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April 19th, 1999: Oakland, CA, USA Coliseum

"Something that I will never forget!"

      " OK well the concert was April 19th 1999 and it was at the Oakland Coliseum. The two opening acts were Blaque and Tatyana Ali. They were both great! Everytime it would get dark my best friend Steph and I would scream so load! It was funny because we got the tickets like a week b4 the concert! A friend that got better seats sold them to us for $60. I know I know what a ripe-off but it was to an *N SYNC concert and we were glad to pay for them. Well, to get back to the concert. . Finally when *N SYNC came on they had their cool little glow-in-the-dark monster and it was so cool! I loved it. My friend and I were trying to figure out who was who in the outfits but we couldn't since we were so far back there. Near the middle of the concert they did the 60's 70's and 80's thing. I loved them in the red suits!!!!( That thing about you, I think was the song I was just so caught up in how fine Justin looked! ) Of course my friend loves JC and she just wouldn't shut-up about how fine he looked. I have to admit he did look pretty fine. . but not as fine as Justin!! Well, when they did "For The Girl Who Has Everything" they had these girls go up onstage and I was like ewww whatever! I was soooo jealous that they got to go up there and I didn't but hey I survived! See they forgot that I was there so that just had to pick someone else!! Well, during sailing is was so cool I loved how they just flew! Liked because it got us closer to them since we were pretty far back there! Well, anyway I just loved the concert! I can't wait for another one!!! Well, that is my experience of an *N SYNC concert and it was definitely something that I will never forget!"


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