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The Cajun Speaks

In this page you will find things said said or thought by Gambit. You might also find things that are said about Gambit or other people's thoughts about Gambit from various comic books.

Alright these quotes are set up into sections of what title comic they come from for example all the uxm will be under uxm. The reason for this set up is mainly for an organized look.

Uncanny X-Men

Gambit: Hasn't been your night, eh, chere? Or , maybeit has-- considering I've been here to rescue you.
Storm: I am called Storm. Don' need you! Do fine enough on my own!
Gambit: Yeah, right. Tell me another. I'm
Gambit, Stormy, an' I don' believe a word.

Gambit: Relax there's time. Trust me.
Storm: Are you mad!
Gambit: Same as you chere. Gives folkes like us our major edge.

Storm: Hold on for dear life.
Gambit: Good t'ing you're so young... I might start to get ideas.

Gambit: Whoa! Very nice Stormy--The way you get the wind... to do whatever you want. How coome it doesn't always work?
Storm: Because some people... won't shut up... and let me focus the the concentration I need... to prevent that from happening.

Gambit: After all dis time-- An' I still manage to impress myself.

Phalanx: By investigating your organic substance into our systems, the collective intelligence tat is the Phalanx... we will be privy to your every thought, your every hope... your every dream.
Gambit: I been inside my head for years now... believe me -- it ain't dat big a treat!

Gambit's thought's:Ahh de ole' days. When dis thief's only concern was de big score. Tell me Yukio--How'd you and me ever get involved in dis whole hero gig? Shhh. Don't ask.

Storm: Is everyone alright?
Gambit: Your friend is one spoon short o' a bowl o' Gumbo but other dan dat...
Yukio: You'll at least drop me off at the airport?
Gambit: Yeah...and I know just de way.

Gambit: Is it me, mon ami, or am I de only one who thinks it's funny-- dat you'd ask a thief like me t' help you move your most prized posessions.
Cyclops: Ex-thief,
Gambit: Once it's in your blood Scott... It's like bein' an alcoholic who wants t' drink but don't. De need is always dere. De fact you don't know what I'm talkin' about is just one reason you're a lucky man, Cyclops.
Gambit: I'm talkin' bout your hole life. Scott about you're friends and family. I'm talkin' about a future with a wife dat loves you-- and a past not filled wit' things your ashamed of.
Cyclops: Except perhaps my inability to hook up this blasted VCR...?

Sabertooth: Don't make me remember!
Gambit: Don't you dare turn away, Creed! Y'think your victems got to turn away when you pulled deir insides out! People like us ain't allowed to forget! --------------continued--------------
Gambit:You will remember Creed 'cause when you don't... I'll be here to remind you.

Gambit: You t'ink dey serve drinks at de late show?
Jean Grey: I think the more nervous you get-- the more jokes you crack.
Shhh. Ancient family secret.

Gambit: If we were as evil as ev'body t'inks-- we'd have grabbed a few of dem as hostages.
Jean: Gambit!
Gambit: I said, "if."

Gambit (to Jean): -- And just when I was afraid de only reason you asked me to come along is my irresistable animal magnetism.
Jean: Don't push it Cajun.
Gambit: Who, me?

Rogue: Get outta here, Remy! While you can! Don't throw your life away.
Gambit: Girl, Don' you ever listen? Wit' out you... I don't have much of a life!

Joseph: I've told you before, Cajun... do not call me by my former name again! That life is over forever.
Gambit: So you keep tellin' me, Mags... but I jus' keep on doubtin'
Joseph: Is such suspicion born of a guilty conscience, LeBeau? What is the sayin... "It takes one to know one?"

Rogue: Almost from that first time we headed into town on your bike... Ah could feel it. For the first time in my entire life, ah felt... hope. Ah knew that underneath all that hair-- all that attitude-- there was a person that cared about me. A person ah could love. And I do, Remy. Ah love you. ! Remy--?
Gambit: Don't say that, chere.
Rogue: But I do--
Gambit: You can't love me, Rouge... Because you don't know me. You don't really know me.
Rogue: Ah know you have secrets, but I know in time you'll share th--
Gambit: Den what? What happens when you can't forgive me... any more that I can?

Grovel: So why don't you just tell her? You loves her. She loves you-- Something like that don't happen daily. It's not likely- like you're going to be able to out run your past forever.
Gambit: Real simply, old man. I tell her, I lose her.
Grovel: Even simpler kid. You don't tell her. You never really have her to lose.

Spat: Oh? And what is it that turns a devil into an angel?
Gambit: I care 'bout somethin' now. No more fightin'. More den dat, I won't say.

Rogue: Are you...cryin'?
Gambit: Nah, wouldn't want that idea gettin' out. Ruin my reputation right quick.

Juggernaut: What the-?!
Gambit: Who? To my friends, de neame's Remy LeBeau. To my enemies, it's GAMBIT! You can go ahead an' forget dat first name right about now. Looks like you losin' your touch mon ami.
Storm: Where as it looks as though you've regained yours, Remy... or should I call you Gambit now?
Gambit: You tell me chere. Dat calls yours to make, non?

Storm: Why are you here, Remy? After all this time?
Gambit: Jus' back to business as usual. Got a big offer ta steel a big jewel. I'm a t'ief when all else fails... an' all else failed.

Gambit: Jus' tell 'im it's a machine dat tracks down the genetic signature of mutants anyplace in da world. No one ever believes the truth.
Cecileia: Is your accent as real as the lung cancer that cigarette's going to give you?

Colosus:...I thought I saw a ghost earlier... A creature of light, and ice.
Gambit's thoughts: Ghost woman? Non, can't be. She swore that if I stayed with her, she'd leave de others alone.
Gambit: She wrap aroun' you like a swirl of smoke?
Colosus: No.
Gambit: Say she was in love wit' you an' dat you best love her back?
Colosus: No.
Gambit: Good.
Wolverine: Why you askin', LeBeau? Remind you of someone you know?
Gambit: Nope.

Xavier: The pourpose of this school has always been clear, Gambit. To create an enviroment where we can all realize our full pontential...
Gambit: "In a word where mutants and humans have finally learned to live in peace and harmony, Amen." Give it a rest, will ya? You're wakin' up, Xavier... worryin' dat your precious dream is gonna turn out to be just dat and nothin' more... so you're takin' your frustrations out on us. Startin' wit' us all over again like we're farm-fresh students. But we're grown men and women.


Gambit: Dat's de trouble wi' buisness. It's always be gettin' inna way of pleasure.


Gambit: Had me goin' dere for a minute Dirge. But you want to break my spirit, de mutant masacre, it be the wrong stick to use. Because the only person who got betrayed here... was me.
Dere's sadness in the world, sure. But I choose to see the joy. The miracle is that we live. The responsibility of living is that we try to make the world a little better. Dirge he don't see that. Best he figures, I cry, I bury myself so deep in grief I become dead myself. Ain't dat easy, mon brave. I love these people. I love Rogue. I choose t' honor their lives an' what dey mean t' me wit' a celebration. My soul won't ever be lost Dirge-- Because now an' always, I choose TO LAUGH!


Wolverine: Now she's showin' him walkin' down the halls like he owns the place, one thing that Cajun never lacked in life is brass."


Cyclops: Under the rules Gambit...
Gambit: I know Cyclops. Je suit mort-- I am now dead. As I always suspected... Redheads, they have a dynamite kiss.
Cyclops: At your own risk my friend.
Jean: I must confess, infuriating and arrogant as Gambit can be... those eyes, that grin, the body-- it takes a girls breath away.
Cyclops: Oh really? When next the opportunity presents itself... remind me to drop a truck on him.
Xavier: Cyplops
Cyclops: A big truck.
Xavier: Cyclops
Cyclops: A really big truck.
Xavier: Cyclops!

Gambit: Not too Shabby, Chere. Finest-kind, Olympic class cannonball.
Rogue: Ah'm sorry, Gambit, AH-- Well now, ain't that a sight! First time --ever-- ah b'lieve... ah've seen that cajun charmer thrown off balance.
Gambit: No harm done Rogue. C'mon back down! Something's wrong, she looks scared.
Wolverine: Small wonder Gambit. Doble dose o' those come-hither, heart breaker eyes o' yours... that'll spook anyone.


Wolverine: Gambit... one of those days you are going to push your luck too far, boy.
An' you, friend Logan... are goin' to explode if you do not learn to relax, no?

Gambit: Rogue says she did not cheat. D'accord. But the gloves are off now, hey? Any agreement not to use powers is null and void, no? And my powers can make this game real intestin'.

Rogue: Keep your slimy paws off a me, Gambit! You know ah can't make flesh to flesh contact with you without drainin' all your powers away!
Gambit: Perhaps. But don't nobody know how Gambit loves a challenge.

Gambit: Alors! I thought I joined the X-Men not the Brady Bunch! There are some things I prefer not to do in a group!

Gambit: Lookee here, mes amis... another bad guy wit' his hair pulled into a poney- tail. Is there some dress code nobody tell me 'bout.

Sabertooth: S'funny thing about yer red buddy-- somethin' vaguely familiar. It'll come to me. Sniff <- sec? I never forget a scent. A long ways from the Big Easy, Remy. And since when you workin' the side of the angels? Or did I just blow yer latest scam?
Gambit: e m'excuse M'sieu Tooth-- but, second hand smoke is the leadin' cause of lung cancer.
Sabertooth: Yum. Spicier than I remember.
Gambit: Must be Moma Gambit's Cajun recipe.
Sabertooth: Can't wait for seconds.


Bishop: You must be Gambit. There's very little written about you.
Gambit: Jus' the way I like it.

Rogue: I thought you'd appreciate me makin' you an ol' fashion Cajun meal with muh own two hands.
Gumbo: If I made a list of things to do "with your own to hands" -- stirrin' Gumbo wouldn't be on it.
Rogue: Ya' certainly know how to get under a girls skin.
Gambit: I'm trying.

Gambit(to Bishop): A plasma rifle-- 'gainst a Boysonberry Pie? Can you find thee crazed psychopath in this picture?

Bishop: Is this wise?
Gambit: Keep laughing or she'll kill us.
Rogue: Ah suppose it's fittin' ya die with a smile on your face.
Gambit: I'm not shaking chere. I got it on good authority... I'm going to outlive every one of you.

Jubilee: Ya' mean somebody was actually desperate enough to become-- Mrs. Gambit?!

Wolverine: So yer the skirt that tamned the Cajun?
Bella Donna: "House-broke," to be more acc'rate.
Gambit: Nice t' see everyone's havin' their HA-HA's at my expense.


Bella Donna: NO! So help me Remy-- you best be dead... 'cause dat's de only thing what would keep me from killing you wit' me bare hands!
Gambit: Just proves my point-- dat married life's not everything... it's supposed to be.

Ghost Rider: I am here until vengence is served.
Wolverine: Sounds like a battle plan t' me.
Gambit: "Vengence?" Mes amis-- you do not know de meaning of dis word.


Gambit: What happened with Sabertooth an' the girl was a long time ago, Rogue. I was a different man back then.
Rogue: An' what kind of man are you now, Remy?
Gambit: Dat's why I need you... yo help me find out.


Gambit: Perfect. Jus' perfect. De teacher's pets are here t' save de day an' show us l'il tadpoles how t' behave.
Cyclops: Whoa-- whoa--
Gambit: Forget it, Summers... de crazy ol' got's all yours.

X-Men Unlimited


Marrows thoughts on Gambit: The silent guy who's already dressed at three in the morning is Gambit. I still don't know what to make of him.

Storm: "Boosted?"
Gambit: You stoled thosee radios?
Marrow: Gimme a break. I'm getting lectured on taking things that aren't mine by a pick pocket and a member of the theive's guild?
Gambit: Um, right...

Marrow: Oh that guy! I owe you one Cajun.
Gambit: Chere, you don't ever owe me a thing...


Colosus: Are you all right?
Gambit: I'll be fine after Mister Clean gets one t'ing straight... I been my my own "professor" since I was knee-high to de winos down in Nawlins. I "train" when and if the spirit hits me. And right now, dat's a big if.



Gambit: Uhm... time out, guys, okay? 'Kay... bad news is, I'm surrounded by what looks like a dozen mothras. Good news? I'm so feverish, maybe I'm seein' double.


Gambit: Escape! Damsel in destress, escape! Damsel in distress... LeBeau your so predictable!

Jacob: Cohiba? Notice how smoothly I avoid the subject?
Gambit: Like butter. Cigarettes 're my poison.

Gambit: Copin' is the 24-7 of my life chere.
Rogue: An' here I was hopin' fo an angst-free day. This Gavin... old drinkin' buddies don't have codenames.
Gambit: Worried, Rogue... or suspicious?
Rogue: Maybe both.
Gambit: An' here I was hopin' for a guilt-free day

Gambit: Gotta work on your super-villian rant-- soundin' too much like a cop!
X-Cutioner: And a two-bit thief like you would know from cops.
Gambit: Mon ami-- I ami-- I am at least a ten-bit thief!


Gambit (speaking to Storm): Outta all the X-Men I always did have the most in common wit' you, ever since we first met. 'Course, at th' time, you'd been changed into a thirteen- year old. Sort of put us on an even level, maturity-wise.

Stuardess: We'ree about to land, sir Do you need help fastening your seat belt?
Gambit: Need or want?


Gambit: A black bat? Call commisioner Gordon. An' why would someone murder by stakin' 'em t'ru de heart.
Jean-Luc LeBeau: Jerome says his attacker was a vampire.
Gambit: Thought de publicity Anne got scarred 'em outta de Big Easy.

Gambit: This would be th' part where the nun smacked your hands wit' a ruler for bein' a bad boy! Or did that only happen t' me?

Gambit: Sure. Beheadin' an stakin' 'em would put a damper on that pizza.
Blade: You always talk this much when you fight?
Gambit: Nah. Jus' gettin' a rise outta you. Watch you go through your full range of emotions-- grim t' grimmer.

Jean-Luc: You all right, son?
Gambit: Don' know which bothers me more-- Blade makin' a joke-- or jus' bein' in this place...


Gambit: You gotta agree, Prof, that th' truth is an adjustable commodity in our line of work.
Xavier: But not amoungst your team mates! You, of all people, should know that by now.
Gambit: Yah, of course... me, the key to th' Morlock Massacre... how could I forget?


Candra: My, oh, my those eyese... Remy LeBeau, Le Diable Blanc.
Gambit: Do I know you chere?
Candra: What was it you said to me? "We will meet someday in your future and sometime in my past."
Gambit: Yah, make sense much? When ever I'll bring the wine.
Candra: Adorable! Even as a child.


Gambit: I tend t' prefer me an' a bunch of models in a hot tub, stuff like that... so whoever's muckin' around with my dreams, might as well jus' show yourself...


Andreas Strucker: LeBeau? Please remove yourself.
Gambit: Said th' same thing four years ago when I was stuck to your sister on that velour--
Andreas: I remember.


Sek: Okay your in Monoco sneaking into my bedroom at three o' clock in the morning and your not here to fool around?
Gambit: Go figure. I need your help.


Gambit: Heard the expression, "thick as thieves"? Our types tend to stick together. Honor, Loyalty, all that stuff.
Jacob: You blackmailed him didn't you?
Gambit: Yah. Tol' him I'd blab about where he was keepin' a famous paintin' he stole a few years back.

Gambit: Can't get a twelve course meal at McDonald's.
Jean-Luc(kid): Is that a scots resteraunt?
Gambit: Nevermind.

Jacob(as a woman): Remy, have I told you how much I hate you today?
Gambit: Jake... you --uhm... look... well... uhm... will you marry me?
Jacob: Hate you.
Gambit: Okay, okay-- how 'bout jus' some hot lovin'?

Jean-Luc: I feel stupid.
Gambit: You look slick. Very Alfalfa.
Jean-Luc: Huh? I know... nevermind.


Rogue: Keep gettin' a static charge from your kisses.
Gambit: Must be my electric personality.

Gambit(to Rogue): Ev'reyone's always on me about tellin' th' truth -- but it never works both ways. Never stops people from keeping secrets frrom me...
All I've ever done since joining the X-Men is everythin' I've been asked to do-- an' I've done them well! You think the least I could get is a pat on the back... but the least I got was gettin' left to die in a frozen wasteland... an' I know you apologized for that, Rogue... but I never did say that I accepted that apology, did I?

Gambit(to Rogue): Everythi' huh? Hmph. I tell you everythin' now, might as well book my one-way ticket back to Antartica!


Constrictor: Geez, LeBeau, what are you the energizer bunny? You were like two toes away from kickin' the bucket!
Gambit: -> <-

Gambit: So the feds are lookin' out for mutant oulaws now. That's nice.
Carl Denti: All the recent mutant activity raised a few flags at CSA. Besides, I've been... following your -- uhm-- career -- for some time now.
Gambit: Really? What part was your favorite-- my glam rock phase or th' Joe Jackson minimalist approach
Denti: Your references are completely lost on me.


Gambit: Best I can do right now. I'm tired Carl. I mean, I'm really. Life tired you know?
Denti's thoughts: yes
Gambit: You know what it's like t' carry someone else's load... only to realize the load you carry on yourself is even heavier.
Denti's thoughts: yes
The facade evaporates, and I se him for what he truly is right now. A young man feeling older than his years. A good man swimming in bad luck. A man who cares too much, bit is always forced to act (or expected to act) as if he doesn't care enough. And what I see looks awfully familiar to me. One might say it looks like my mirror.


Gambit: Bell... why did you wanna kill me?"
Bella Donna: Talk about spoilin' th' mood!

Gambit: But it's like we get t' watch how normal people live through a window, no? But part of us doesn't want to-- couldn' live inside that house...
Bella Donna: Yeah. Would probably bore us to--

Gambit: Annual 2000

Gambit: Oh so tonight we're th' grim, moody, "My lips are sealed 'cause I'm always sucking on life's bitter lemons" Archangel?

Gambit(thoughts): Always get a fuzzy warm feeli' when I know I double-crossed someone! Especially when I did it with a friend!

New Son:--Our powers are alike-- because we are the same person! I AM YOU!
Gambit's thoughts: 'Cept I wouldn't be caught dead in an outfit like that!

Archangel: What about us Remy? How do we know which doorway is the right one to get back to our earth?
Jacob: Where's Monty Hall when you need him?
Gambit: At this point guys, I think I'd better for an alternate Earth where Monkey's are in charge!


Gambit Naration: New Sun is me. Or rather, th' Remy LeBeau of an alternate Earth. 'Cept he doesn' have my name, my experiences, my accent... or my cute buns.


Gambit: If you can't trust Remy LeBeau-- who can you trust?

Gambit: Look, Mambo, it's not dat I don't wat to repay you and all, but revenge ain't 'sactly my area of expertise. Heartbreack, yes... revenge, no. Now, you want I should steal somethin'...

Gambit: Ducreste, you are one sick puppy. I'm goin' to introduce you to a world of pain de likes o' which you never seen.

Gambit: Why not lay off de face for a bit? You might not t'ink so, but dere be a number of girlies who won't be so happy you go an' bruise it up.

Gambit: First, I ain't no gentleman. Second, I ain't 'sactly big on words, but I do have somet'ing I'd like to leave you to remember me by. De joker. De wild card of de deck. Always mischievous... always unpredictable.

Gambit and Wolverine's Victems


Gambit: It's dat it's come down to dis-- I'm spendin' my time with a hologram of de one I love. I am tryin' t' be understandin', Rogue. Wherever you are- you need dis time t' be alone. But each of us has our secrets, chere... People we cared for before we met. Mebbe it's time I checked up on one or two of dem.


Wolverine: Might've thought to bring a better car.
Gambit: Dunno, I find it kinda cozy.
Martinique Jason: LeBeau, you're every bit as charming as Fury said you'd be...


Wolverine: I was just wonderin' if either of us'll find a woman to settle down with.
Gambit: I t'ink people like us aren't ment for dat. We aren't Arcade, Logan. We can't hide from d' t'ings we done. So we deal wit' it... like everyt'ing else.

Gambit 2nd Limited Series


Tante Mattie: We've got the lords work to do Remy!

Remy: Don't give me any more of that New Orleans sinners and saints stuff, Tante! You forced fed that stuff to me when I was a kid and I don't buy it anymore! I don't believe the saints or him anymore! I certainly am not goin' to be doin' his work!

Nightman and Gambit


Gambit: Ain't de first time I was wishin' I had a dollar for schoolin' every lowlife gutter crawlin' trash... sayin' he got "buisness" wit' old claws...


Gambit: After flesh-eatin' deseases an' alternate Earths. A fight'll feel like liberation!

Gambit & Bishop : Son's of the Atom


Gambit: I just mean what with all dese people 'round here , how's a guy gonna get any sleep? Dat's all.

Gambit: Dis is science stuff. I reckon it's better off left to de profesionals. It's jus' makin' my head hurt.

Gambit: HA! Know thy enemy as thy know thyself an' all dat.
Bishop: You know, LeBeau you may be a braggart... but you're good.

Bishop: No... what are you suggesting, Gambit?
Gambit: Trust me, chere
Bishop: Your joking, right?
Gambit: Hey, are you sayin' you don't trust ol' Gambit?
You don't truly want me to answer that, do you?


Gambit: An, never 'nough time for de finer t'ings in life, eh, Bishop? Remind me to educate you in de affairs of de heart when all dis is said an' done. You have no idea what you're missin', non?

Gambit: An' sorry 'bout my freind here. He's not 'sactly de most patient man in de world, but he's got some good qualities. I'm just tryin' to find out what dey are!

Bishop: --One of us is not going to survive this partnership. One guess who that is going to be.
Gambit: Dishop, did you just make a joke? Must be rubbin' off on you more dan you care to admit, non?
Bishop: Kill me now.

Gambit: I love dis place! It's go style... it's got character... It's--
Bishop: It's a graveyard Gambit.

Bishop: Why does Dante's verse, "Abbandon hope all ye who eneter here," continue to run through my mind?
Gambit: Ah, a man who quotes de classics is a man after my own heart.
Bishop: You've read the classics?
Gambit: Nope. Just like to hear 'em quoted.

Gambit: You followin' dis Bishop? 'Cause he lost me after he opened his mouth.

What if


Gambit: I was an X-Men... one of de good guys. A good mutant fighting for good things. 'Course that went against my nature. I'm a thief through and through. And it was only a matter of time before I stole from dem, too.