Some Ex-Boyfriend Ranting

A while ago I was at a club dancing and having a good time (as I should while at a club). Then this guy grabs my hand and starts swinging me around the dance floor. He then whirls me in, dips me, and kisses me. I immediately started tapping on my shoulder. The guy got the hint and let me up. I then took my friend by the hand away from the guy she was dancing with and left the club. I do not regret what happened because it helped me realize how much I care about Brian. I told my at-the-time best friend who I figured knew Brian better than I and then asked her what to do. She advised me that she felt Brian wouldn't be able to handle it (I realized three months too late how wrong she was. I recently came to the realization of how mentally and emotionally strong Brian really is. You can read about that in a coming rant entitled, "Venting".) Well, two months later that "friend" told Brian about the incident at the club. Brian at first couldn't believe it, but he came to grips with it later when he confronted me about what he had heard. We talked it over and to my understanding, worked things out. Boy was I wrong. He went back up to school and that's when it hit him. It started eating away at him, but instead of calling me to talk about it he decided to ignore me. He stopped answering his phones when I called and wouldn't return any of my messages. Brian wasn't upset that the incident happened, just that it took so long for him to hear about and the fact that he didn't hear about it from me. I regret not telling him. Brian is a really good guy but I figured nice guys took things to hard. I should have known better. I'm sorry Brian!

Not too long after he stopped speaking to me I wrote this to a friend in an instant message (IM):

"... I haven't slept in five days, I just can't fall sleep. I can't eat. I've been crying almost every night. I tried drinking last night to help me fall asleep, but no success. All I did was read and write all night while having a mild headache..."

I don't know what to do.

Current situation: Brian broke up with me. We're now both single, but still very good friends. We still hold hands and put our arms around each other and all that cutisy stuff. And if that's all I can get from him than I'm all for it. I still care about him deeply, and who knows maybe one day we'll get back together. Hey, you can't stop a girl from wishing!

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