My Thoughts On The CS Guy

My friend Herman tells me to check out this really cool site entitled, Chicks Suck. Since I loved the name, I checked it out. It's an amazing site. And the "author" is a very attractive guy (don't know about looking since I don't know what he looks like, I mean his personality). He's very well read, smart, incredibly funny, honest, and down-to-earth. (Personal note to the CS Guy: They broke the mold when they made you!) He'd be a great friend to kick around with and talk to, but since I know that will never happen I'm going to vent to all of you about how great of a guy he sounds.

My reason for saying that he and I will never kick around or talk due to something he wrote on his site. His site is very popular (over 40,000 hits I believe), and I doubt he'd ever write back let alone read any email I may send him. He thinks he's average when really I feel he's amazing. He asked a question on his site,

"Why can't I get laid? Why can't I get a date?"

I'd answer that question if only I was sure that was it. The Chicks Suck Guy changed his web site before I could copy the question onto this page to answer. (Note to Chicks Suck Guy: Email me with the question and I'll try my best to answer it for you.)

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