rainbow,

Seems dull compared to you,

Letting you know how much you're loved,

Is something I must do.



You Are Awesome

by, Max The Poet


I see you in the simple things,

That make my day complete,

Upon the petals of the flowers,

Or in a smile that I may meet.


All the beauty upon this Earth,

Contains a glimpse of you,

And all the things that are good,

Remind me of the things you do.


I saw you in a butterfly,

That rested on my finger,

I wished that it would stay a while,

But alas, it did not linger.


Yes, all the beauty I've ever seen,

As I look around each day,

Is nothing like the beauty in you,

That has blessed my life today.


More awesome than the tallest mountain,

Brighter than the nearest star,

A diamond that is flawless,

Yes, all these things you are.


Believe these words or think them wrong,

I thought that you should know,

I see the beauty that bears your name,

I love you, now you know.



If You Could Hear My Thoughts

by, Max The Poet


If only for a day,

If only for a moment,

If only you could hear my thoughts,

I wonder what you'd hear?


If I could tell the world,

If I could hold your hand,

If you could hear my thoughts,

Perhaps, then you'd understand.


I am in love with you,

You’re in my every thought,

This love we share is heavenly,

It's of a rare and special sort.


If only you could hear my thoughts,

They'd whisper you a song,

The song says that I love you,

I sing it all day long.


And while you're out they’re working,

My thoughts go there, too,

My thoughts that say how much I care,

And that I'm in love with you.

 ~ for Leslie ~



The Lane

by, Max The Poet


There is a hidden treasure,

Found here in the trees,

Where you and I, our love, do nourish,

A place that no one sees.


It is a private place,

Where peace and quiet dwell,

A special sort of hide-a-way,

Where I've come to know you well.


This place is off the beaten path,

A lane of beauty and splendor,

Where all the cares in the World,

Suddenly surrender.


"Caribou" is its name,

Where friends and family meet,

Where life is a bit slower,

And our love is so complete.


It is in this place, we share,

Time stands still, it seems,

Here, youthful treasure is captured,

And we can live our dreams.


Here it is, just you and I,

Our memories of joy remain,

In this place of love and peace,

The place we call, “The Lane”.

 ~ for Buffi and Peter ~



This Christmas
by, Max The Poet

It's that time of year again,
For presents to be given,
For all to stop and think a bit,
About the life we're living.

A time to say, thank you,
For all the good that's done,
A time for sharing what we have,
With each and everyone.

This Christmas is a special one,
A special gift I’ve found,
It came to me in the silence of the night,
When no one else was around.

You see, the gift was a simple one,
Not of gold or gems,
True love knows no price,
But from your heart it stems.

And so today, this Christmas wish,
Is made from deep within,
To let you know that you are loved,
A blessing you have been.

Please pass this gift to everyone,
So they can share its songs,
That peace may find each of us,
In our heart, where it belongs.



by, Max The Poet


Where the sun rises and sets,

Where fear has no meaning,

Where you and I are together,

Our love, encompassing.


Where the eagle flies so free,

Where the air is crisp and clean,

Where every breath is filled with fragrance,

I love your very being.


Where I share you with no one else,

Where the phone never rings,

Where you and I do share our love,

Beneath the flowing water from springs.


To share the world with only you,

To live our love each day,

Consumed am I with loving you,

No matter what may come our way.


Where my love will never falter,

Where my heart lives so free,

All these things describe us,

They are what you mean to me.


For Dad

by, Max The Poet


How do I say all that I must say,

To you, my Dad, on this day?

I think I will write this poem,

And explain it in this way.


Ours has been a special bond,

That only you could give,

You taught compassion,

Giving me examples of how to live.


Steadfast in your love,

You took good care of our family,

Unselfishly, you gave what you had,

So that we could live abundantly.


Today I am saying how much you’re loved,

Because no other Dad could mean as much,

I know I didn't say it all the time,

But you turn to gold, all that you touch.


Dad, thank you for the love you've shared,

All the years that I was growing,

You provided all the tools,

And always were, your love, showing.


I am reading this poem to you,

And I hope that you comprehend,

How very much you are loved,

My love for you will never end.


Your Caress

by, Max The Poet  


There are few things that compare to your love,

The beauty in your heart or the love that you give,

I have thought of this much,

Today I am telling you how much it means to me.


Your touch gives me chills,

Your whisper starts me trembling,

Your loving words, soothe my soul,

Each day, deeper in love with you, am I.


In love with you,

Words that describe my feeling,

And each day that we are together,

My love grows intensely with new meaning.


Your caress and your smile,

Together make an Angel,

One who completes my being,

And for this I am grateful.

 I love you.



by, Max The Poet


Only moments ago we said goodbye,

Off to work you went,

I sat here thinking about our love,

And how you must have been Heaven sent.


You and I are two peas in a pod,

We read each other’s mind,

I have never met anyone like you,

You're a very special find.


You and I were made for each other,

In awe am I, because of this,

Today I am saying how much you're loved,

And I am sending you this kiss.


This kiss will touch your very soul,

Like you have touched mine, too,

A special kiss from my heart to yours,

Thank you for all the things you do.


A special kiss and a rainbow,

A promise today for keeps,

That forever more I will love you,

My promise never sleeps.

~ For Leslie ~


Our Snow Covered Heaven

by, Max The Poet


We shall make our lives together,

We shall make ourselves a home,

In this snow covered heaven,

The place our love has grown.


Our own snow covered heaven,

Our nest in the sky,

Where the deer run and play,

Where mighty eagles fly.


The highest peak and lowest valley,

Alive with love and peace,

Together in this place we'll dwell,

Our love will never cease.


Our snow covered heaven,

Our nest amid the snows,

Amazed am I at our love,

And how, each day, it grows.


While winter bestows its marvel,

While beasts in winter rest,

Our snow-covered heaven will be our home,

And there our love shall nest.


Alive in love and splendor,

Together in the garden,

Growing, our love and our lives,

In our snow covered heaven.

~ For Leslie ~


While You Are Sleeping

by, Max The Poet


While you are sleeping,

I watched your face,

In your slumber,

A state of grace.


I watched your smile,

As you did rest,

Enjoying your beauty,

As your hand I caressed.


There were no interruptions,

No time to keep,

Just you and your slumber,

A quite, restful sleep.


As I sat here in wonder,

At the beauty of you,

I thought how I love thee,

And if somehow you knew.


These thoughts I did ponder,

While watching your sleep,

My heart is yours,

In love with you, deep.


While you are sleeping,

A vigil I kept,

Recalling our love,

Each time that you slept.


I thought I was dreaming,

One moment or two,

No one could love me,

The way that you do.


But soon the dream,

Was suddenly real,

Because no one could love you,

The way that I feel.


While you are sleeping,

And each time you sleep,

I'll always love you,

This promise, I keep.

~ For Leslie ~



by, Max The Poet


I no longer think about just me,

I think about we,

I think about my hopes and dreams,

I now dream endlessly.


I wonder what our lives will be,

Together, living happily,

In our little nest upon the hills,

The thoughts of which give me chills.


Together we can do anything,

Our hopes and dreams become reality,

And when together, we shall be,

Living our lives in harmony.


I sit and wonder and ponder it all,

I feel tickled as with a feather,

Our love will grow and last forever,

Spending our days together.


God's Gift

by, Max The Poet


Creator of the Universe,

Master of the Earth,

He who formed us from the dust,

He who gave us birth.


The gifts from Him are awesome,

Everywhere they are found,

Deep within our hearts,

And when we look around.


A marvelous sunrise,

A passionate kiss,

All gifts from the Master,

The best gifts are His.


A sky filled with fire,

The soft and gentle rain,

Given to us for our enjoyment,

Take them not in vain.


Look up into the heavens,

Breathe deep the air He gave,

Given to us out of love,

You are no longer a slave.


The greatest gift of all,

His son was given, too,

So that we might be saved from death,

God loves us, me and you.


Our Dance By The Lake

by, Max The Poet


Peaceful and serene,

Our dance by the lake,

On a moonlit night,

I felt the Earth quake.


A dance of love intense,

A dance of ageless time,

Holding each other close,

I was yours and you were mine.


Our dance by the lake,

The stars were sparkling bright,

Capturing two lovers,

Who were making love all night.


The rain dared not commence,

The clouds parted above,

The moon lit the dance floor,

Where these two made love.


I'll recall the dance each day,

Our love I'll not forsake,

The heavens were the only witness,

To our dance by the lake.

~ For Loop ~


Nearer To Him Am I

by, Max The Poet


Nearer to Him am I,

Each time I see the beauty,

Captured in a sunset,

He is closer to me.


I see the colors,

I feel the splendor,

An everlasting photograph,

For me to remember.


Nearer to Him am I,

He who made the Earth,

He who created all the beauty,

He who knew me from my birth.


As I look up toward the Heavens,

As I breathe of life and die,

Each day I will be thankful,

Nearer to Him am I.



by, Max The Poet


This is the story of a Sammy,

Our dog and our friend,

Faithful unto us,

Unto the very end.


The leader of our pack,

An Ambassador of the breed,

When trouble came around,

It was Nikki in the lead.


A proud and fearless leader,

Who loved her keepers well,

By our side she would be,

She loved us, we could tell.


Today we said goodbye,

To our very special friend,

Who gave birth to our kennel,

She loved us till the end.


As the years pass,

As our lives grow,

Nikki will be with us,

To lead us as we go.


In our hearts and in our minds,

Nikki lives on with pride,

Caring for those whom she loved,

Till the end of time.


Our Beginning

by, Max The Poet


I walk along the beach,

My mind recalls the day,

When you and I first met,

Who knew that in my heart you'd stay.


I peer into the sunset,

I breathe deep of its beauty,

My breath is somehow taken away,

This is what you do to me.


I wonder what marvelous thing I must have done,

To deserve your love and care,

I feel I do not deserve this,

But, still, your love you share.


The beauty of the sunset,

The smells of ocean mist,

Like the dew upon a rose,

Was the feeling of your kiss.


In all the beauty I have seen,

In every good feeling I have felt,

Nothing compares with you,

Your beauty does my heart melt.


Today we celebrate our beginning,

And I know that our love will never end,

I have seen this promise in the sunset,

I love you my faithful friend.

~ For Leslie ~




by, Max The Poet


You say that I am awesome,

You say that I am sweet,

I am all of these things,

Since you swept me off my feet.


You tell me that I am sexy,

You tell me that I'm a prince,

You have kissed this plain old frog,

And I've not been the same since.


You say that you are truly in love,

And you've never felt this way,

I am the one that truly fell,

With you I'll always stay.


Happy Valentine’s Day my sweet,

My feeble words express,

How much I am in love with you,

I long for your caress.


An arrow flew and pierced our hearts,

A love of Cupid's true,

This Valentine is meant to say that,

I'm in love with you.

~ For Leslie ~



Finding The Words

by, Max The Poet


Honey, I've been wanting to say something,

That only this card can somehow bring,

The words that have eluded me,

Are contained in this poem, you see.


I even asked a poet to write,

What I am feeling this very night,

So you would know how much I care,

In this card, my heart, I share.


Finding the words that my heart does feel,

Never before, a love so real,

I feel it deep within my heart,

And I long for it while we're apart.


To say that I am scared a bit,

And pray you won't run away from it,

I think that you are feeling the same,

The way I feel, when I hear your name.


You see the poet can write the word,

That I was hoping that you had heard,

I knew that I just had to say,

That with me you've been and I hope you'll stay,


For I love you with all that's in me,

And I hope that in this poem you'll see,

That I am most at peace with your love,

And that you and I are blessed from above.


Finding the words for your heart to hear,

And speaking them to you, without fear,

So I will know that you always knew,

How very much I love you.

~ For Ken and Annie ~



Along The River's Edge

by  Max The Poet


Along the river's edge,

We build our life together,

Sharing our hearts and our love,

Surviving even the roughest weather.


Along the river's edge,

Is where our cottage rests,

And in our cottage our love has grown,

Our heart within it nests.


Along the river's edge,

Where you and I abide,

Together always, forever in love,

At each other's side.


As the years progress,

And if there's rocky ledge,

Together we'll face anything,

Along the River's Edge.

~ For Leslie ~



Natural You
by, Max The Poet
As when the butterfly is set to fly,
When grass is green and fresh,
So it is this love of ours,
Completely do we mesh.
As if the rain were soft and fragrant,
When snow does softly drift,
So it is this love of ours,
Through each problem do we sift.
When rainbow colors vibrant shine,
When lofty clouds form shapes,
So it is this love of ours,
We feed each other grapes.
As timeless as the pyramids,
In Egypt, upward rise,
Together we will share our love,
Each day throughout our lives.
The Surprise
by, Max The Poet 

Today, a simple surprise,
For you my dearest friend,
I was thinking of you,
And this poem I had to send.

My love, my life, my brightest star,
These things you are to me,
And with this little surprise,
I hope you'll come to see.

I think you'll finally understand,
That I am here to stay,
I even wrote a poem for you,
To say all I have to say.

Three simple words that ring so clear,
Three words that write a book,
The strongest words ever written,
Now focus your eyes and have a look.

I love you, with all my heart,
I love you, is in my eyes,
I love you, was written for you,
Now there's today's surprise.
~ For Leslie ~

McKenzie and Me

by, Max The Poet


Nothing inspires me more,

Than to see my daughter grow,

To hear her whisper in my ear,

Saying she loves me so.


I like when my Dad says he loves me,

I get a feeling of warmth inside,

I like when he holds me tight,

He loves me, it can't be denied.


McKenzie has brought me happiness,

She's beautiful inside and out,

Sometimes she is silly,

She loves me without a doubt.


Together we are rebuilding,

Our lives with someone new,

Leslie loves us both, so much,

We've found a friend in you.


I believe in you so dearly,

You bring love to my Father’s eyes,

When you give us both your love,

We feel something special inside.


Today we both say thank you,

And tell you how much we care,

And hope that you'll stay forever,

And together, our love, we'll share.


Beneath The Moon

by, Max The Poet


Beneath the moon so full, so bright,

Just you and I, making love all night,

The silhouette of our bodies delight,

A vision of this I've had in my sight.


Beneath the moon, vibrant and clear,

Where our love and emotion, somehow did steer,

Where only the wind could keep us so near,

I'm in love with you, very much, dear.


Beneath the moon, you and I,

Entwined in our passion, we fly,

A lifetime of love we shall not deny,

Beneath the moon, two lovers will try.


Growing Love

by, Max The Poet


Every moment that we are together,

I am reminded of your love,

You strike a chord of inner peace,

Like a singing, morning dove.


As the months have moved along,

As the Seasons surely change,

Deeper in love, with you, am I,

And a greater love remains.


Growing our love together,

Are you and I, my dear,

As each branch reveals itself,

Gone again, our fears.


Patience and endurance,

Are foods that we must use,

To give our love a boost of sorts,

So the right path we will choose.


The time will come when dark clouds threaten,

With turmoil and misunderstanding,

But, with careful and attentive love,

On our feet we will be landing.


To grow a love as pure as ours,

To share in each thing we do,

These are the tools of love,

I'm in love with you.

~ For Loop ~




by, Max The Poet

I see another year has blessed us,
With your friendship and your smile,
With the laughter and the tears,
Which made the year worthwhile.

Today is a special day,
Because it’s your birthday once again,
And I am saying a heartfelt thank you,
That you have been my friend.

We are alike in so many ways,
"Cut from the same cloth”, you’d say,
Perhaps that's why I love you so much,
Our friendship's here to stay.

So as we celebrate your birth, your life,
I want for you to know,
My wish for all your dreams to come true,
A win in every show.

I haven't written in five whole months,
My life is busy still,
But I found this time to write this poem,
Cause I love you and I always will.

“Happy Birthday Carol”



The Snowman

by, Max The Poet


Nothing could describe the feelings that we felt,

Warmth came over us and the snow began to melt,

The sight of that first fallen snow,

The smell of the cookies baking,

The love we've come to know,

While love, we were making. 


We built a snowman by the house,

With wet snow that had fallen,

Somehow we were children again,

Our youth, somehow calling. 


The snowman wasn't perfect,

Not perfectly round or tall,

But this snowman was what we made,

Made by our hands, that was all. 


So is our love, my friend,

Not always peaches and cream,

But I would never trade an instant,

Or be woken up from this dream. 


The snowman is a perfect example,

Of the great love that we share,

A perfect attempt at giving our all,

Telling each other that we care. 


The snowman will melt with time,

And all that snow, soon mush,

I thank God every day,

It’s not the case, with us. 

~ For Loop ~


Precious You

by, Max The Poet


Today I write for you, my dear,

The one who accepted me in,

I need to say some simple things,

Now, where should I begin?


We haven’t known each other long,

But love, we’ve shared this year,

Simply laughing and sharing our lives,

Bringing a smile or wiping a tear.


Today I am asking for you to share,

Someone precious and held dear,

Someone sacred, belonging to you,

I’ll love her, don’t you fear.


You see, she’s more to me than life itself,

She breathes life into my soul,

She is your daughter, Leslie,

Whom I love to hold.


I need your Blessing to begin,
This journey and this life,

For I intend for us to be,

Together, man and wife.


If you keep this little poem,

I’ll know that you agree,

That you trust me to do what’s right,

And love your daughter, Leslie.


Now I close this wordy poem,

My feelings I have to show,

Because I love the both of you,

I thought you’d like to know.


My Buddy

by, Max The Poet


The time has come for me to speak,

The words I fail to say,

You have been an awesome buddy,

I am glad you came my way.


This year’s been full of laughs and such,

We’ve grown in friendship true,

Today there’s one more thing,

That I must ask of you.


You know I love your daughter so,

You know that she loves me, too,

I am asking today that we be wed,

It is something I must do.


If you keep this poem and hold it dear,

I’ll know that your Blessing I’ll have earned,

For I know that I will love her always,

And that my love will be returned.


It’s a lot to ask of you, my buddy,

Today, on Christmas day,

But, a promise I shall make to you,

To love her in every way.


As we share and grow this year,

A true friend I know you’ll be,

Today I thank you for all you do,

For Leslie and for me.



My Brother

by, Max The Poet  


Thinking of you, today, my brother,

The fun times we have had,

You brighten the darkest skies,

On the days that I'm sad.


You enlightened me about life,

You shared your wisdom and knowledge,

So many lessons have you taught,

Many more than I’d learned in college.


For this wisdom and your caring,

I am forever grateful to you,

Today I had to say,

Thanks, for all you do.
