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Wow! I finally found out how to upload images sucessuflly!! Big deal for me. But, actually, I mailed these drawings to someone, they scanned them in for me, then sent them to The Super Club, and now I have taken them from the super club. But they were mine to begin with. Anyway! These are drawings that I did. They're either completly made up, or drawn from photographs or pictures. Photographs and pictures are actually the same thing, so I don't know why I listed them both. But There's No Changing It Now! SO, ummmm, do not steal these, or the head-crushing police might have to find you and do stuff. If you wanted to use them (for some reason) just drop me an email, saying what you want to do. Chances are, it would be okay. But the asking part is quite escential. I don't think that's spelled right. Have fun.

Why don't you just look at them???

Head Stabby!

The Drawing That Took The Longest Time Ever

This Is A Drawing.

Jack-O-Lantern! Spooky!!