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Pooh Sounds

pooh1.wavLooks like another Tigger to me. pooh2.wavWell from the moment the fluff got in my ear. pooh3.wavNow will you aim me at the bee's please? pooh4.wavThink... think... think... pooh5.wavYum yum.. Bears love hunny and I am a pooh bear. pooh6.wavOh bother. pooh7.wavI am a little black rain cloud of course. pooh8.wavI'm rumbly in my tummy.. time for something sweet. pooh9.wavOh stuff and fluff! pooh10.wavYou never can tell with bees..... pooh11.wavPooh says good morning. pooh12.wavNow isn't this a clever disguise?

tigger1.wav I am saving my best bounce for old long ears!
tigger2.wav T.. I.. double GUH.. ER.
tigger3.wav See that hicky sticky stuff is only fit for huffalumps and woozles!
tigger4.wav Why thats what tiggers do the best!
tigger5.wav Tigger laugh.
tigger6.wav Oh don't be ridiculous!
tigger7.wav I got better things to do than to listen to this.. I think I will go trim my toenails, no better yet I will go trim Pooh's toenails.
tigger8.wav Hello I'm Tigger!

Back To Winnie's World

piglet1.wav Help... Piglet.. Me!
piglet2.wav I'm looking down .. P-P-Pooh.
piglet3.wav And what do you think you will answer yourself?
piglet4.wav Oh Dear. .. dear, dear, dear!
eey1.wav If it is a goodmorning which I doubt.
eey2.wav No matter, most likely lose it again anyways.
eey3.wav If you ask me, when a house looks like that its time to buy a new one.
eey4.wav Days, weeks, months, who knows?
eey6.wav Its not much of a tail, but I am sorta attached to it.