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My Links

Alright really I don't have to many Gambit sites to put up here because most of the sites I visit are under my webrings that I belong to so if you want to check out some cool Gambit sites check those out. Most of the ones below are either web orientated stuff or associated to web pages for all the X-Men characters and a few miscellanious.

Alright got a web page and you need stuff to make it look better check out this place it's got tons of free shit

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Do you like vampires? If so a friend of mine is working on a site she now has quite a bit of info up. And it's coming together rather well especially for the amount of time that she actually works on it. The Damndest Creature

This site was once really cool but the owner of the site gave it up and a lot of it doesn't work anymore but what still works is pretty cool.

Check this site out it's pretty cool. The owner wrote the fan fic I have up.

A Rogue site