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"Sorry for the delay everyone but some fan just ran backstage and stole all our clothes and we were standing there BUCK NAKED!"

"Look women if you don't know who you are calling you need to hang up and call again!"

"Oh yeah, you like that now don't ya?"

"I've been singing since I was two. If I could talk, I could sing."

"Naturally frosted? No, naturally curly."

"My voice is my most prized posession."

"I was on 'Star Search' alright? Let it go. I got three and a half stars."

"What chu talkin' 'bout little brain Willis?"

"Smoother than butta, baby."

"We're not here to knock anyone off a platform. We're here to make a platform of our own."

"You looking at my bum? Bum looker!"

"I am Cookieman and this is my sidekick [points to JC] Mr. Sprinkles"

"We're all perfectionists in what we do."

"Can I get a Jay-Z."

"Yo, kick it!"

"Crunk Baby Crunk, thatz what ya say.. Getch-your party on tonight we gonna get it crunk!"

"Man can actually be softer emotionally than woman."

"I would be cindewella." (in a ghetto voice)

(talkin to Chris..)"Listen Woman!"

"Let it go, just let it go Carson."

The wildest thing a fan has every done to get their attention:

"One that recalls my attention is when we were in the airport once and we were checking in at the gate and they have security check before you get to the gates and this girl, I don't know, I guess she thought she was a piece of luggage or something she tried to crawl through the security check. They got the x-ray of her like the m&m's commercial."

What is the most fascinating part about making music for 'N Sync?:

"I am always fascinated when I get the feedback from everyone, from fans to critics. It's always encouraging to hear what people really think."

The worst date he has ever went on:

"We made dinner reservations and the didn't work out. We tried to see a movie, and the movie was sold out. Like, nothing worked that night and she wasn't much for conversation... so I didn't have a good time. I think I was like 16 years old."

The way his best friend would describe him:

"I love basketball and I'm funny and a really nice guy."

Worst Enemy.....
"Well, if I had an enemy, anything they had to say wouldn't be too accurate. They probably wouldn't know much about me."

What he likes about Memphis:

"The blues."

You would't believe it if you saw Justin......:

"Ballet. I've never done it, but I'm open to anything."

Does he cook?:

"I make a mean Pop Tart. No, I can cook a meal. If I had instructions and my mom helped me plan it out and helped with it."

Justin comes from Elvis country.....
"It's an on-going joke with people and interviewers! It's like Graceland! And I'm like, 'No! Tha's not what Memphis is about!' "

Does Justin have a best friend?

"I have best friends back home. I have friends that I've known since I was wee little. They've been there for me from the beginning and I know they like me for me."

All-time biggest ever food binge happened when....

"I think I have a food binge every day! I love cereal. I have this big flour bowl and at one point I almost grabbed a Sharpie and put my name on it. I used to just sit back in front of the TV and eat cereal. I love Cap 'N Crunch and Oreo O's. I like pasta too."

Does Justin have any fears?

"I'm kinda scared of being in the ocean, with the sharks."

If Justin were stuck on a desert island, the three things he would want with him would be....

"Music.. a nice girl-and some cereal!"

Has he ever tried juice in his cereal?

"I've tried apple juice in my Mini-Wheats, but they can't be frosted. I've tried chocolate milk and I didn't really dig it. My favorite drink is milk, whole milk."

Justin feels insecure when...

"People compliment me on my appearence. No, not really. I've never really been insecure. I blush when people compliment me. I kinda am bad with compliments. I kinda get embarassed. I don't know what to say."

Stupidest thing he's ever done..

"I've done some pretty stupid things, nothing you can write about. I can think of some pranks I've played on my friends that are pretty funny. We're trying to do this to Joey. We want to take him 'snipe' hunting. They are these creatures that have really ugly teeth and look like walrus..(only they don't actually exist!) We just tell them that.. We did this to a kid once..."

Has Justin every won anything?

"I've won plenty of basketball awards."

Does he consider himself lucky?

"I consider myself blessed. I'm a very spiritual person."

What he looks for in a girl...

"I'd say honesty and trust is important. Even if you've just met a person, you can build a relationship on honesty..."

Does he like to shop?

"Yes, I do. Sneakers. I'll be going somewhere and I'm like,'I gotta get new diamond earings!' Then I'll walk by Foot Locker and be like, I gotta get those sneakers!"

How many sneakers does Justin have?

" I'd say probably like 60 or 70 pairs. I don't go out on the road (with a lot of them), but I do take a separate bag for (new) sneakers! I get a Nike duffel bag and fold it up and fill it up as I go!"

The nicest thing he has ever bought his mom:

"Last year I got my mom something really cool for Christmas. It was like an 8x10 circular picture frame and it was the angel Gabriel telling Mary and Joseph that they were going to have a son. I got it for her to hang up in the window or put it front of a light."

Things fans are shocked to know:

That, "I hate my feet."

Is this the reason he buys all these sneakers?:

"Yeah, to cover them up. Rarely will you see me without socks and shoes on."

His best feature would be....

"My hair. I don't know if it's my best feature, it's something I get recognized for. I've had it red, blond, baby blue. I've done my hair a lot of different colors. It turned green once. I was in the pool three days after I got it colored! That was one of the stupidest things I've done!"

The color of his hair he likes best:

"I like it with the highlights. It's sort of like Dennis Rodman.. whatever mood I'm in."

Favorite ice cream would be.....

"I'm into coffee ice cream now. Mocha-Java-Chip at Haagen Daz is soooo good!"

What Justin would like to try just once:

"Sky Diving"

The one thing he can't leave home without:


CD's he has with him now:

"I have Jay-Z, Nicole, Tribe Called Quest, Maxwel, Eric Bonet, Lauryn Hill-that's like my favorite CD!"

The one person he really wants to meet......

"Michael Jordan."

His favorite cartoon character:

"Eric Cartman. My favorite guidance counselor, Mr.Mackey. Scooby Doo is pretty cool... They've got the bells (bell-botoom jeans) going."

What exactly is the message on his answering machine?

"On my cell phone/voice mail it says, 'I can't come to the phone right now, leave a message.' We once messed with Lance's cell phone. We made a message ... a computer voice.. it was pretty funny. We get a kick out of doing silly things. We've left messages like, 'Hi, I'm on stage right now, so as soon as I get done singing 'Tearin' Up My Heart' I'll call you back."

Prank calls from fans, ever?

"Yes.. I keep my phone for business purposes only. I keep the phone line open so if my manager, tour manager, stylist tries to reach me. If a fan calls, I tell them this is a business phone, and I'm trying to keep it open."

Did his mother remarry?

"Yes, and so did my father.. I call my step dad my "dad" and my natural dad my "daddy."

Does Justin have any brothers or sisters?

"I'm an only child by my mom. Jonathan and Robert are my half-brothers. I haven't diapered (Robert) yet. Jonathan's the older one, he's five and it's so fun to watch him. I'll be sitting with my daddy (biological dad) and he's like, that's exactly how you were at that age. Jonathan can sing so well. He's got perfect pitch and he already hears harmonies and stuff."

Does Justin want his own family at some point?

"I think when you're younger, everyone has dreams. It crosses your mind. It's not anything I'm ready to handle now.. I'm a kid still. I mean, I handle a lot of adult situations now, but not something like that."

Has he ever had stage fright?

"Sure. It's not really stage fright. Every show I get nervous a minute before the show. It's more like adrenaline."

Does he have a routine before a show?

"We always pray before a show. We pray in the dressing room. We get all the crew together and pray.. I say a prayer that we do a good show and we're safe. Then we get into a huddle and pump each other up before we go out on stage."

Is he finished with High School?

"I'm working on that right now."

Will he have a formal graduation?

"Yes, but a secluded one with my family and friends. It will happen very soon, but time is hectic and I'm gonna bring a tutor out with me."

What does he do for privacy?

"I go in my room, I meditate."

What does Justin do on the road?

"I just got a laptop. I am trying to steal this book from JC; it's about the millenium. I have to be in the mood to read. I go through phases where I don't want to read or where I have to have a book. For the most part I just like to write."

What is the strangest dream he has ever had...?

"I'll be riding a bull through New York City in the Macy's Day Parade! I have the strangest dreams and I think they kind of mean something..."

Does Justin go to the gym?

"I do stuff in my room. I do push-ups. In the gym, I prefer to work with free weights and stuff. At the hotels, I'll go down there and it'll be like a treadmill and a bicycle. That's it. I dance so I don't have to run on a treadmill."

Does Justin have a 5 year plan??

"I take it as it comes. Day by day. I have a financial plan. I'm investing. My step-dad is a banker, so he's helping me invest my money very well."

Advice his mom gave him about show business:

"She always told me if I'm not happy doing what I'm doing, I could cahnge and do something else."

Justin's best and worst Childhood memories:

"Doing this with 'nsync I think, being in the studio. I don't have any bad memories."

His experience with Janet Jackson:

"She was very laid back, very cool. We were treated very well. They treated us very nicely. Her whole crew was very, very nice. We got pictures, hugs, everything! It was very cool!"

Advice for fans:

"If you want to succeed at something, even if it's not show business, you have to practice your craft. Practice makes perfect."

Most Embarassing Moment:

"I ran onstage after a quick change with my fly unzipped. My pants almost fell down all the way to my ankles. They fell down on my thighs almost to my knees, and I grabbed them. Luckily I had a baggy basketball shirt on over them, so you couldn't see that they fell down. I also broke my thumb onstage before. It was an open-air festival in Germany; it was outside and it was really hot and they were spraying the kids with water, with this big hose, and they got some water on the stage. There's a move where we slide across the floor in one of our songs, and I slid on the water and feet came out from under me. My first reaction ws to throw my hands down- try to catch myself- and my thumb broke. Luckily it was the last song of our set. I just held the mike in my left hand the whole time."

Justin describing his hair:

"The roots are naturally dark. I had the top done. This bottom part is my natural color. It's not drastic. I'll probably stick with this for a while. I'm thinking of cutting it just a little bit shorter because it's starting to get a little bit poofy up here. I, mean, honestly, I grew my hair out once and I'd wake up every morning and look just like Maxwell. Boom! Whoa! My hair was scaring me. But it's naturally curly."

When Justin's On-Stage:

"I love that feeling when you're up there singing and the crowd is getting into what you are doing. I love to see the smiles on their faces and know that I had something to do with that."

His first kiss:

"It took place in fifth or sixth grade. It was with my third or fourth girlfriend and it was quite an embarrassing situation. She was friends with my best friend's girlfriend and she lived right across the street from him. My best friend and I went over to her house to watch television. I knew this moment was going to have to come soon and I wanted it to be this night. Then all of a sudden, she turns the TV off, hits the light switch off, it's pitch black, and we're both like what do we do. We didn't know what to say. So I looked at her, I was embarrassed, and thought we might as well do it and we did and it was great. I was a happy little guy."

What puts Justin to sleep:

"Either the guys of 'Nsync sing to me or I sing to myself quietly!"

What puts a smile on his face:

"When I am looking at the audience and they're singing the words I know. I can just stop singing and put the mic in their face and they would sing the words back to me. Now, my face.. that put's a smile on."

Most precious thing he has recieved from a fan:

" At the end of one of our concerts a fan gave me a pinky ring and I loved it."

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