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The Social Security Educational Center

Disability Advocacy Clinic: Social Security SSI Representatives

Social Security Administration Disability Information

disABILITY Consultants
Offers multiple services, including limited FREE advice by email, for individuals and parents of children with disabilities.

National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives Online

Crowe & Shanahan- The Social Security Law Group
Social Security Disability Update

Social Security Advisory Service
In-depth news and legal research resources provided by NOSSCR.Includes SSAS Connect, the best discussion forum online about Social Security law and practice; participants include disability lawyers, claimants, administrative law judges and other government officials. SSAS has an exhaustive set of links on legal, government and medical subjects related to Social Security claims and benefits.

Social Security Online
The official Web site of the Social Security Administration.

Social Security Handbook
1997 Edition Contains official information and answers to many technical Social Security questions.

Social Security Rulings
Official policy statements of the Social Security Administration on all areas under its jurisdiction.

E-Text Social Security Express
Exhaustive Social Security legal research materials

Social Security Forms.
SSA offers our most requested forms for download in Portable Document Format (PDF).

National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives
Social Security Disability - Frequently Asked Questions

Social Security Disability Secrets
From Pro Se Publications

U.S. Department of Justice Americans with Disabilities Act

Related Federal Disability Laws
There are dozens of federal statutes establishing programs or containing provisions that pertain specifically to individuals with disabilities

ADA & Disability Laws
Protect your rights, Know the laws! This Resource page is designed to assist you and/or your lawyer(s) with research on codes, opinions, and caselaw.

Major Federal Disability Laws
Listed are brief descriptions of laws which concern individuals with disabilities.

The Social Security Administration's Listing of Impairments
A section-by-section description of requirements for Social Security disability benefits for adults.

Steps to Obtaining SSDI

Social Security Disability Benefits - Social Security Administration
SSA's Booklet Explaining Disability

Obtaining Disability Benefits
David versus Goliath? By Disability Attorney Scott E. Davis.

Disability Claim Killers
What you don't know could be fatal to your Fibromyalgia and CFS claim! Part II By Disability Attorney Scott E. Davis.

Disability for Fibromyalgia
Staying on Top of the Process by Deidre Samson & Jean Macaluso

Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities

Canadian Disability News
Your source for the latest news and links to sites of interest to disabled Canadians.

Council of Canadians with Disabilities
A leading voice of persons with disabilities in Canada. CCD members speak out to improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities.

Canadian Association of Independent Living Centres (CAILC)

Esmerel's List of Canadian Disability Resources

The Association for the Neurologically Disabled of Canada
A.N.D. Canada is a Canadian non-profit charitable organization. We dedicate ourselves to providing functional rehabilitation programs to individuals with non-progressive neurological disabilities.

In Unison: A Canadian Approach to Disability Issues
In Unison is a vision made up of values, principles and building blocks that affirms the importance of ensuring the full participation of persons with disabilities in society.

Canadian Centre on Disability Studies


New Zealand - Human Rights Act
This page outlines the Human Rights Act in NZ and discusses what discrimination is, who is protected, what areas the Act operates in, how the Act affects discrimination in employment, pre-employment discrimination, the employers obligations, and how a complaint can be made.

Human Rights Commision Komihana Tikanga Tangata
Protection against discrimination for people with disabilities - A fact sheet on the Human Rights Act 1993 and the protection it offers people in the UK with disabilities.

The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights
A full explanation of the New Zealand Code of Health and Disability Sevices Consumers' Rights

An analysis of the New Zealand Health and Disability Commissioner Act, 1994

Welcome to ... Disabled UK.
Built and maintained by disabled people for disabled people. Covering topics such as health,medicines, alternative cures, law & legal, charities, help groups, social and housing benefits,disabled products, carers, tips, tricks, help, even the lottery and a whole lot more.

The Center on Disability Studies
The University of Hawaii at Manoa has been awarded $3 million from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) to establish a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC)

State Mandated Benefits - Hawaii
Information on Temporary Total Disability, Permanent Partial Disability, Permanent Total Disability, Medical Professionals, Mileage and more.

The Disability Information & Resource Centre
Australia-wide information on disability related issues.

DINA is a national group of disability information providers with interest in resource and information sharing and networking.