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This Page Is A Dedication To My Brother

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Well to start off with,this is going to be a memorial page dedicated to my little brother Corey.

To start off with I guess I will tell you a little about him.To start off with his name is Corey David Foucault.He was born in Halifax Nova Scotia on December the 10th 1978.We grew up in a military family we lived in Ontario P.E.I and Nova Scotia.But oddly enough where he was born is the same place where he died.He also died 15 years and 15 days after he was born,if you look at when he was born I guess you can figure out which day he died,Christmas day.
Corey Foucault   December10/78-December25/93
 How did he die?
I can still remember the day like it was yesterday.It started the day before when he came by to spend the night at my place.He had been in an argument with dad,so mom thought he should stay over to get out of the house for the night.You see Anne had already gone to P.E.I and the next day the 23rd of december I was going down there too.So it was just me and Corey,well the next day I woke him up at about 11 am or so to drive him home the last visual memory I have of him is when I woke him up that morning,he was asleep in Christen's room she had a brass bed at the time where he was laying.Well he got out of bed and asked if he had time to take a shower,I said I needed to be on the road so he said he would take one when he got home.When we arrived at my parents house I went in with him and mom was there and I left,The last thing he said to me was there was a pop by the seat that I could have.I arrived at Anne's grandma's house and it seams like I was only there 5 minutes when the phone rang it was my mom when she called she asked of Anne not me.She told Anne that we need to come home right away and  did not say why.Anne kept saying why then mom told her that corey was in a bad accident and was not going to make it.I saw Anne start to cry and almost fell to the floor so I took the phone and mom told me that Corey had been hit by a train.All the way home I tried to convince myself that he would be all right but the fact of the matter is that the trains that come through their are doing 45mph.Well he was hit on the 23rd of December and passed away 2 days later.The train hit him in the head and crushed his skull but he lived 2 more days and died Christmas morning. 

 Funny thing it still hurts,I had to break 3 times while doing this page and he has been gone six years.Well I made this page for Corey because if he was still alive I am sure he would want one.
This one is for you little bro,I wont say good bye,but see you later.

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