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Pg 8 of All my Pointless Facts

Female lions do 90% of the hunting.

You speak about 4,800 words per day.

We spend about 6 months of our lives waiting at red lights.

90% of your body is Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Nitrogen.

Smoky the Bear's zip code is 20252.

Camels have three eyelids.

We have about 5,000,000,000 years of sunlight left.

You breathe 13 pints of air per minute.

The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.

Beavers can hold their breath for 45 minutes.

More people are killed by donkeys than plane crashes.

Oysters can change from male to female and back again.

There are 2,382,500 Smiths in the U.S.

In the 1800's the U.S. had 1,2,3 and 20 cent coins.

The shortest war lasted 38 minutes.

You have enough red blood cells to circle the planet.

The oldest goldfish lived 14,975 days.

Shirley Temple received 135,000 presents on her 8th birthday.

Slugs have 4 noses.

The English language makes over 600,000 words out of 26 letters.

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