For Bri-bri

This page I dedicate to Brian a wonderful guy and terrific boyfriend. Muah!

Brian is a very unique guy who has a sense of humor all his own which is what makes him so cute. He's very educated, good-looking and a sweetheart (Hands off girls, he's mine!).

Brian and I met due to his, “OOPS!” My friend Steph sent out one of those mass emails saying her name, age, and other stuff about her. Brian and I were two among the many people that she sent this email to. Brian filled it out and instead of clicking “Reply” to send it to Steph, he clicked “Reply to all”. He didn’t realize his oversight until random people started emailing him asking him how they knew him. I was one of those random people. Brian and I started emailing each other back and forth, then we moved on to Instant Messages, and once and awhile a phone call.

You see he goes to school at University of Florida in Gainsville but his "home" is in Broward County as is mine. Turns out we both went to the same school and had the same friends but never knew each other, go figure. (Random thought: I'm eating Apple Jacks out of a little baggy. I really wish I had milk, a bowl, and a spoon to go with it.)

Well Brian and I started longing and acting like a couple back in July of 1999. In about November his friends started calling me his girlfriend, I realized then that it was time to talk. We finally got around to it December 21st. It was official. So as of today I have been with the most wonderfully incredible guy in the world, four months officially.

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