§ K ïï D G Ê Ø's Personal Homepage

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Name: 			Skidgeo Shaokalavich
Home: 			Auckland, New Zealand
Occupation:		Full Time Bum - With some Telemarketing on the side....
Study:			Bachelor of Business at A.I.T (A.U.T)

Contact Details:	ICQ:    17505380
			E-mail: Skidge@hotmail.com

So, anyway,
to my homepage.

My name is Steven, I am 18 years old and currently studying at Auckland University of Technology doing a Bachelor of Business Studies.

My life history is relatively boring...
I have a typical family with my mother, father, two brothers and a dog. The eldest brother has moved out of home, and soon possibly is the other brother.
My life in general is quite busy. I study full time during the week at my course, also working part time to support myself doing telemarketing. i plan on going overseas to America around June/July as a job oppertunity as Camp Counsellor in the Summer Camp program, so i am saving as much money as possible to get me over there.
To help my appliction get accepted, i am also a Cub Scout leader with meetings every week, I take swimming lessons, and soon i plan on coaching a junior soccer team. Hopefully this will make my application successful, along with the First Aid course i shall soon be doing...

At Uni i m currently awaiting the start of the 3rd semester. it is a new year, looking for a fresh start, and hopefully continue on the current performance in my grades. I'm not the most intelligent person, and managed to scrape into a C+ in my first semester. The next semester i managed to work a little harder, and it helped that i actually started to enjoy the course, and i got to jump a whole grade to a B+ in the second semester. Now in a little under three weeks, i go back to the 3rd semester where hopefully i can follow the trend and end up with an A+ grade. i know as well as everybody else how hard and impossible this is gonna be for me, but hey, i surprised myslef with the last mark.. so who knows....
The four year curse is only a year over so still a long way to go...Unfortunately due to my going overseas for half a year so that will extend the length of the course, but hey, It'll be worth it right??!!

After the course I want to do a further two years of overseas work experiance.... (any and all suggestions on places to go would be greatly appreciated...) My plan for my future career is in the Travel and Tourism industry. Here, I hope to meet heaps of new people, and obviously, travel around the world.....

So yeah that's my life, and not at all that interesting..
Other things i like to do is be with my friends - now isnt that obvious - go rollerblading, play soccer, cycling, occasionally tennis, party, go clubbing, drink, go to movies, walk along beaches...i've been told im kinda romantic but i really like to dispute that!!! Im also quite big on music. I like a wide range of music from some beethoven and Mozart to metallica, Smashing pumpkins and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I also like Savage Garden, Pearl Jam, Blink 182, Living End and Matchbox 20, plus many many others.

Well, thats enuff from me, I hope ya enjoy the site... and don't forget to look at my other pages... the links are at the bottom of this page.

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