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April 25th, 1999: Spokane, WA, USA Arena

"So if you aren't dancing and I see ya, I'm gonna personally take you off the floor myself!"

      "Okay so it was four months ago but I still remember everything! Well my mom was in a play called ,"Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And LivingIn Paris" and it was April 25th , the night of the concert! Well we had towait for my mom's friends daughters to come over (they are real cool!) so mysister and I were stoked the whole time! The play started at 2:00p.m so we left my house at 12:30! Well we had just gotten off the freeway and we werecrossing the opera house and I happened to look out the window and I saw.......... *N SYNC'S TOUR BUS! It was sooooooo cool! because I saw someonewalking around without a shirt on inside! My friends and I started screamingand my mom was like, "what,what happened!" and then we calmed down and told her then I was the only one who broke down crying! They all laughed at me! It was so cool! Then when we got to the theatre (which is right across thestreet from the arena!) We ran outside to the arena and we got stopped andyelled at for screaming but it was worth it! Then the play started and we all kept running over! But one thing that was cool was two buses drove by and everyone started chasing them! It was funny! But the concert was cool! But you know what, i was on the list to meet them but my mom wouldn't let me check my e-mail when I asked her and the lady had sent me an e-mail teling me I could go backstage before the concert! I’ll tell you, I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad

      Well here's what happened at the concert okay! We were standing right in front of the doors so we could get in before it got closer! We got in like i think we were the 4th people to get in! So it started getting crowded and we couldn't find our seats so my mom was like okay just look for 103 okay! So we found section 103 and we had to look for row D! So we walked down until we found row d (it's 4 rows from the floor!) So we were like okay, "who gets which seat" so we were debating and I go ,"I get seat 18!(because justin is18 ). Well my friends and my sister and I kept looking at the clock and then finally it flashed 7:30 like 5 times and then it went off and the lights dimed! Tatyana Ali came on to open for them ! She put on the greatest show! I mean it was so cool she made a video out of it! Her song and video "Everytime" well the video was at the concert at Spokane Wa! It was so cool! Cuz it shows the audience at one part and there's a flash in one part somewhere around 103 and at that part i took a picture of it! It was cool! Then nsync came on! I'll tell you, my mom was like, "okay i'll just take out my romance book and start reading." It was funny though, she never touched her book the whole time! She was up dancing and singing to every song, except "You Drive Me Crazy."

      Okay so we were walking out of the arena and my ears were ringing so bad! I was like, "now i know what chris was talking about," and they all laughed at me! Well we were driving and singing "U Drive Me Crazy" (not "I Drive Myself Crazy!") Then we were at the hotel and the line was sooo long we only had to wait five minutes though! Well we waited and danced and finally after "CAN I GET A" by Jay-Z, we heard the door open and we were the first people to start screaming! Then we started dancing and after they were all talking to the people, the real party began! Justin walks up to the mic and goes, "Okay y'all some of y'all aren't dancin so if you aren't dancing and I see ya, I'm gonna personally take you off the floor myself!"So immediately I stopped dancing, but my plan didn't work, LOL! Well then Chris started saying some stuff and my cousin goes,"I dare you to yell something to chris!" and I go, "fine" so i stepped higher on the chair and stretched my vocals and yelled,"Chris, Chris, my sister KIRISHA is totally in love with you" and he goes,"COOL!" and then he smiled! I was on cloud nine for a long time! Then my sista said that JC was talking and she was standing right underneath him yelling his name and then he winked with his left eye at her! The thing is! justin waved at the concert when he was flying! Well see y'all lata!"

-Kiranda Marshall

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