Well. You want to know about me, eh? That's interesting. Probably you're expecting to find this section of the page overflowing with things like, "Hi, I'm blah blah blah" or "I like cats, as well as doing things." I was originally going to do something like that, but then I decided not to, because it wouldn't be right to just sum up all of my interests in a few paragraphs. If you really want to know about such things, email me about it. I'd be happy to talk to anyone on a one to one basis about things. Anyway, what I did end up doing in this "about me" section, was putting up an essay that I had to write once about the one moment that truely discribes who I am. Now, I'm certain that many of the other people who had this same writing assignment talked about the time when they ran as far as they could, climbed the highest mountain, and saved the boyscout troupe that was stranded on the roof. Or, perhaps it was the time when they and their friends went out and picked up trash, to help the world. Like hell that's who they are. What I'm saying is that it was a good opertunity for them to toss around the old bull, and I bet that's what a bunch of people did, trying to be impressive-like. What I wanted to do instead was write something that actually reflected who I was, and the way that I felt about who people are in general, as well as the whole "moment of greatness topic". So, here it is, I hope it's enjoyable, and that it provides some sort of insite as to what I'm like.
The Moment In My Life That Demonstrates The Real Me
This is the moment in my life that demonstrates the real me. Right
now. I could write about any moment of my life, because, really, no
matter how hard you try, you are never not the real you. Even when
other people try to bring that person down, piling their mundane layers
on it, the light still shines through. It might be dimmed by the mud
of the outside world, but will still be there. Every moment of your
life you are, in one way or another, the real you.
I choose this moment, though, because it feels that, for the time
being, the mud has been washed away, and I can think clearly. Of
course, it might just be another layer, that seems more appealing and
right, I'm assuming that it is not. This is one of the moments where
you truly feel. And think. I suppose that that is very close to the
real you.
A parallel can be drawn between my life and the They Might Be Giants
song "Particle Man". Sometimes playing the part of the 'Particle Man',
seeming great, but, in fact, greatly diminished and quite the opposite
of great. And playing the part of the 'Person Man', at some points,
feeling, and being, quite useless. At other times playing the part of
the 'Triangle Man', who dislikes all of the other people in the song,
or in this case, the other sides of my personality. And, in some rare
times, playing the 'Universe Man', having, as symbolically described in
the song, the hands of the watch come together, creating a momentary
"happy land", as They Might Be Giants put it. This is one of those
kind of moments.
If I write any more here, it will only diminish what I have already
said. This may seem like a B. S. essay, but it actually is not. It is
really what I feel, in this, the moment that I feel very close to
the real me.
This Seems To Be A Webpage