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3/29 New section...'how to score backstage passes'

2/20 New Group Pix Page 7: Click Here
New Justin Pix Page 10:Click Here

1/29 More concert reviews, click here!


1/24/00 I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.. All finals got postponed for another week cuz of the snow, and I'm home early.. so I'm updating! How nice of me, huh? hehe :) New Justin linx: here

1/17/00 Like I told ya! I said I'd have those concert dates up, and guessie what??! You can view by clickin' Here!!!

1/17/00 Finals start tommorow, and don't ask why I'm on, but I just wanted to share with ya that 'NSYNCs new tour for the year of 2000 has been announced!! They're hitting practically every state! I wuz so excited, I just had to share that with ya! (oh yea, and for any of you people who live in VA/MD/DC, like myself-they're comin to the MCI center on July 11th!!!)I hope to have these dates put up soon, half today, if not tommorow!

1/13/00 Pix from 'NSYNCs appearence on Rosie O'Donnell in November of '99! Go to the appearence pic gallery, or click here!! One more thing, updates to this page might not be made till the 24th of this month or after.. One word that'll explain it all-FINALS! Eugh! See ya then,

1/2/00 Happy NEW YEAR! I kept tellin' u guyz I was gonna scan in that ticket of mine from last March @ their appearence from the MCI Center! Go check it out where my experience is put up......HERE!

12/29 Bunches of sounds that were deleted.......are now up and runnin' again! (x-cept for the real player ones) 9 NEW sounds! Click HERE!!!


12/27 More pix from the WB Awards!---> Click H.E.R.E!

12/25 Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!!! As a treat from me to you, there are BRAND NEW Justin pix put up! Click here!!!

12/18 New pix up from WB Awards in October, which can be found in the Appearence Gallery (inside the pix section!)... OR.. you can click here!!! Don't forget guys! Itz that time of year... to bug Carson while voting for 'NSYNC's video, "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!"

12/18 New pix from Justin's appearence in the upcoming movie, 'Jack Of All Trades!' You can view those in the Misscelaneous Gallery in the Pix section.. OR.. by clicking HERE!

12/12 Lotz more brand new clear pix from the "Summer Jam Concert" in June! Why not take a peek, and click here?!

12/7 Hey, I've got some news... For the past week, I've been getting e-mails concerning why the sounds are NOT working. Curious to know why? I recently got a break in into my account, with all sound files in that directory deleted. Sorry to say that 3/4 of those sounds were on the same account. I am sorry, but that took a peroid of time for all those sound wavs to eventually pop-up on that page.. I do not have the time, to find these sounds, or re-upload them because first of all they were not saved on my computer, they were saved in my account. If anyone has saved any of these sounds previously on their computer, and would be generous to send them to, your time will be generously appreciated. Thanx,

12/2 More TV Guide Dates!!! Click here!Some new Real Player G2 sounds! Click here!!!

11/30 More sounds! Click here!!

11/2 Happy November! Hope y'allz had a great Halloween! :) New sounds are up, and more comin' on the way! Don't forget to be sure to watch Rosie O'Donnell on the 15th of this month. For those of you who know whats going on, continue to watch for each members picture to pop up at the bottom of the screen, (..and send it to the address listed on the show), for your chance to win a seat in the audience that day that they come on the show!

10/17 More pictures from the Country Music Awards, the Blockbuster Awards, and Miss Teen USA '99 added in the "Appearence Gallery." Click here.

10/15 More sounds, including they're appearence on TRL on the 6th! Click here!!

10/6 THIRTEEN, yes 13 new sounds! Including 6 music video clips, and 7 other Real Player G2 clips! Click here!!!

10/5 Yet again.. More tv dates! Click here!

10/2 More tv dates! Click here!

9/28 More linx!

9/26 More pix in "Group Pix 5." Click here.

9/25 HI!!!! I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated! I've had so much homework, and so many tests, and I've already had an exam, and I went to the BSB concert last weekend in DC... bla bla bla... Heheh, I'm sorry. :*( Anywayz, I added another Animation in the "Animation section," (coincidencial? here.)and I'm working on the Lyrics section.. The US Album stuff is all put together, I just hafta link everything together.. and I'm in the process of putting up all imports, such as 'U Drive Me Crazy,' other albums such as the x-mas one, the European one, soundtracks they've been featured on, and other singles.. Anywayz, I'm hoping to have those up as soon as possible.

9/10 Hello! I'm back! I'm so sorry I haven't updated, but itz cuz I'm getting so much school work ALREADY! *lol* & it takes a while to update every single, tiny little thing. Anywayz, be sure to set your VCR's this month, plenty of air-time dates are up. For further info, click here.

9/4 More pix within Justin Pix 8... Click here.

9/4 Hey! You're in luck! It's a 3-day weekend! Hehehe.. I've finally put up some pix from 'NSYNC's european video, "You Drive Me Crazy." Click here.

9/3 I'm so sorry I haven't updated!! It's only been 3 days of school, and already I've had a 22 pt. test the second day of school, and a 63 pt one on the third day!.... Obviously I haven't had as much time to update, as I would have liked too. I have added a total of 5 new sounds.. If you're interested, click here..

8/30 New page: Justin Pix Page 8

8/28 *NEW*: Group Pix Page 5! Click here! It's only got 2 pix for now, but will be growing.

8/26 Yes, more and more dates of 'nsync's appearences on tv! Itz like it never stops! 4 new dates to remember for this month of august. Click here.

8/25 More news! Six pieces of brand new news, ranging from the topics of Justin's new tatoo, to their collaborations with 2 new artists, etc.. Click here, so I can beam ya over!

8/25 More in the "Upcoming Appereances" section.. aka the TV Guide..Five new appearences for this month of August, and 3 new appearences up for September. Just click here!

8/25 More Concert Reviews have been put up. Interested?? Click here!

8/23 Yet another update this same day.. I've added a brand new link to the Justin's Banner Link page. I'm sure lotz of hard work has gone into it. You can search for it on the Banner Linx page by clicking here or you can visit the page itself by clicking here

8/23 Sorry guys about the lack of updates! I've been at the beach, and haven't had much time.. Not to mention, school starts next week. For now, you can check out the new section of pix I've obtained from! These are behind-the-scenes pix of 'nsync during their new photo shoot for, "No Strings Attached." These pix can be viewed through the Miscellaneous Gallery section of pix, or you may click here

8/18 New pix from Seventeen's "Teen Choice Awards!" Click here!

8/17 Did any of you guys see MMC last night?? The one with Mindy??(The girl who shared Justin's first kiss) She was the girl in the beginning who was running after the spinning wheel as it spinned with the rest of the members on it. (The young blonde) She must've looked like she was 7 or 8 years old! Anywayz...A new section made especially for all you webmasters out there! Itz a place where you can pick up some "Animations" for your site. Ready? Click here!

8/16 You guys wanted to see the re-runs of MMC right? Well you've got it! Disney has decided to play re-runs all week long. Intersted in show times? Click here.

8/16 Added a pic to the "funny pix" section, within the "Miscellaneous Pix Gallery"... No offense to Lance or anything, but... this pic was found in that "entertainmenteen" magazine, of the guys in their space suitz, but Lance at the end happened to be losing his pants.. Click here.

8/13 New Justin Pix Page.....(page 7) Click here

8/10 Ok, the world premiere of "Music Of My Heart" premiered today. I hoped you guys enjoyed that. Don't forget to vote for it tommorow!.....I added some pix in the 4th pic page of "Group Pix" (Group Pix Page 4!) lol! Anywayz, the site is slowing down in updates cuz school is coming up, and I have done barely any of my summer work...and I have all these essays and books to read, that I haven't even started! *LOL* I'm sorry. Just thought I'd get you informed, and so you guys don't start e-mailing me complaining why it isn't being so frequently updated.

8/8 News about "Puzzles In Motion"-'nsync on CD-Rom. Also, more news about the release of 'nsync's new video "Music of My Heart." Not only that, but more news on the date, of the video's world premiere! Click here

8/7 You now have the chance to listen to a clip of "Music Of My Heart," and also view a clip of the video! Just click here!

8/6 Fixed my sound page! 2 new sounds up...More dates to remember to watch 'nsync on your television this month.

8/5 More Concert Reviews..

8/4 Dang it! Yes, I know. The sounds page does not work. I deleted the wrong page. I thought I was deleting the old Sounds page, but it turns out, I just wasn't. All my work, down the drain. Yea, u can go ahead and tell me how stupid I am now. Grrr! It should be up...soon..

8/4 I added 2 new sound-clips...Added more pix to, "Video Gallery: I Drive Myself Crazy" and got it all organized, and formatted a litte differently...Same with the Teen People pix found in the "Group Gallery" section.

8/3 Alright guys, get ready to mark your calender's..(Just Kidding), 12 BRAND-NEW dates have just been added to "Upcoming Appearences"(aka TV & Net Guide). New pictures are starting to be added to Justin Pix 6. Apart from that, I put up this really GOOD pic of Justin at what I think was the American Music Awards...The one where he showed up in his Baby Blue suit. Anwayz, itz in the autograph section, and guess what! Itz signed in gold ink! (and no, I did not obtain this actual autograph from him.*lol*)

8/2-Just finished updating the News section. Interested? Click here
for more info on the subject of the the guys meeting Clinton & Chelsea, the release of their upcoming album, and more on the Charity Basketball Game taking place in Atlanta, Georgia, August 25th.

8/1-Alright, I finished putting up all the linx. These are just regular linx, they aren't banner linx or anything, so u won't find any new ones. Alright, there is now a total of 84 linx on this page. 59, are 'NSYNC linx, 23, are Justin linx, and 3 are JC linx. If you have a link that you would like to see on here. Just gimme a buzz, at

7/31-Ok, I'm gettin rid of AOL, so obviously, I'm trying to get all my linx on here... I've put some up. I've got like 175, but I sent them all to my hotmail address, so I can remember. So I'll be sure to putt them up like tommorow or somethin.

7/29-Letz see, added some more Justin pix in the 6th section, (justin pix 6), and I added another page, Group Pix 4, with more recent pix. Click here
to visit the pix page!

7/28-News section, has just been updated peepz! I'm gonna try to start putting in more sounds, but right now I'm just stupid! 'NSYNC is performing in 15 minutes in my town, and I don't have the tickets, and I'm talking online! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. *hehe* Alright, tell me how much that sux?

7/27-Ok, itz gonna be tommorow, that I won't be able to update. I updated the "news" today, you guys must read it! ahhhhh!! (hint: we can't let bsb take over the spot for most consecutive days!)

7/26-Sorry guyz, 'bout the lack of the updates.. but, schools comin up like next month, and we got like summer reading junk with all these reportz, and I'm still on my first book, cuz I didn't start till like 2 weeks ago. Anywayz, I have been trying to update, I haven't really written it down on this page though. I'm starting to add graphics that I'm having fun with. I know I should've left it last, but I can't help myself. *lol* Today, I will be reformatting some pages. Tommorow, I will not be able to update because my dad wantz my comp. to have more disk space available, therefore he's gonna have some computer technicians look at it, at work. See ya, soon!

7/24-Updated Group Pix 3

7/21-Added more sounds! Some require Real Player G2, and are pretty long! One of em is 18 minutes! Click here

7/20-Things are beginning to speed up. I've updated the "News" section...with 4 really juicy pieces 'o news! (*lol*)I added some more dates where you can catch the guys on your television. There are plenty of them!

7/18-The internet is still bein really slow. I guess itz cuz itz the weekend. Things will be up and running more during the week, becuz ya know, parentz are working, and peeps are at camp or the pool. Today I made, "Group Pix 3" & "Justin Pix 6." There are only 2 pix in both those pages, but I'll be adding more.

7/17-Grrrr!!! This makes me so angry! The internet has been soo slow these past few days! It takes 5 minutes for the simplest page to load, which makes it even harder to keep up with this! Itz taken me like a half hour just to put up one pix page with only 3 pix! Which is pathetic...and not to mention, annoying. Anywayz, I've managed to get one pic page up, which are the pix from the Disney Summer Jam Concert.

7/16-I put up more Concert Reviews. Sorry I'm a little slow on that, but it takes a while. Once again, thanx to all of you guys who took your time to type them up!

7/15-I've just put up some Concert Reviews today! Thanx to all who took the time to write them! Your work is appreciated. :) Click Here!

7/13-Hey again, I added some more sound files. Some of em are pretty cute. Anywayz, if anyone is interested in typing up their concert experience/encounter, I'd be glad to post it up.

7/13-Yeah, good mornin to u too! I made a new section, yes! Sounds.. Finally, you say! I've got one sound up. It was in a file. Check it out, itz a sound clip with JC's collaboration with Blaque. Click Here

7/12-I majorly updaded the news section!! 7 NEW pieces of news!!

7/12-Ok, guyz, I'm so tired now. I finally finished putting up the pix and itz 2:13 AM. Dang!! & I realllly want to go to sleep now. So I'm just gonna write all the stuff quickly down thatz new on the pix pages..~Justin's Baby Pix~ has now been added to the Gallery. Click here to take a further look. Now moving right along. The numbers in the parantheses indicate how many pix have been added to the page. Here are the new pix that have been added to pages:Autographed Pix Section (1), "For The Girl...."~video section(1), Concert Pix Page 1 (5), Concert Pix Page 2(3), Justin Pix 1-(1), Justin Pix 3-(1), Justin Pix Page 4 (2), Justin Pix Page 5(4), Funny Pix (2), Group Pix Page 1-(3), Group Pix Page 2 (5), I Drive Myself Crazy(1-of group 'n director)~video section, Baby Pix of Justin-(7). Please note that some of these pix will be moving to different sections, such as Television Appearences if further pix are added to the topic.

7/11-Letz see, I won an award on the 9th. I'll be putting up the new pix today. Hopefully.

7/10-Within the past day that I haven't written anything here, I have been uploading like crazy. I've uploaded 35 pix total. I will tell you which sections they are tommorow or something, but for now, Later Dayz. :)

7/8-Added 2 new pix to "Group Pix 2."

7/7-I created seperate "Galleries" today within the Picture section. This way, you just click on a gallery, and all of the pictures from the subject of the gallery appear. I know when you look at it, it looks like it doesn't take long to create, but hey, it took me 2 hours!

7/6- Guess what guyz?! You are now eligble to win awards!! Click H-E-R-E
...Do you guys like how I arranged all of my linx to all my other pages?? I think itz kinda easier now, cuz you don't have to scroll all the way down the page as much.. Tell me what you think!

7/5-As I said before, I am creating all picture pages from their appearences cuz thatz what I wanna get over with. (hahaha, plus I like lookin' at the pix) Anywayz, I created another pix section from their appearence at the Billboard Music Awards. There was some shocking footage. *lol* Don't worry, it was all planned before-hand.

7/4-Happy 4th of July!! Go have fun, go see some fireworks! Just here to say that I created a new section of pix from 'nsyncs appeareance on TGIF. Go check it out. I'll soon be putting linx to the things that I update on this page, so stay "tuned."

7/3-I put in a couple more pix in the "rock 'n jock" section of the pix page. Also added in "Loveline" pix. Not like u really care about this tiny little details but...I added 2 new pix to the "Justin Pix 5," and a new pic on "Group Pix 1."

6/30-I kinda updated the "n-concert section"(page 1), and Justin pix (page 5)

6/29-I'm still adding in all these new pix pages from all their recent appearences...So for the next couple of days, thatz what I'll probably be workin on. Well, today, I put up pix from their appearences on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno. (April 12th, 1999) I also added pix from their "Rock N Jock" b-ball game on MTV, in 1998.

6/28-I made another pix page called, "Justin Pix Page 5." I also added some more pix to "n-concert page 2." Not only did I add new pix, but I also added an interesting fact in the "News" section of this site.

6/27-I am finally done updating all the "n-concert" pix pages. Page 2 is the most recent one, which I created today. I updated both those pages today..Guess what! Itz unbelievable! They are CLEAR!! :)

6/26-I've updated the "News" portion of this website. I have also updated the "Concert Schedule" section. There are some new dates from September, until December. The "Upcoming Appearences & on the Net" section has also been updated! I added some new chat dates.

6/25-Hey, sorry there.. I have updated this page within these 7 days! I just haven't really come to write more in this "updates" section. Annyllwayz, I have been doin stuff. I've been re-uploading the pictures again cuz all the pics that can be viewed on AOL & Internet Explorer, etc.. well, sum are bein viewed as "broken" pix on Netscape.. So, I'm tryin to get them to work again. Sorry 'bout that!! Don't worry, I'm adding in new pix sections (u all seem to like the pix so much)Coming Soon: Rock 'N Jock Basketball Pix, Loveline Pix, more Concert pix(I have lotz uploaded, just gotta put them up), Leno Pix,.. ya know..etc. Also comin soon: Sounds, and Multimedia. Buh-byes, for nowzz!

6/18-I updated the, "Appearences & On the Net" section, today. I added some new dates, that many of you might not have seen/or heard of yet. The news section has also been updated with news about Lance and Chris's new independent projects.

6/17-Yo! School's out!! (awww. I miss everybuddy so much)C'est tres mal. N-e-wayz, today I totally re-did the linx section. Everything was scattered all over the place before. So today, I created a linx section for JC, Justin, and *nsync. (Sorry, for those of you who are Lance, Joey, or Chris luvers. There aren't very many sites of them. If you have a site of one of them, I'll be glad to put it up though!) Ok.. as I was sayin before. When you go to the Linx section, there are seperate sections and u click on the person who u'd like to see linx on.. and then when u get to the next page, you have a choice of seein the banner linx or just the regular linx.. Personally, I think itz so much easier this way. You don't have to wait for everything to load from every different section just on one page. What are you waiting for?! Go check it out!

6/13-Hey peeps! Ok, yeah, I've added some more pix. (Like always) Today, I added JC's little letter to everyone on the internet, in the autograph section of the picture page. I also added some more pix in the Concert Pix section. Not only that, but I added another pic in the "funny" section, and updated Justin Pix Page 4. I've also updated Group Pix page 2...I added another section to the Picture Page, called, "Macy's Performance," & also "Pix from 3/19 Concert (Washington, DC-MCI Center) (One more day of official school, then our 8th grade is off to Kings Dominion!!)

6/10-Ok, hey, I'm done with all my testing and exams and junk... So now itz being updated regularly! Today I put up to more pix in the MMC section. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to tell which new ones I've put up considering this one hasn't been seen much around the web.

6/8- This page hasn't been updated in so long... but..exams are over with June 9th. (YES!!! Thatz tommorow!) WhoOoooOoOoOo! Gonna have myself a little parrrr-tay. (*lol*) Anywayz, I decided to do something to this page today.. So, here is what has been updated: 1) Put some new pictures in the Concert Pic section... 2)I replaced a couple pix.. not like u really need to know... but then again, this is the Updates section.

5/30- Today, I added yet another new pictures section. (yeah, another)The Mickey Mouse Club, photo Gallery.

5/29- Today I added another new picture section. I added the Video Picture Gallery to my "Ultimate Pix Page." Go check it out, there are sum really good pix there.

5/28- Ok, there have been many updates goin on for a while, but I haven't exactly written them all down. I just started this updates page today.. Today's updates include new picture sections: Funny Pix, & 'nsync-n-concert. Click on "pictures" (on the main page) to look at the new pix updates.

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