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May 8th, 1999: Milawaukee, WI, Bradley Center

"....and he said,'Well you three girls have 3 Meet N Greet passes waiten at the Box Office for you..'"

      "Ok , I am like so in love with them and I swear I was like one of the first to like them I PROMISE, it all started when I hearrd a song on the radio and I was ,like who are these guys so at first I thought they were Backstreet Boys, but at the end of the song it said "that was the new group called NSYNC" I was like "nsync" ok, so like the next day at school I asked my friends if they heard of nsync and they were like whats Nsync, and I was like oh my gosh they are soooo good and OH SO FINE. Well finally I told my best friend and I was like Jackie' I know you are gonna liike them, or I will get you to like them. And she was like NOO I wont, I was ok, sure.

      Well of course, like a week later she was going head over heals for them as much as I was. So there we were both in love. Her favorite one is Justin and mine is JC. Well like awhile later we diecided that we wanted to go to a concert. So we were like searchin around, well I told my boyfriends mom that I was so in love with Nsync and she liked them too, so like 3 weeks before Christmas I was at work and my manager said I had a visitor, well it was my boyfriends mom and she held rite in front of my face 2 tickets for nsync. I STARED GOIN NUTZ!!!! Well the concert wasnt till May 8th so we had 5½ months to get ready. Well we waited very intensely.

      FInally it was the weekend and we were on our way to the concert, we were stayin the nite for 2 days in the hotel. It was in Wisconsin, we finally got there and the clerk lady said there was a 99.9% chance NSYNC was stayin at our hotel so we stayed up allll nite. Now that was the nite before the concert. Well we never saw them.

      So the next morning we woke up at about 11-noon, and we got ready to eat breakfestt. We went to the resturant that was at our hotel. Well our waiter came up and My friend Jackie and I asked him if he saw nsync here. And he was like well at like 6am they ate at the snack shack rite over there. WE WERE SOOOO MAD THAT WE MISSED THEM< casue we just barley just went to bed. SO we asked him like who was all stain in our hotel , he was like Genuine, and Tatiana ALi, I was like wow, and then my boyfrinds mom, she is the one who drove us said at the table why dont u call Bobby which was my boyfriend and tell him who is stayin in our hotel I was like ok. So I walked over to the payphones which were located like alittle away from our table. Well this is when everything happened.

      As I went to use the phone I saw sitten on the couch rite by them 2 Big Black<~~i aint prejiduce. Well I saw the 2 dudes and I started think oh my gosh what if them two were Nsync's bodyguards. Well as I was callin I kept looking behind me just peepin them out. Well the first time the phoone was bussy so I stood by the phone and I had the erge to talk to talk to them sooo...I went up to them and asked if they were bodyguards for ANYONE, and they were like who do u want us to be bodyguards for and I waas being smart so I said "Genuwine" I said that so they wouldnt think I would go nutz if they said they were there for nsync. Then the s dudes said" Dont lie" then I said why do u think I am lying'" then I loked at there necks and around them they both had a thing that said ALL ACCESS NSYNC. I WAS LIKE OH MY GOOOSSSHHHH!! SO i said ok I am here for nsync. So then I was like why dont u hook me up with 3 back stage passes and they said well how old r u and I said I am 17' and he said well what are you gonna give us if we give u the passes, I said what do u want, and he said, well what we want is Jail Bait" and I was like sorry I cant do that, which they were referring to sumthin sexual. So they said well sorry I guess u cant go I was like come on!! Then we chatted awhile longer and finally I had to go so I said PLEASE CALL OUR ROOM,and try to work sumthin out where you can hook us up with sum passes. And the dudes said whats the room number so I gave it to them.

      So after we ate we went to our room, we had like 7 hours till our concert. Well finally we got a call and it was them and to make everything short they were being very rude and perverted when they called and so finally we hung up and they called back and said we were just messing around with that phone call just beofore, and we need the person of the age of 21 or older so we gave him Lisas name, which is my boyfriends mom and he said well u three girls have 3 Meet N Greet passes waiten at the Box Office for you. I STARED SCREAMMMIN AND SHOUTIN and everything. HE said we had to be there at like 4:30pm so we were like ok.Well that was only on hour away so wwe got ready for the concert and when we were done gettin ready we left. We weere goin CRAZY!!!!

      We finally got to the box office and we gave the teller lady our last name and there she went and GRABBED Our Meet~N~Greet Passes. Then we were yellin again. sO finally the time came. We went back to the room ehre NSYNC WOULD BE, and finally we were all seated there were about 50-70 people back there all togethere. Well as we were sitting out of no where THERE COMES OUT JOEY...with red hair. I was so startled....finally I realized it was one of my men....I went camera crazy I took so many pics, themn awhil later Justin and Lance came out. OOOOH MAN by then I hypervenalated like 2 times It was SO AWESOME.. THen my main man came... JC..and chris, I was movin my fingures sooo fast on my camera!! JC LOOKED SOOO goood!! Well tehy were all talkin to us and the crowd and finalluy was the time to go shake there hands and get autographs. SSo I went up there when it was my turn and OH man, I waas so unorganized I probably made a big fool of myself but I made it and got allll there signitures asnd shook all there hand, except Justins.. I was sooooo mad but he ws the first one in line so I was still goin crazzy.

      Well then after that was the concert and it was awesome!!!"


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