Who Died And Made Angelfire The Thought Police?
Here's the scene. One night, I was up very late working on my
webpage, which is hosted by angelfire.com, for free. I was working on
a new section, titled "Editorials", where I would put up all of the
editorials that I had written recently. When it came time for me to
create a little piece of my web page for the essay "WHY ARE BABIES
NAKED SO MUCH?" I was going to have the address be
www.angelfire.com/me2/mcpersonson/naked.html. The 'naked.html' being
what distinguished it from my main address. The 'naked.html' is also
where the trouble began. Angelfire would not have anything to do
with an address that had "naked" included in it.
Angelfire automatically assumed that any address that had "naked"
included in it was obviously a pornography web page, and that by not
letting that word be used, they were going to ultimately detour anyone
who had ever thought of making a pornography web page on their server.
I can just picture it, "Oh no! We can't use "naked"?? Why, there is
no other address that could ever be used in its place! I can see my
evil ways, and will stop this web page at once." Come on. Of course
someone who is set on sharing pornography with the world is not going
to quit just because one address is unusable. So, there is really
nothing being accomplished by Angelfire banning the word "naked".
The thing that really bothers me is that Angelfire's assumption is so
general. Why, the document that I was going to assign that address to
spoke out AGAINST unnecessary nudity. Yet, that is not taken into
consideration when one goes about making rules with ones eyes closed.
Finally, who died and made Angelfire the Thought Police??? If they
are going to make rules about their web space, they should at least
enforce them in a reasonable way, as opposed to punishing everyone who
appears to be superficially doing something wrong. Maybe Angelfire
could pay more attention to their "problem" web pages, instead of
boxing the rest of us in, like a bunch of criminals. Without a way to
communicate through them, what good are web
a note: angelfire is an alright server. i just dislike the way that they do some things. just an oppinion, folks. i hope that's still allowed, and won't get me kicked off the stupid server.
Email: dr.spin@moonman.com